View Full Version : 2010 Michigan Endurance Track

James Merkel
01-17-2011, 10:58 PM

does anybody happen to have the course map of the 2010 endurance track?? I know i saw it printed out on something prior to the race.. but i cant find it anywhere...


James Merkel
01-17-2011, 10:58 PM

does anybody happen to have the course map of the 2010 endurance track?? I know i saw it printed out on something prior to the race.. but i cant find it anywhere...


01-18-2011, 12:38 AM
I doubt anyone will have a detailed map of the course, and if they took the time to make one, they may not be too inclined to give it out. I dont even think the organizers will have anything detailed.
Youtube it. There are a few in-car videos from autocross and endurance that you could "reverse engineer" the course from. Thats probably the best you're gonna do.
Hope that helps.