View Full Version : New location for FSAE?
Erich Ohlde
08-27-2006, 12:46 PM
What do people think about moving the FSAE Competition to the middle of the country? I'm thinking Heartland Park in Topeka, KS. Check out some pictures of the site at ( here is one in particular
They have an 11 acre autocross pad that would be perfect for dynamic events (one entry/exit point), a fuel station, buildings for tech/design/cost. Drag strip for acceleration anyone? Plenty of SCCA members available to work course. Cessna, Boeing, etc.. in wichita available for design judging. Claude is just over in Denver. The site/town is already setup to house 1100+ people (SCCA nationals AND SCCA Runoffs) Plenty of paddock space. Hotels that are 5 minutes MAX from the site. Plus I'm pretty sure that we could talk the SCCA headquarters into providing an amazing afterparty at one of the local hotel's banquet halls. That and being in the center of the country just seems right, the drive will get longer for some teams but I'm sure that it will get shorter for a lot of other teams.
Erich Ohlde
08-27-2006, 12:46 PM
What do people think about moving the FSAE Competition to the middle of the country? I'm thinking Heartland Park in Topeka, KS. Check out some pictures of the site at ( here is one in particular
They have an 11 acre autocross pad that would be perfect for dynamic events (one entry/exit point), a fuel station, buildings for tech/design/cost. Drag strip for acceleration anyone? Plenty of SCCA members available to work course. Cessna, Boeing, etc.. in wichita available for design judging. Claude is just over in Denver. The site/town is already setup to house 1100+ people (SCCA nationals AND SCCA Runoffs) Plenty of paddock space. Hotels that are 5 minutes MAX from the site. Plus I'm pretty sure that we could talk the SCCA headquarters into providing an amazing afterparty at one of the local hotel's banquet halls. That and being in the center of the country just seems right, the drive will get longer for some teams but I'm sure that it will get shorter for a lot of other teams.
08-27-2006, 03:13 PM
It might be a good idea for Formula Central, but the world doesn't revolve around kansas.
Im all about our 3 hour drive to formula East though. The autmotive area around Detroit is what makes it attractive anyways. I don't want to burn you or your state, but I dont think a potential sponsor such as Massey Feurguson (sp?) or International could benfit that much from engineers who are more curious in optimizing their combines roll centres or their tractors pitch sensitivity.
Okay enough, if you can get FSAE central off the ground in one year, well come.
Jersey Tom
08-27-2006, 03:53 PM
Do it!! 8 hr drive instead of 20 would be uber awesome.
Erich Ohlde
08-27-2006, 09:37 PM
Don't be so nieve that you think that all of FSAE revolves around racecars. Companies hire FSAE graduates because of their experience not because they can run fun calulations on weight transfer. Most companies I talk to like FSAE grads because of their ability to come into work on the first day and start working. What about Boeing, Cessna and Spirit (all in Wichita); and MG (moving to OK) these companies need engineers and they need good engineers.
Neil S
08-27-2006, 10:37 PM
It's not like the 'Big Three' do much other than monetary support of the competition anymore. The people in the SCCA Detroit region are the volunteers, I know that the Topeka region along with the midwest division SCCA (Midiv) would more than support the FSAE event. Heartland Park would be one of the most suitable venues for the FSAE competition.
formula_wally, the rest of the world doesn't revlove around Detroit. In fact the 'Big Three' aren't doing so hot right now and haven't been for the past few years. If you want to be where the rest of the world revolves (automotive wise) we might as well only have the Japan FSAE event. The world also doesn't revolve around Fontana for that matter.
There are quite a few major engineering companies that are available in the midwest for sponsorship, and since when does a sponsor need to have their HQ within a few miles of an event? I'm surprised Red Bull doesn't get more involved in sponsoring the FSAE events.
Sounds like your opinion is based more off the easy trip it is for Waterloo, which is quite the opposite for most other teams around the nation. East coast event that benefits only the upper central eastern US/Canada.
On that note, while the event would have a much better venue I doubt it will happen any time soon if it ever does. Would be fun though.
Big Bird
08-28-2006, 12:35 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by jayhawk_electrical:
Don't be so nieve that you think that all of FSAE revolves around racecars. Companies hire FSAE graduates because of their experience not because they can run fun calulations on weight transfer. Most companies I talk to like FSAE grads because of their ability to come into work on the first day and start working. What about Boeing, Cessna and Spirit (all in Wichita); and MG (moving to OK) these companies need engineers and they need good engineers. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Good point Erich. One of the recruiting companies at FSAE East was a biomedical company, and they were there because they see FSAE grads as motivated high-achievers. We also met renewable energy engineers, aero guys etc. The motorsport side is often what gets us involved, but if you think a bit laterally our skills are applicable in a huge range of careers.
Cheers all,
Steve Yao
08-28-2006, 02:50 AM
This also takes a step back in FSAE history. Nobody recalls now, but FSAE started as an alternating event between sites in Texas and Michigan. It was not always at the Silverdome, it was not even at the Silverdome everytime it was in Michigan...
Kansas: No access to GM Powertrain...and REAL tornados...
Dr Claw
08-28-2006, 08:42 AM
Well, i'd like to say that it'd be sweet to finally get to road-trip it to competition.. We are 20-30 minutes from either Pontiac or Romeo and we miss out on the "getting there is half the battle" insanity :X.
of course we usually get an extra week to finish our car..but not having this luxury would make us move faster! Might have even saved our car this year, as we crashed arround 4:40 am on the wednesday of competition!
I think alternating locations again would be a cool way to do it at least..
08-28-2006, 09:43 AM
I think it should be wherever the people paying the checks say it should be. If that happens to be in my back be it. The SCCA is not at the top of the sponsor list.
Michael Royce
08-28-2006, 12:23 PM
Just so that you appreciate it, Ford, GM and DaimlerChrysler between them provide the funds that cover 2/3 of the cost of putting on the Michigan event, and have done so since 1994. They also provide about 300 of the 400 volunteers that are required. Admittedly, some are also SCCA members, but without the "Big Three" it would be very, very difficult to put on the event. It should also be noted that Southeast Michigan is home to the technical centers for three transplants, Toyota (Ann Arbor), Nissan (Farmington Hills) and Hyundai (Ann Arbor), and to most of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 automotive suppliers. Also Honda is just a short distance away in Ohio.
Greg H
08-28-2006, 04:40 PM
I've still got no complaints to Formula Central though. It would be nice to go watch competitions now and then.
I agree that a central location would be cool but you have to admit, like Mr. Royce stated, the big three provide a huge amount of services at the Detroit comp, from the $$--the GM Powertrain shop--and the people who are genuine car nuts to be there and help just because they love cars.
The people who go into the aerospace field tend to be nuts about airplanes like all of you are nuts about FSAE. I'm sure there'd be interest from the aerospace engineers here in Wichita but I doubt you'd get near the support from them that you do from GM/Ford/Chrysler employees. Just because Boeing/Spirit/Cessna/Raytheon/Lear Jet/Airbus are close in proximity to Heartland park and would probably love to hire some of you folks when you graduate doesn't mean that the comp. should be moved to Topeka.
Chris Zellers
Spirit AeroSystems
Uni. O. Kansas 2003-2005
Greg H
08-29-2006, 03:58 PM
I didn't mean move the competition to Topeka, but rather create a new one there. East and West were both full, there should be plenty of room for another competition, and maybe take some of the load off of East. It looks to me that this series is seeing its biggest growth yet and I bet this year there will be teams shut out from both comps.
Neil S
08-29-2006, 09:47 PM
I wasn't implying they don't provide a lot, however I'm sure many regions could potentially supply volunteers (not saying I don't appreciate what is done in Detroit). Also, were the event to ever move I don't see why they would stop sponsoring the event.
A third US event would be quite a bit. If it were to happen I think it should have free entry for the top 10 from both east and west and be done in either late July, August, or why not just make it run the weekend before Solo Nationals.
08-29-2006, 10:16 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Neil S:
Also, were the event to ever move I don't see why they would stop sponsoring the event.
Sorry to say it, but if you don't understand that, then you don't understand much.
Homemade WRX
08-30-2006, 05:46 PM
I wouldn't mind it but I know some people are talking about trying to move it to VIR. Which would be more of an east event. ONly problem would be having support of auto manufacturers. I wouldn't mind having both as it makes it easier for a car to make 2 events much like many of the European teams can do with Student, Germany and Italy.
California is a long ass drive
Kyle Walther
08-30-2006, 05:56 PM
i don't remember a big open lot at VIR, but it's been awhile..
09-04-2006, 06:37 PM
I remember hearing a lady talking to event organizers last year for about 2.5sec about taking it to VIR. That would sure be better than a 13 hour drive!
there may not be a big open lot, but you dont need that big a lot when there is a kart track at VIR.
nevermind, there is at least an autocross/skidpad area already set up. (
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