View Full Version : how to create the best fuel system..

03-10-2006, 07:22 PM
which is the best...external pump or internal pump..??

which is better...use baffle or fuel pick up to encounter sloshing problem while cornering??

what is the best material to use...

what is the optimum volume of a fuel tank..

can u guys help me ..

03-10-2006, 07:43 PM


steel, aluminium, plastic, paper sack

0-100 gallons

Basically do the research for packaging, performance that you need, weight, manufacturing ability. Design it, Build it, Test it, Improve it. There is not a definate answer to these questions. You must meet all the specifications for your application to the best of your abiltiy. That is the fun in this competition, and engineerring in general. You learn nothing from someone telling you the best way to do something. Go out and try it. Don't be afraid. Also search on here there are other relevent posts.

03-10-2006, 07:49 PM
Hmm, I'd say use a remote controlled pump, flat bottom tank with a .5in pick up in the NE (isometric) corner, couregated cardboard, and a 5 kilohertz cube circumscribed about a tangenital radius. That should give you about 3 cubic liters of think for yourself and use the search feature. Sorry, we've just had a lot of vauge/wtf questions lately.

03-10-2006, 08:14 PM
ok thnk for the respond..

erm..which is better..analyse from brake specific fuel consumption graph (i didn't find the graph yet) of a certain engine to find average fuel consumption and then calculate the fuel consumption base on how long the undurance stretch just to know the volume of our tank or ask people..

03-10-2006, 08:54 PM
the volume of your tank should be dictated by how much fuel you need obviously. sense there is a MINIMUM fuel economy value (regardless of engine), you automatically know the MAXIMUM amount of fuel you can use. add a safety factor and you know how big your tank needs to be.

i can see it now, in design prelims

judge: "how did you determine your gas tank volume?"

sourplum: " i asked the people on FSAE.com and they told me to make it out of cardboard with 100 gallon capacity. so thats what i did."

judge: "umm..... ok...."

Jersey Tom
03-10-2006, 09:06 PM

03-10-2006, 09:18 PM
haha,tq kevinD

03-11-2006, 01:42 AM
That should give you about 3 cubic liters

Surely you mean 'Linear litres' ??