View Full Version : Honeycomb for impact structure
David Petrillo
11-13-2005, 02:25 PM
Lehigh University FSAE is thinking about purchasing a full sheet of aluminum honeycomb of the specifications needed to meet energy absorption requirements for the 2006 impact attenuator. The sheet will be cut it up into sections of roughly 33 square inches by 8 inches thick weighing less than a pound. They will be pre-crushed from the manufacturer to avoid the initial force spike. This is the most weight efficient and convenient way to meet the new rules, however it is also expensive since honeycomb of this size can only be purchased in full sheets. We will be offering the rest of our sheet in ready to mount blocks to other FSAE teams for under $100. If your team is interested please send me an email with your questions and the number you might be interested in.
David Petrillo
David Petrillo
11-13-2005, 02:25 PM
Lehigh University FSAE is thinking about purchasing a full sheet of aluminum honeycomb of the specifications needed to meet energy absorption requirements for the 2006 impact attenuator. The sheet will be cut it up into sections of roughly 33 square inches by 8 inches thick weighing less than a pound. They will be pre-crushed from the manufacturer to avoid the initial force spike. This is the most weight efficient and convenient way to meet the new rules, however it is also expensive since honeycomb of this size can only be purchased in full sheets. We will be offering the rest of our sheet in ready to mount blocks to other FSAE teams for under $100. If your team is interested please send me an email with your questions and the number you might be interested in.
David Petrillo
11-20-2005, 11:42 AM
We would be interested in buying a block, especially for under $100. the only question i have is where do you get the info or calculations about this material meeting the rules. also would this be a solid block or are these 1" tall sheet that we have to stack up.
David Petrillo
12-08-2005, 09:39 AM
Sorry for not getting back sooner. Alcore still has not given me the final quote on the piece of honey comb i am looking at buying. Right now i am looking at a full sheet 4'x8' of 4.3# 1/4 .0020 N 5056 DURA-CORE ( 300psi crush strength) 7.5" thick. My calculations show that 44 square inches with a quarter inch pre-crush and 70% curability would meet the 20g rules. Before we buy this sheet however, I am going to send in impact structure form to SAE to make sure it passes rules. But, since this form has not been posted yet we have to wait. So far I have heard from 6 schools, I was counting on a few more to keep the price of the sections down but if you guys want I can just sell it in larger chunks. If anyone else is interested in a piece let me know, we will probably have a lot to spare. For now I am waiting to buy the piece until I can be sure it passes rules, and there will be enough other teams interested in it. Ill make another post as soon as I know more.
Dave Petrillo
if it passes rules we're in !
Let me know
Michael Royce
12-15-2005, 12:26 PM
David P.,
FYI, there is no "Impact Structure Form", and we don't plan to post one, at least not for 2006. So do not wait for one! All that the organizers require is that you send in whatever data you submit as a pdf.
The background is that although some teams have been doing a pretty good job with their Impact Attenuator, a few have made only a token effort. The Rules Committee wanted all teams to take it a little more seriously, hence the new Rule Now, we realize that some teams may have access to an impact sled with high speed photography while others have absolutely nothing. Therefore, teams have been given the option of submitting calculations and/or test data. No specific format has been laid out, other than as I mentioned, that it must be submitted as a pdf.
How this rule will evolve in the future depends a lot on what you guys submit.
12-16-2005, 08:31 AM
any more word on cost on this stuff?
David Petrillo
12-16-2005, 03:36 PM
Thanks for the clarification Michael, I'll send in my calculations asap. So far I can't say how much the honeycomb will cost because "orders" are still coming in. I do know that the more people the cheaper it will be, we're trying to keep it affordable for a piece just big enough to pass rules. The bad news is that it has been slow going with Alcore, and I'm afraid that once the order has been placed it could be as much as 8 weeks, hopefully not though. I will sent that forum in and then hopefully place the order. Thanks everyone, I'll keep you posted.
David Petrillo
01-13-2006, 09:34 AM
Hello again. Unfortunately I have some bad news, I just got the official quote from alcore a few days ago, $2620 for one sheet. Right now our team doesn't have enough money to front this operation. If anyone else is interested in ordering this piece, the quote is good for a month and you could probably get some free honey comb out of the deal or even make some money in the future. Again, my apologies to everyone for not coming through, I hope maybe some other more financially secure team can make this happen. Contact me if you would like any more information.
01-13-2006, 04:15 PM
We might be interested buying the sheet in the next week or two. Is there an offial count of how many teams would like to buy some and how many sections total? Do you have any idea what the shipping cost be like for something that size?
Cal Poly Pomona
Nick Anderson
01-13-2006, 06:28 PM
Probably in the range of $100-$150. 104" inches total, qualifies as OS2 in FedEX and UPS. Might be cheaper to get truck freight, or find a local place within LA. Composites One comes to mind..
Nick Anderson
01-14-2006, 01:02 PM
we are still willing to by a chunk for our attenuator looking for price between 100-150 hopefully.
01-14-2006, 04:26 PM
We would too but I dont want to buy a precut section. I would like to tell you what size I want and get it priced accordingly. You kinda are sinking yourself in a hole if you get it and just cut it all up. Cut to peoples needs and price it on the frontal square area.
David Petrillo
01-16-2006, 11:55 AM
I have the quote in a pdf from alcore for anyone interested, just send me an email. i think they take care of shipping the whole block and i think the price is included. good luck and let me know if you guys are still thinking about buying it.
Jose Robledo
01-16-2006, 11:56 AM
Hi everyone and best of luck to all in their respective competitions!! Our team is also interested in buyin a piece of that honeycomb for our attenuator as soon as is possible for you guys to get it. There is no way for us to get any doun here. Just let me know when you have it and the size and weight and we'll pay to get it over here!!! Thank's, any info at nhelio69@yahoo.con
still interested
01-24-2006, 12:04 PM
Hey guys, it looks like another team purchased some AL honeycomb before us. However it is not the exactly the same stuff they have a 3000 series AL (not precrushed) with a lower crush strength than the stuff from Alcore (5056 series). So a larger chunk will be required to absorb the same amount of energy. We contacted the team who is selling it and have not heard back. If we do not hear from them shortly we will place an order on Friday.
Dustin Torkay
Cal Poly FSAE
Rob B
01-24-2006, 07:26 PM
It's Rob at U of I, I sent an email to Robert Godlasky about the honeycomb two days ago. Check with him.
I usually wouldn't say anything, it's just that I don't want to be considered "that guy" that doesn't respond to emails
01-24-2006, 07:43 PM
Ok. I'll have Robert contact you again about placing an order.
01-30-2006, 03:50 PM
Are any teams still considering ordering this? If so I would be very interseted in buying some.
David M
02-14-2006, 08:58 AM
I was just wondering if anyone had ordered this. I was planning on purchasing some of the stuff from U of I but I don't know if I can fit enough in the nose. This would be better since it requires a smaller frontal area. If someone has purchased this and would like to sell, email me at
Joel VanderMarel
02-14-2006, 05:04 PM
here at western ontario we'd also be interested. if someone bought this/is thinking about purchasing it please email me at
UWO chassis team manager
02-17-2006, 09:41 PM
Sorry guys, but we will not be purchasing it.
Joel VanderMarel
02-18-2006, 08:13 PM
is any other school still considering purchasing this or something similar? we don't have the capital to buy a full sheet ourselves.
UWO chassis team manager
Cement Legs
03-02-2006, 11:09 AM
It doesnt sound like a bad price. Does anyone know of a link or a photo or a similar setup. I'm trying to visualize what you are describing.
03-09-2006, 10:48 AM
I may be interested in purchasing a piece of honeycomb for an impact attenuator. Does anyone have some available and if so what is your price. I would be interested in viewing any data you may be able to send me on this product.
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