View Full Version : Drivetrain parts - Torsen T2 Diff (custom housing!) and 11 tooth F4i drive sprocket

Brian Barnhill
06-03-2010, 11:59 AM
I have some parts that I've collected over time and need to make some room now. Price for all parts includes shipping to the contiguous United States. I will ship to Alaska, Hawaii and internationally (including india), but shipping will be extra.

I will follow up with a pictures post. I can email photos to anyone interested while the post is pending.

•$350 Torsen Type-2 LSD "T-2" - Miata NB
-Perfect condition, VERY lightly used in the 07 car (never run at competition or in a full race.) Just used in initial testing. Internals originally from the JDM NB (2nd Gen) Miata/MX-5. This is the Type 2 (sometime called type b) Torsen unit. The TBR of this unit is 2.5:1.

-Custom sealed ductile iron housing, with shaft seals, sprocket flange, etc is included, making it ready to bolt on to your FSAE car without making a custom housing. Just bearings and a carrier and you're good to go, no leaks or issues. THERE ARE NO STUB SHAFTS INCLUDED. You'll need miata NB inboard ends for this unit. I also still have to OEM style housing if you'd like it with or instead of the sealed housing. I do have one miata style inboard stub shaft if you'd like it, it's ready for a Taylor-Race FSAE style tripod housing.

$20 F4i 11 Tooth drive sprocket for 520 Chain
-Sprocket specialist 11 tooth sprocket. Still in great shaped. 1 autocross and 1 test session on this sprocket. No waiting, no minimum order, here in hand ready to ship!

Leave your contact info here, PM me or email me at: briansb@tunertools.com if you're interested or need any additional information.

Brian Barnhill
06-07-2010, 07:15 AM
Pics as promised (sorry for the delay!)

Here is the differential: The housing is ductile iron, and the whole package weighs 16lbs with bearings. Note that these pictures have an aluminum carrier on one side (was used to bolt to a plate to hold the differential) I only have the carrier for one side, but have the bearings for both. I can include the carrier if you would like.



The differential is in great shape and is ready to bolt in. I can take pics of internals as well if you would like. Unit seals very well, no leaks. Just needs a little cleaning. This unit is intended to be offset mount (different length axles)

Brian Barnhill
06-07-2010, 07:18 AM

Pics pending approval

Price drop on the differential - all prices are OBO as well, so make a reasonable offer!

For now you can see some pics of the parts here:
h t t p : / / smg.photobucket.com/albums/v376/briansb/Fsae_F4i_Sale/

Garrett Long
06-08-2010, 03:07 PM
Is the Diff. still available? If so, I would be interested in both of the housings if they are available also. I am looking into the stub shafts at the moment, so I don't know if I would want the one you have yet...

Thank you!

Brian Barnhill
06-08-2010, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Garrett Long:
Is the Diff. still available? If so, I would be interested in both of the housings if they are available also. I am looking into the stub shafts at the moment, so I don't know if I would want the one you have yet...

Thank you!

Yes, both housings are still available. For stub shafts check ebay or salvage yard for 99-05 miata axles. I DO have one stub shaft, so you could get away with ordering just one. They range from $75-150 on ebay. For BOTH housing we'll have to add a bit for shipping (it gets pretty heavy...) but I can figure that out exactly if you're interested.

For the halfshaft here is an example for sale on ebay:

h t t p : / / cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mazda-Miata-AXLE-99-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem439d75bcabQQitemZ29040 4547755QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccesso ries