View Full Version : Calling all 24 Hours of LeMons Fanatics!!! (in the NorCal area)

Kirk Feldkamp
07-02-2007, 05:53 PM
The 24 Hours of LeMons is here! Come out and support the Grassroots Motorsports Super Awesome Racing Volvo. Our build photos are here: http://evilengineering.com/gallery/v/gielamonster/oVlov . We've been thrashing for the last few months to get the car ready for the race. DanG, of FSAE.com fame, is also on the team. Come support us if you can!

The race is July 7th-8th at Altamont Raceway (~1hr east of SF on 580). You can find the racing schedule here: http://www.24hoursoflemons.com/events/altamont/ . I watched last year's race, and honestly, it was some of the best racing I've ever seen. If you can stand to watch an F1 event with its one or two passes per race, then you can't afford to miss all the passing, banging, and crashes the 24 Hours of LeMons is guaranteed to provide!!! What other race in the world can you actually throw lemons at the cars on track?! Don't miss this opportunity!

Anyone who wants to get in on the action and help crew please PM me and let me know. We still have spaces for tire changers, fuelers, and a couple jackmen! If you MacGyvers out there think you can hack it, then man up and show us how it's done!

If you do show up, don't forget to vote for us (multiple times) for the People's Choice Award. The prize is $1000 in nickels! That's damn good money when you consider the race winners only snag $1500 in nickels!


Kirk Feldkamp
07-02-2007, 05:53 PM
The 24 Hours of LeMons is here! Come out and support the Grassroots Motorsports Super Awesome Racing Volvo. Our build photos are here: http://evilengineering.com/gallery/v/gielamonster/oVlov . We've been thrashing for the last few months to get the car ready for the race. DanG, of FSAE.com fame, is also on the team. Come support us if you can!

The race is July 7th-8th at Altamont Raceway (~1hr east of SF on 580). You can find the racing schedule here: http://www.24hoursoflemons.com/events/altamont/ . I watched last year's race, and honestly, it was some of the best racing I've ever seen. If you can stand to watch an F1 event with its one or two passes per race, then you can't afford to miss all the passing, banging, and crashes the 24 Hours of LeMons is guaranteed to provide!!! What other race in the world can you actually throw lemons at the cars on track?! Don't miss this opportunity!

Anyone who wants to get in on the action and help crew please PM me and let me know. We still have spaces for tire changers, fuelers, and a couple jackmen! If you MacGyvers out there think you can hack it, then man up and show us how it's done!

If you do show up, don't forget to vote for us (multiple times) for the People's Choice Award. The prize is $1000 in nickels! That's damn good money when you consider the race winners only snag $1500 in nickels!


07-02-2007, 07:34 PM
Its fun welding in the 6x6 plates for the cages while the seam filler for the unit body catches fire and makes smoke that smells like the devils ass. I helped with a car recently that I was blowing out undercoating fires with an airhose underneath the car while he was welding inside. FUNNNNNNNN!!!!

Dan G
07-03-2007, 03:19 AM
How could you make a post and not include any pictures! You know how much I like pictures!

Mr. TTwig pulling the motor for a cleanup

Motor after we ultrasonic'd everything that would fit in the tank, "heart of the lemon" paintjob

Fabulously retro V1.01 PCB (2001 era!) that I built back in the day, then proceeded to cook some traces on. FSAE team was throwing it out, I rescued it from the dumpster.

Got rollcage? Check.

This was what it looked like 2 weekends ago. Multiply this by infinity billion and you'll have a good estimate of how it looks now. Absolutely craptacular.

GRM is covering our progress on their project car pages. I tricked one of their editors into joining our team in exchange for some pages in an upcoming issue. Their updates are here:

http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/news/category/project-...urs-of-lemons-volvo/ (http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/news/category/project-cars/other-cool-cars-hanging-around-the-grm-world-headquarters/24-hours-of-lemons-volvo/)

And we have a thread over on tbricks here:


07-03-2007, 08:44 AM
Post some video of it running!

07-03-2007, 11:03 AM
Kirk, now your wishing we woulda kept the Blazer huh. Although I think you guys should invest in a proper heater bar.

Kirk Feldkamp
07-03-2007, 11:47 AM
Agreed. DanG's heater bar is weak.

In the end, the Volvo will probably end up worse than the Blazer. Yes, the blazer was even T-boned and beaten to death by a Monster-fueled Allen.


Dan G
07-03-2007, 12:04 PM
Video from Sunday, its running even better now...


Kirk Feldkamp
07-03-2007, 12:20 PM
I just wish I had video of DanG almost plowing into a Camaro last night (he stopped 3 feet short)... and getting yelled at by the owner that was standing between the Camaro and the Volvo. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_eek.gif Freakin' Dan!

07-03-2007, 01:44 PM
You need a tractor muffler flap on that pipe.
Sounds healthy.

Kirk Feldkamp
07-03-2007, 02:08 PM
Calvin actually fabbed 2... but they didn't really work all that well. We've decided to settle for big flames out the pipe instead. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_cool.gif