View Full Version : Help with Fluent

05-01-2008, 10:26 PM
I'm hoping someone can provide some input. I have what I thought was a simple Fluent problem. A 15mx10mx10m house in a 100mx150mx75m flow domain. My model will converge in first order down to .0001 convergence. The residual curve starts smooth then gets very unsteady toward the end. In a second order up wind I'm at 1000 iterations and still no convergence, its still very unsteady. The continunity is around 1x10-3 and the xyz and K e are down in the 10-6 range.
Any ideas would be great.


05-01-2008, 10:26 PM
I'm hoping someone can provide some input. I have what I thought was a simple Fluent problem. A 15mx10mx10m house in a 100mx150mx75m flow domain. My model will converge in first order down to .0001 convergence. The residual curve starts smooth then gets very unsteady toward the end. In a second order up wind I'm at 1000 iterations and still no convergence, its still very unsteady. The continunity is around 1x10-3 and the xyz and K e are down in the 10-6 range.
Any ideas would be great.
