View Full Version : Exhaust Leak

06-16-2005, 03:22 AM
Hi , hoping someone can help me .I have a CBR 600 F Sport 03 , the bike has been passing some water through the exhaust which is not the original (Blue Flame) .I was told to replace the spark plugs which i have and now there is a lager amount of water coming from the exhaust then before , i was told initially that it cud be condensation but i cant believe that due to the amount coming from the exhaust , possibly the new spark plugs maybe slotted incorrectly - any ideas wud be very much appreciated , thanks .

Kirk Feldkamp
06-16-2005, 06:59 AM
Hydrocarbon + O2 ---> H2O + CO2 + some other stuff depending on about 100 things.


06-16-2005, 08:58 PM
when is the water coming from the exhaust? If it is only during warm up it is probably from the fuel burning and condensation. However, it could be from the cooling system so check to make sure that you coolant level isn't changing.