View Full Version : Peter Brock killed in Australia !

09-08-2006, 12:42 AM
Australia lost another popular icon when Peter Brock, 'Brockie' to millions, was killed today in a motorsport related accident.
Brock was a legend in Australia for his expolits on the race track over 3 decades, mostly driving Australia's own car, the Holden. He won at Bathurst 9 times...no-one else comes close!
His Cobra Daytona replica crashed on a competition stage of the Targa West road rally near Perth. The car left the road at high speed, impacting a tree on the drivers door. Mercifully, it would appear that he didn't suffer. His co-driver Mick Hone, an ex motorcycle racer of note, is in a stable condition in hospital, and we wish him a speedy recovery.
Brockie was a friend of FSAE-A, and anyone who was there will never forget his fillibustering speech after the 2001 event as the officials tried to determine the outcome of a complex appeal. I interviewed him at that event and he was fully supportive and understanding of what FSAE was all about. I still haven't figured out how to post a picture here, but I do have a nice pic on thos laptop of Peter Brock deep in conversation with Carroll Smith. Now we have lost them both.
Peter Brock was 61, and had retired from mainstream motorsport in 1997. The road rallying was his form of post retirement fun.
He was a very special individual,known to all from his TV appearances, both as a personality and as host ov many commercials. He was in great demand as a speaker and was part of the Australian Olympic team as a motivator.
Our deepest sympathies and commiserations to his family and many friends.
Pat Clarke

09-08-2006, 04:07 PM
Well said Pat,
Sad week for all Australians, The King of the Mountain will be greatly missed. If you want, you can email me that photo of Brock and Carroll Smith I can put it up on our website and link it in a post so others can see. (jmoli1@student.monash.edu.au)
Condolences from Monash Motorsports

09-08-2006, 05:02 PM
RIP Brocky :-(

09-08-2006, 07:35 PM
Here is the photos Pat was talking about.
Brock Photos (http://users.monash.edu.au/%7Efsae/Brock%20Dedication%20Page.htm)

Big Bird
09-08-2006, 10:06 PM
Terrible, terrible news. He was a true statesman of the sport, and will be sadly missed. My condolensces to all who knew him.

09-10-2006, 07:51 AM
Well said Pat, truly a sad day for all. Another great man gone, and more than just a driver. Condolences to all. May he rest in peace