Drew Price
06-21-2007, 01:03 AM
A family friend's husband passed away a few years ago, and left behind some mid to late model cruiser bike stuff, and I have been commissioned to sell some of it off. If anyone is into the street scene for some classic stuff I can send some pics and some part/serial numbers, but I am not exactly sure what I have yet, but there is at least:
S&S 82 in^3 twin, either a warranty replacement, or rebuild at some point, I believe oil pump went out.
Intake manifold
5 speed belt pully driven trans
Harley swingarm
New fork - still in plastic
Front and rear machined Al wheels, no flange on front
2 Indian side covers
Front and rear belt pulleys
Let me know. Will go to cycle guys local, or eBay in the coming week if I don't hear anything.
S&S 82 in^3 twin, either a warranty replacement, or rebuild at some point, I believe oil pump went out.
Intake manifold
5 speed belt pully driven trans
Harley swingarm
New fork - still in plastic
Front and rear machined Al wheels, no flange on front
2 Indian side covers
Front and rear belt pulleys
Let me know. Will go to cycle guys local, or eBay in the coming week if I don't hear anything.