11-23-2006, 11:11 AM
El Joe
11-23-2006, 11:45 AM
116 Hp???????????? or 116 Ponny Power, that too much for this kind of car with 20 mm restrictor
11-23-2006, 12:00 PM
yes, 116 hps on flywheel in a "kartec" Dyno (dastek dynometers).
our setup:
honda 600 f4i engine
custom intake manifold @ unimet motorspors
custom turboheader @ unimet motorspors
turbo garret (sponsor).
vacuum oil pump.
coil & inyectors original.
custom wiring @ unimet motorspors
ecu performance electronics
7 psi limit rev 12500
torsen dif.
custom axl @ unimet motorspors
later post more pics on dyno run`s
see ya
was that 116 hp measured? or calculated from the output shaft?
11-23-2006, 06:58 PM
dyno gives a value us approximated in the Flywheel that was of 116 hps. I do not remember to me as it was the value in the wheels. he is dyno inertial, marks dastek.
in the next days i will post dynosheets
Erick Scarpone
11-24-2006, 09:52 AM
Really 116HP on the weels??? was that on the Kartec Dyno??? well I guess we used to have the HP record there, but I find it hard to belive couse at 96HP wich it was the most power we could get the wheels sliperd on the Dynos rolls, and we use the GT15V you guys used the GT12V right??.
Did you used the restrictor??? Publish the Power Curve, you must have a pretty agresive curve between 4500 and 9000rpm to get there
Did you intercooled the system?
Did you put an extra fuel injector?
Hummm is just dosent seem right....are you sure is on the weels??
Erick Scarpone
11-24-2006, 09:55 AM
And you are only unisn 7Psi we used 15 and blow our turbo gaskets with the oil presure,when we got to 96HP, what is the temperature and the oil presure entering the turbo, are you using a valve to control it from going over 5Psi???
Dint you blow up the turbo...
Any case you need to get that power at 7500rpm anything over that just wont do nothing at much torque are you getting??
11-24-2006, 11:35 AM
hola erick como estas, si lo medimos en el dyno de kartec y si tenemos el record en ese dyno de f-sae, el carro se monto con todas las restricciones de la competencia, su restriccion de 20mm, el escape full restringuido (escape orginal de suzuki), utilizamos los inyectores originales con el regulador de gasolina original, nuestra ecu el año pasado fue un performance electronic y entonado tps vs rpm.
la curva quedo full pareja para ser un fsae. el detalle q tuvimos en el dyno es que el tren tracero flextaba un poco y por eso fue q le hicimos una malla por asi decirlo neuva al carro y solucionamos ese inconveniente.
utilizamos intercooler en uno de los laterales del vehiculo, el carro se tira picos de 7-8 psi como a las 7k rpm y luego se queda estable a 6 psi hasta el corte de 12500 q le tenemos por seguridad y porq la cura de potencia a esas rpm cae y no vale la pena girar mas q eso.
con respecto a las libras q comprimimos es lo maximo q da el turbo, el wastegate esta abierto al maximo, nosotros tenemos el turbo garret gt12, creo q podemos subir un poco mas las libras si reducimos restriccion en el escape y tuberias, q las de este año fueron larguisimas como puedes apreciar en las fotos. Si hubiesemos podido subir las libra aseguralo q lo hubiesemos hecho pero hasta ahi dio nuestro setup. se pudo entonar dejando el carro cero nocking, la temperatura de cada escape pareja y full manejable el carro.
con respecto a los sellos del turbo nos paso eso en el carro del 2005 y para el 2006 le colocamos una bomba de vacio entre el turbo y el carter.
respecto a las temperaturas y al torque no tengo esa informacion aqui, ya q esa no fue mi division el año pasado, pero voy a bsucar el dynosheet y lo publico. de todas formas uds tambine tienen contacto con disraeli y pueden preguntarles cualquier cosa acerca de nuestro carro.
q stand alone estan utilizando uds??? con que entonaron(tps, map o ambos)???
en el proyecto se hizo una tesis muy interesante acerca del kit de turbo,y se comprobo que tenemos sobredimensionado todo el sistema para el carro.
cualquier cosa estamos a la disposicion para cualquier cosa que necesiten, creo q las universidades venezolanas debemos apoyarnos mutuamente.
seria interesante si un dia de estos hacemos una reunion entre las universidades aunq sea de caracas para probar los carros y compartir experiencias; y hagamos un feedback entre nosotors para corregir errores y ayudarnos entre si.
Alberto De Santa Anna
J. Vinella
11-24-2006, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Albertodsa:
... y si tenemos el record en ese dyno de f-sae...
Boy I'm glad I took Spanish 4 in HS, because I got most of that.
Is that really the record in FSAE? Or is "ese" in this context equalt to "this"? Where 116hp is the record on just that dyno?
11-24-2006, 03:51 PM
that good that you understood to me. the record we have in that dyno specifically. 116 hps on the flywheel. the next week I publish photos and videos of dyno run
11-24-2006, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Albertodsa:
that good that you understood to me. the record we have in that dyno specifically. 116 hps on the flywheel. the next week I publish photos and videos of dyno run
be good to see those charts and videos
was there any correction to sae standards?
B Hise
11-24-2006, 11:51 PM
hopefully those outboard rod ends in bending can handle all that horsepower.
11-26-2006, 03:32 PM
I like the assymetric rear suspension...Must be to counteract all that torque?
Pat :-)
Scott Wordley
11-26-2006, 07:18 PM
Its not going to take 116hp to shear off all those rod ends in bending... I'm guessing the front end of the car is the same? If your unsure what we're talking about search the forum for the many discussions we've had on this issue. I would see what can be done to remake your pushrodded wishbones with spherical bearings as a bare minimum before you drive to much, or you risk destroying a whole corner.
Are you guys a first year team? Horse power is not everything in this competition.
Also some triangulation, any triangulation, would be a good idea for that diff box. Have a look at some of the other cars out there and see how they do it, put a few members in before you go driving. WIll help a lot.
Joy Pathak
11-26-2006, 08:11 PM
i dunno why everyone is so surprised from that HP rating. yes it is pretty crazy...but no unheard off.
T-graz runs 100bhp without a turbo.. now thats something..
helsinki polytechnic runs something close to that with a turbo.
ok maybe 116 is kinda crazy... .
I wonder how much faster this car wud be... with wings?? Dont u? haha i cant just picture it in my head. -wink wink-
wow.. ur from venezuela... ur kool. that country roks hard.
11-27-2006, 02:18 AM
how about the torque figures?
where are these curves?
El Joe
11-27-2006, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Scott Wordley:
Horse power is not everything in this competition.
Damn right
Chris Allbee
11-27-2006, 11:20 AM
is't be....maybe...DID YOU DRILL THE CHAIN GUARD?!?!?!
11-27-2006, 11:38 AM
I Noticed that too Chris, Could have Sworn there was something like
"Exposed high-speed equipment, such as torque converters, clutches, belt drives and clutch drives, must be fitted with scatter shields in case of failure. Scatter shields for chains or belts must not be made of perforated material."
in the rules somewhere.......But I am not sure. 116 Hp seems high for real number I would say. Well I mean a reliable dyno number not a real number in general :-). Interested to see if the same number comes up at comp.
Erick Scarpone
11-28-2006, 10:58 AM
Alberto seria genial reunirnos y ver nuestras configuraciones, nosotros tnemos actualmente dos distintas, basicamente cambiamos las tuberias de conexion, el header y la posicion y tamano del intercooles, nosotros tenemos dos tesis referente al intercooler y al muffler ambas para uso de turbo y obviamente para maximizar la entrega del sistema de potencia, seria genial un dia reunirnos a comparar, ver como combinar los sistemas y intentar sacar el mayor provecho de ambos carros, en estos momentos nuestro carro esta completamente desarmado y ajustando y modificando casi todo, podriamos despues que esta labor termine, de todos modos escribeles para coordinar una reunoin o una visita o lo que sea para vernos y cuadrar, yo estare en venezuela a mediados de diciembre para las vacaciones, te escribo en ese momento para ver si nos vemos!
Exito men!
Una pregunta en que lugar quedaron en Formula Student no veo por ningun lado la Unimet ni en la competencia 2005 ni la 2006...q paso ahi?
Y este anno no se registraron??
11-29-2006, 11:58 AM
For those who want to know what was said since I am intersted in the number as well. Best I could do.
hola erick como estas, si lo medimos en el dyno de kartec y si tenemos el record en ese dyno de f-sae, el carro se monto con todas las restricciones de la competencia, su restriccion de 20mm, el escape full restringuido (escape orginal de suzuki), utilizamos los inyectores originales con el regulador de gasolina original, nuestra ecu el año pasado fue un performance electronic y entonado tps vs rpm./HI ERIC HOW R U, YES WE MEASURED IT IN THE KARTEC DYNO AND WE DO HAVE THE RECORD OF THAT DYNO OF F-SAE, THE CAR WAS MOUNTED WITH ALL THE RESTRICTIONS OF THE COMPETITION, 20MM RESTRICTION, FULL SCAPE (ORIGINAL SUZUKI SCAPE), WE USED THE ORIGINAL INJECTORS WITH THE ORIGINAL GAS REGULATOR, OUR ECU FROM LAST YEAR WAS AN ELECTRONIC PERFORMANCE AND TONED TPS VS RPM.
la curva quedo full pareja para ser un fsae. el detalle q tuvimos en el dyno es que el tren tracero flextaba un poco y por eso fue q le hicimos una malla por asi decirlo neuva al carro y solucionamos ese inconveniente./THE CURVE WAS FULL PAIRED TO BE A FSAE. THE DETAIL THAT WE HAD IN THE DYNO IS THAT THE REAR TRAIN FLEXED A LITTLE AND THAT'S THE REASON WHY WE MADE A NEW MESH FOR THE CAR AND WE SOLVED THAT INCONVENIENCE.
utilizamos intercooler en uno de los laterales del vehiculo, el carro se tira picos de 7-8 psi como a las 7k rpm y luego se queda estable a 6 psi hasta el corte de 12500 q le tenemos por seguridad y porq la cura de potencia a esas rpm cae y no vale la pena girar mas q eso./WE USED INTERCOOLER IN ONE OF THE VEHICLE'S LATERALS, THE CAR REACHES 7-8 PSI LIKE THE 7K RPM AND THEN IT STAYS STABLE AT 6PSI UP TO THE CUT OFF OF 12500 THAT WE HAVE FOR SECURITY BECAUSE THE POTENCY CURE TO THOSE RPM FALLS AND IT IS NOT WORTH IT TO TURN IT MORE THAN THAT.
con respecto a las libras q comprimimos es lo maximo q da el turbo, el wastegate esta abierto al maximo, nosotros tenemos el turbo garret gt12, creo q podemos subir un poco mas las libras si reducimos restriccion en el escape y tuberias, q las de este año fueron larguisimas como puedes apreciar en las fotos. Si hubiesemos podido subir las libra aseguralo q lo hubiesemos hecho pero hasta ahi dio nuestro setup. se pudo entonar dejando el carro cero nocking, la temperatura de cada escape pareja y full manejable el carro./WITH RESPECT TO THE LBS. THAT WE COMPRISED IT IS THE MAXIMUM THAT THE TURBO CAN GIVE, THE WASTEGATE IS OPEN TO THE MAXIMUM, WE HAVE THE TURBO GARRET GT12, I BELIEVE WE CAN GO UP A LITTLE MORE IN LBS IF WE REDUCED RESTRICTION IN THE PIPING ESCAPE, THE ONES THIS YEAR WERE VERY LONG AS YOU CAN SEE IN THE PHOTOS. IF WE COULD HAVE RAISED THE LBS YOU BET WE OULD HAVE DONE IT BUT THAT WAS THE END OF OUR SETUP. WE WERE ABLE TO TONE IT LEAVING THE CAR IN ZERO NOCKING, THE TEMPERATURE OF EACH ESCAPE PAIRED AND FULL MANAGEABLE CAR.
con respecto a los sellos del turbo nos paso eso en el carro del 2005 y para el 2006 le colocamos una bomba de vacio entre el turbo y el carter./WITH RESPECT TO THE SEALS/GASKETS OF THE TURBO WE HAD THAT HAPPENED TO US IN 2005 AND FOR 2006 WE PLACED A TANK EMPTY BETWEEN THE TURBO AND THE CARTER.
respecto a las temperaturas y al torque no tengo esa informacion aqui, ya q esa no fue mi division el año pasado, pero voy a bsucar el dynosheet y lo publico. de todas formas uds tambine tienen contacto con disraeli y pueden preguntarles cualquier cosa acerca de nuestro carro./WITH RESPECT TO THE TEMPERATURES AND THE TORQUE I DON'T HAVE THIS INFORMATION HERE SINCE THAT WAS NOT MY DIVISION LAST YEAR, BUT AM GOING TO FIND THE DYNOSHEET AND WILL PUBLICIZE IT. YOU ALL HAVE CONTACT WITH DISRAELI AND CAN ASK ANYTHING ABOUT OUR CAR.
q stand alone estan utilizando uds??? con que entonaron(tps, map o ambos)??? /WHAT STAND ALONE ARE YOU GUYS USING? WHAT DID YOU MOUNT WITH (TPS, MAP OR BOTH)?
en el proyecto se hizo una tesis muy interesante acerca del kit de turbo,y se comprobo que tenemos sobredimensionado todo el sistema para el carro./IN THE PROJECT THERE WAS A THESIS DONE WHICH WAS VERY INTERESTING ABOUT THE TURBO KIT AND WAS CONFIRMED THAT WE HAVE OVERSIZED EVERYTHING FOR THE SYSTEM OF THE CAR.
cualquier cosa estamos a la disposicion para cualquier cosa que necesiten, creo q las universidades venezolanas debemos apoyarnos mutuamente./WHATEVER YOU NEED WE ARE HERE TO HELP, I THINK THAT THE VENEZUELAN UNIVERSITIES SHOULD SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER.
seria interesante si un dia de estos hacemos una reunion entre las universidades aunq sea de caracas para probar los carros y compartir experiencias; y hagamos un feedback entre nosotors para corregir errores y ayudarnos entre si./IT WOULD BE INTERESTING IF ONE DAY WE CAN HAVE A MEETING BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITIES EVEN IF ONLY THE ONES IN CARACAS TO TEST THE CARS AND SHARE EXPERIENCES; AND DO A FEEDBACK BETWEEN US AND CORRECT ANY ERRORS AND HELP ONE ANOTHER.
Alberto De Santa Anna
Alberto seria genial reunirnos y ver nuestras configuraciones, nosotros tnemos actualmente dos distintas, basicamente cambiamos las tuberias de conexion, el header y la posicion y tamano del intercooles, nosotros tenemos dos tesis referente al intercooler y al muffler ambas para uso de turbo y obviamente para maximizar la entrega del sistema de potencia, seria genial un dia reunirnos a comparar, ver como combinar los sistemas y intentar sacar el mayor provecho de ambos carros, en estos momentos nuestro carro esta completamente desarmado y ajustando y modificando casi todo, podriamos despues que esta labor termine, de todos modos escribeles para coordinar una reunoin o una visita o lo que sea para vernos y cuadrar, yo estare en venezuela a mediados de diciembre para las vacaciones, te escribo en ese momento para ver si nos vemos!/ALBERTO IT WOULD BE GREAT TO MEET AND SEE OUR CONFIGURATIONS, ACTUALLY WE HAVE TWO DIFFERENT ONES, BASICALLY WE CHANGED THE CONNECTION TUBES, THE HEADER AND THE POSITION AND SIZE OF THE INTERCOOLERS, WE HAVE TWO THESIS IN REFERENCE TO THE INTERCOOLER AND THE MUFFLER, BOTH FOR TURBO USE AND OBVIOUSLY TO MAXIMIZE THE POTENCE OF THE SYSTEM DELIVERY, IT WOULD BE GREAT TO MEET ONE DAY TO COMPARE, SEE HOW TO COMBINE THE SYSTEMS AND TRY TO OBTAIN AS MUCH PERFORMANCE FROM BOTH CARS, AT THIS MOMENT OUR CAR IS COMPLETELY DISASSAMBLED AND ADJUSTING AND MODIFIYING ALMOST EVERYTHING, WE CAN AFTER THIS IS DONE, AFTER ALL WRITE TO TEAM_FORMULA_SAE_UCV@YAHOO.COM TO COORDINATE A MEETING OR A VISIT OR WHATEVER TO SEE EACH OTHER AND PLAN SOMETHING, I WILL BE IN VENEZUELA IN THE MIDDLE OF DECEMBER ON VACATION, I WILL WRITE AT THAT MOMENT TO SEE IF WE CAN SEE EACH OTHER.
Exito men!/GOOD LUCK MEN!
Una pregunta en que lugar quedaron en Formula Student no veo por ningun lado la Unimet ni en la competencia 2005 ni la 2006...q paso ahi?/QUESTION, IN WHAT PLACE DID FORMULA STUDENT FINISHED, I DON'T SEE IT ANYWHERE NOT IN UNIMET OR IN THE 2005 OR 2006 COMPETITION, WHAT HAPPENED THERE?
Y este anno no se registraron??/AND THIS YEAR YOU DID NOT GET REGISTERED?
01-18-2007, 04:04 PM
dyno pictures?...someone??
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