View Full Version : MSC Adams Query

01-08-2012, 02:09 AM
I am designing the suspension for my team this year and using adams for the same. I've notied inconsistencies in its results for parallel wheel travel and roll and vertical force analysis. It doesn't seem to calculate the wheel disp from absolute 0 but instead from a predefined value. My question is how to recognize that value? and which result to refer for the wheel travel(wheel travel or wheeenv_output)?

01-08-2012, 02:09 AM
I am designing the suspension for my team this year and using adams for the same. I've notied inconsistencies in its results for parallel wheel travel and roll and vertical force analysis. It doesn't seem to calculate the wheel disp from absolute 0 but instead from a predefined value. My question is how to recognize that value? and which result to refer for the wheel travel(wheel travel or wheeenv_output)?

01-16-2012, 01:48 PM
Despite sounding generally useful to anyone (not saying it isn't, per se), Roll and Vertical Force is a traditional type of analysis that experienced vehicle dynamicists will be familiar with. I.e. if you are not familiar with it outside of Adams, it's may not be the analysis you're looking for.

Here is what is does:
System has a total load.
System has a certain roll angle (actually a series of them)
Solve that.

The best/closest thing to 0 wheel travel is not based on your design position, but instead, varies based on what load you specify and is equal to 0 when roll is also 0. Stated differently, it is not an arbitrary number but based on a quasi-static solution that takes into account the suspension set-up parameters.

Parallel (and opposite) wheel travel are a different type of simulation where wheel displacement can be explicitly specified.

Does that clear it up?