View Full Version : Need help with coding team webpage

Anvit Garg
09-30-2008, 01:03 PM
Hey guys:

We are still in the process of negotiating a new team at my school. We have a couple potential sponsors, and we really need a website established for us to seem more legitimate.

As many engineers, I am artistically retarded (no offense to those who arent), and here is the best template I could photoshop: http://uhfsae.tripod.com/

I am getting a school webspace account once the page is coded, but I dont know how to do that!

Is there someone who can help or point me the right direction?

I believe you have to use CSS to code the template so I can have the main white are for inserting content (HTML), as well as the 3 boxes on the right.

I have a copy of dreamwever, but I just am not sure how to CSS it.

If anyone could help, I would be very grateful. If you are willing to code it, I will place your name as credit on the site.

Anvit Garg
09-30-2008, 01:03 PM
Hey guys:

We are still in the process of negotiating a new team at my school. We have a couple potential sponsors, and we really need a website established for us to seem more legitimate.

As many engineers, I am artistically retarded (no offense to those who arent), and here is the best template I could photoshop: http://uhfsae.tripod.com/

I am getting a school webspace account once the page is coded, but I dont know how to do that!

Is there someone who can help or point me the right direction?

I believe you have to use CSS to code the template so I can have the main white are for inserting content (HTML), as well as the 3 boxes on the right.

I have a copy of dreamwever, but I just am not sure how to CSS it.

If anyone could help, I would be very grateful. If you are willing to code it, I will place your name as credit on the site.

Superfast Matt McCoy
09-30-2008, 01:33 PM
Your format looks great. You could just post that as one big picture and define the hyperlink areas. That would be really easy, just keep the photoshop file and change the text when necessary. A lot of clubs take this approach, like http://misskittysparlour.com/

Look at the source code, it's only a few lines. Save your time for the car.

Anvit Garg
09-30-2008, 01:39 PM
Thank you for the compliment.

I figured out how to define my menu links when slicing the image in photoshop.

But I think in the long run it would take more time to update the pictures with picture text (if I understood you correctly) than it would be to just have my blank areas defined as html regions. Plus I would be limited to space since you cant scroll.

But you are right, need any time I can spare to be spent on the car. Our goal is 2010.

Our department head keeps trying to kill the team so 2009 wont happen for sure.

09-30-2008, 02:17 PM
This might end up consuming some time, but take a look at content management systems (CMS).

It might be a lot of work, getting your template into the CMS, but once you get going, you only have to write your content like you do in forums. Some even come with proper Word-ish editors.

There are a few free ones available, check sourceforge for that.
http://sourceforge.net/search/?words=cms&sort=group_ran...&pmode=0&form_cat=18 (http://sourceforge.net/search/?words=cms&sort=group_ranking&sortdir=asc&offset=0&type_of_search=soft&pmode=0&form_cat=18)
This URL should give you a starting point.

This place might also proove useful.

Anvit Garg
10-01-2008, 01:28 AM
I think thats exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks, I will look into it