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06-02-2006, 12:20 PM
For those of you addicted to RMIT news like a crackhead on 8 mile.
06-02-2006, 12:20 PM
For those of you addicted to RMIT news like a crackhead on 8 mile.
06-02-2006, 12:28 PM
NEW UPDATE!!!! Our beloved Deano has been vortexed! Proof provided below.
Vortexed!!!!! (
06-02-2006, 01:37 PM
Why doesnt that suprise me?
06-02-2006, 06:26 PM
Lol, vortexed. I'm gonna use that one.
Big Bird
06-02-2006, 11:06 PM
More concerning is Grantly on the verge of an inappropriate vortexing a few photos later....
06-05-2006, 07:47 AM
Dont worry Geoff, Baz and I gave him plenty of sh*t about it. Are you getting pumped for yet another long flight to the US?
06-05-2006, 07:49 AM
Geoff, Be sure that you or Skinny, or someone keeps us all updated on how things are going at West comp. And I'm pretty sure we (at least me brother and I) are coming to Vegas for a BIG farewell. =)
Big Bird
06-05-2006, 10:29 PM
Only 15 hours on a plane this time. I'll hardly know I've left Melbourne......
We'll keep you posted Mr Zach - although I haven't heard a thing from the crew since I left OU so for all I know they could be locked away in some backwoods cell half way between Detroit and LA. Watch out for the gimp, lads......
Oh, and Zach, I don't care about your brother - bring your mum. She cooks a damn mean buffalo burger.
Cheers all
06-06-2006, 05:00 AM
Moke, I have seen the crown.... most impressive. It was kind of you guys to bestow that honor upon Deano.
News Update:
The RMIT crew (Deano, Grant, Stuart, and Jason) left the Rocky Mtns. yesterday and have begun their journey from Colorado to Cali. Guys, try not to muck around with your engine this time... especially you Jase! Also, try to keep Deano's mind on the competetion.... it can be hard to escape the vortex once you've been pulled in.
Geoff, dont be talkin' about my mom! =)
06-09-2006, 05:23 AM
Hey now!
First of all, it's Tiny not Skinny!
Secondly, I'll be heading out to the West Comp, but will keep my distance so the boys can take home another trophy. Oh and good ol' Didi is coming. Maybe she'll be doing the vortexing this time. Takes it off my shoulders. Too bad Jake is not here to "entertain" her!
I figure Vegas is a bit too overwhelming to attend with the guys. Liquor, ladies and nights that never end. Could be trouble. Or maybe...
See you all soon!!
06-09-2006, 05:46 AM
F*CK that! You are going to Vegas! I'm sad i cant go to West with you guys, that would be lots of fun too. I guess I'll just settle for debauchery and sin in Vegas.
Sorry about refering to Tiny as "Skinny." It was a rookie mistake. 5 Days until West Comp!!!!! Jason, you better put the engine back together....because I know you probably have it torn aprat right now. =)
Good luck guys, and keep me posted!
06-15-2006, 07:55 PM
Hey Guys!!
Congrats on the big win b4, and all the best this time round. i wish i was there!
Dont go breaking any more carbon fibre, i did enough of that for you guys back at home!!!
Big ups to RMIT for the awesome results in both US comps. Coming 1st and 5th is a big achievement for a team that has to travel across the other side of the world to compete, and especially when you all had to work ridiculous hours not only with FSAE but also with part time jobs to finance your own way over here.
Unfortunately I couldn't make it to either of the comps, but I was lucky enough to have Baz, Deano, Skinny and Big Jase Gray drop in on their way through Colorado. Somehow everyone managed to avoid injury during their 3 day stay, and amazingly there were no arrests made. That's not to say they weren't trying.
We didn't take photos of everything, but managed to catch a few shenanigans in the making. The first shot here is a relatively innocent picture of how the night started off....
As the night progressed, Deano thought it was time to have a quick look around the place while nobody was watching. It wasn't very obscure as he managed about 5 to 6 consecutive steps before being distracted by the nearest table of Colorado women (shown in the background).
Big Jase Gray was also spotted looking very cosy with an unnamed Colorado native.
And shortly afterwards Deano had an attentive audience with his new friends. I don't think he is talking about brake pads or differentials here. In fact, I'm not sure if he is talking at all......
It was all fun and games in Colorado, thanks to you blokes for dropping in. I hope the hire car people don't see any damage.
But seriously, a big congratulations to the team, you have put in a massive effort to get yourself into this position and it is good to see you all enjoying the results.
Last I heard the crew was heading toward Vegas in a big red Cadillac convertible. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Pat Drum
06-21-2006, 12:16 PM
I would first like to state that RMIT does, in fact, kick ass. Drummy, I would also like to say that you are a punk ass for not coming out to support your brethren in their quest for glory =)
Nice pictures Drummy, but where did Bazz dissapear to? Perhaps he was off in the corner texting Kirsty So, I hear that prostitution is legal in the areas surrounding Vegas.... I am worried for Deano.
06-22-2006, 04:43 AM
Hey drum whos hand bag is that on the table in the first pic they dont quite look femenine enough for deano or grant?
Mark Hester
I think you are seeing things Hester
06-22-2006, 08:14 AM
I agree with Drummy, you are crazy Hester!
Speaking of grant being femanine, here is a lovely picture of grant hold his glass in a very "manly" way....
Sorry grant, I had to =)
Big Bird
06-23-2006, 12:48 AM
Well, I'm with Hester on this one - it looks like the same grey handbag as in the photo with Big Jase two pics down. Which leads me to believe that it must be BJ's......
06-23-2006, 05:01 AM
Using my excellent detective skillz, I propose that the handbag belongs to the unnamed girl in the photo with the notorious BJG. Furthermore, I am believe the person that took the first picture was the above metnion girl. Either that, or BJG just really likes to accessorize!
06-27-2006, 05:27 PM
Aussie, aussie, aussie! Oy, oy, oy!
I need to get in touch with you RMIT guys regarding Yeungnam's transponder. email or call me asap!
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