View Full Version : Australia Teams Running Imperial Shoulder Bolts

09-14-2005, 03:16 AM
Hey guys,
Our team is running with Aurora sphericals and we need to source some 5/16" shoulder bolts (1 1/4" in length). We tried Unbrako in Melbourne and they said that they dont have any and wont be getting any in. Does anyone know of any Australian Distributors that stock imperial rod ends??


09-14-2005, 03:16 AM
Hey guys,
Our team is running with Aurora sphericals and we need to source some 5/16" shoulder bolts (1 1/4" in length). We tried Unbrako in Melbourne and they said that they dont have any and wont be getting any in. Does anyone know of any Australian Distributors that stock imperial rod ends??


Ben C
09-14-2005, 03:44 AM
We're in a similar situation. We're running 5/16" sphericals too. I'm looking for 1 1/2" shoulder bolts.

I'll have to do the ring around sometime but in the meantime, if you find a good place, let us know!


Unimelb - Suspension and Steering

09-14-2005, 03:52 AM
For shoulder screws try blackwoods in scoresby, they also have other locations. Thomas Warburton in Springvale, I think Coventry fasteners as well.

Linear bearings carry rod ends, or Dick Wards Go-Gear in WA.