View Full Version : Traction Control System
12-14-2003, 02:31 PM
I am wondering how much it costs to implement traction control, and if anyone has implemented something akin to Stabilitrak, where braking AND Throttle are computer controlled? I don't really need specific prices, but I'm the guy in charge of this kinda thing for our team, and if y'all have played with it and it costs 2 grand and 300 hours of development to do it, then i'm going to forget it for this year... I have some ideas and would be happy to share them, but i'm afraid that they cost too much for our team to implement, specifically on such a short time schedule. Anyhow, thanks y'all,
"They say time is of the essence... give me some and maybe i'll get the essence!"
Matt Gignac
12-14-2003, 02:45 PM
If I'm not mistaken, electronic throttle and braking are a no-no, so Stabilitrak wouldn't be legal. The only way that I can see it be done is with an ignition cut when some wheel speed sensors show a difference between front and rear wheels.
12-14-2003, 03:04 PM
what ecu are you running? motec has built in traction control and lauch capability. i pretty sure others do to
Kirk Veitch
Swinburne University of Technology 2004
We're using a DTA P8Pro that also has inbuilt traction and launch control. It also has a serial data output that you can send to a dash (which you'd have to make yourself, we can't afford Motec)
University of Birmingham (
12-17-2003, 01:07 AM
Our (Easy, but not exactly cheep) method
1 MoTeC M4 ECU
1 MoTeC "Advanced Tuning Upgrade" enablement
1 MoTeC Traction Control Multiplexer
3 Honeywell GT4 active hall sensors (2*front, 1*rear)
3 toothed wheel (2*front, 1*rear)
if you don't have a "spool diff" then
4 Honeywell GT4 active hall sensors (2*front, 2*rear)
4 toothed wheel (2*front, 2*rear)
development = quite easy
12-17-2003, 11:35 AM
hey, looks like i figured it out. i'm using different hall sensors, and i'm building a stand alone unit to do some other things on the car, to isolate our failure modes. Sorry i haven't posted back sooner with my developments, but I just finished exams (whew!). It looks like the whole TCS should cost around 30 bucks, with all my lil bells and whistles added in.
I really appreciate the input, I did some searches regarding the info I got, and you guys really helped to direct my reasearch. I probbably spent 30 hours reading about TCS in general, and the varioius ECU's y'all mentioned. Being new to this, and being new to ODU this semester, even that little bit of help was a perfect push in the right direction. If anyone's running into trouble with their tcs, i'd be happy to sell you a complete unit ;-) Or give back some advice...
Take care all, happy holidays, and thanks again,
"They say time is of the essence... give me some and maybe i'll get the essence!"
El Mug
01-17-2004, 04:22 PM
Hi everyone, I am a little concerned abuot the hall sensors. Maybe I try the same ones that comertial cars use, those are inductive hall effect sensors, anyone has used those. Anyone kows how they work, how difficult is the traetment of the signal before its gets to your TCS.
Saludos, Andres
Equipo F-SAE USB
Caracas, Venezuela
B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
01-18-2004, 02:15 PM
El Mug,
Try using the Honeywell GT1 Hall effect sensor. There is a datasheet on our website at Performance Electronics ( under "Standard Crank Pickup Sensor Datasheet". They are automotive grade, easy to use and absolutely bullet proof. You can purchase them through Newark at Newark Electronics ( This sensor is already magnetically biased so all you need is ferrous metal flying in front of it. I have used them to sense gear teeth, square teeth, bolts, nuts and just about everything else. They even work well in hostile conditions.
Because they are already biased, you get a square wave with a voltage equal to whatever your excitation voltage is. Just add a filter and the signal is ready to go directly into a microprocessor. Much easier than using a 2-wire variable reluctance sensor.
Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd. (
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"
El Mug
01-23-2004, 05:14 PM
thanks Brian, I already order a similar sensor. The problem is that we have to wait long time before we get those here, and we look around wrecked cars to find the abs sensors that those use, just to try. We dont want to have problems whit shipping and costums, we hava those kind of problems before.
Andres Mugueza
Equipo F-SAE USB
Caracas, Venezuela
08-23-2004, 01:51 PM
Hey Mug, i didn't make it to competition with our team, how did your TCS turn out?
Actually, how did everyone's TCS turn out?
I'm redeveloping the system using a bargain basement microcontroller, but keeping the same basic core system. The microcontroller will make it a bit easier to implement the system, and to upgrade it to a full traction management system later. (abs type braking control, in other words)
Anyhow, take care all, and maybe i'll get to Detroit this year?!
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