View Full Version : Chevy LS1 engine model

04-17-2011, 08:07 AM
I am in the process of some motor mount design work for my ls1/t56 swap a havent had any luck finding a soildworks model of a ls1 engine. If anyone has one they are willing to share that would be great. I know SEMA has them but you need to be a member---thanks

04-19-2011, 12:48 AM
Is there any way to get an engine and measure the important values by hand? Maybe a dealer or a local machine shop will let you spend the day snooping with a set of dial calipers and engineers scale to get critical mounting points? I've found even digital photographs can be useful if they are taken straight on with a scale flat in the image. (Works best if you can use maximum optical zoom to flatten the DOF)

04-19-2011, 04:45 PM
edrawings model here http://www.spectrum5racing.com...eaders/UltimaLS6.htm (http://www.spectrum5racing.com/Projects/headers/UltimaLS6.htm)

i looked everywhere a few years ago and this is the best i could find. you can get any dimension you want from the edrawings file, just not the model itself (unless you know something i dont)

04-19-2011, 04:47 PM
post waiting for approval..... grrr

google : ls1 edrawings headers

and the first hit about optima ls1 headers has an edrawings file on it (view only) BUT YOU CAN PULL ANY DIMENSIONS YOU WANT FROM IT