View Full Version : UARC07 on the ground
Brett Neale
09-11-2007, 04:34 AM
Hey all! We here at UARC got the car off the table and on the ground for the first time this year. Springs won't be here until Thursday (so it's on a couple blocks) but it gives us a great idea of just how different our car is this year compared to UARC06. We still have a little work to do, but all things going well, we should be on the track next Tuesday!
EDIT - sorry dudes... pics removed.
Brett Neale
09-11-2007, 04:34 AM
Hey all! We here at UARC got the car off the table and on the ground for the first time this year. Springs won't be here until Thursday (so it's on a couple blocks) but it gives us a great idea of just how different our car is this year compared to UARC06. We still have a little work to do, but all things going well, we should be on the track next Tuesday!
EDIT - sorry dudes... pics removed.
Big Bird
09-12-2007, 12:16 AM
Congrats gents, it's looking really good. You're looking well on the path to having a really well sorted car for December.
Make sure you hang around for a couple of days after the event - we'll probably be having a bit of a get-together at RMIT the following Tuesday
Cheers all,
Brett Neale
09-13-2007, 03:24 AM
Thanks Geoff! All we really need now is springs, rear brakes and an accel/clutch/shifter cable and we'll be ready to roll next Tuesday. We'll have to see what we're up to after the event and have another get-together with you guys!
09-13-2007, 02:45 PM
Lookin nice bud....
How about some shots of the drive axle set up.
09-14-2007, 06:50 AM
Lookin nice Andrew,
I the bulkhead ya got goin there .Nice piece
09-14-2007, 10:31 AM
Looking good. I wish we were that far along. What fan are you using?
hazarding a guess (as im not on the team) i would say its a davies craig model... maybe DCL10?
Brett Neale
09-14-2007, 08:47 PM
Thanks for the comments guys!
Yeah it's a Davies Craid DCSLX10. We'll be making a shroud on the back face to help it suck a bit harder, but other than that they've worked pretty well for us in the past.
Christopher Catto
09-15-2007, 04:57 AM
nice frame.
i like the installation of the rear rockers and dampers.
billet rear bulkhead is also nice. i would always go for this choice if the wheelbase allows. very tidy design.
is this going to be widespread in future FSAE teams or do some still prefer the good-ol diffcage?
nice inlet too? rapid prototype? what matl is it out of and how long did it take to make? add some blurb, would be interesting to hear about it.
Cheers. good luck with the car
Brett Neale
09-15-2007, 05:47 AM
Thanks for the comments Chris. The intake is rapid-prototyped. SLS Nylon, got it done by Arrk here in Adelaide (they've been helping us out with the intake for 5 or so years now, been a great help to us - Not sure how long it took, but they slotted it in when they had time free and we had it in a couple weeks I think.
On that note, we've had to take down the pics... Our website will be back up soon so be sure to check out how testing is going a bit later.
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