View Full Version : NitrogenOxyde (NOS) - the rule about

10-27-2003, 10:51 AM
Can someone help me with my English?

I can't find the rule that's prohibiting an nitrogenoxyde (or just O2) powered car. Does there exist one? (Sure it does, but I can't find it)

2002/03 University of MARIBOR - Team Member

10-27-2003, 10:51 AM
Can someone help me with my English?

I can't find the rule that's prohibiting an nitrogenoxyde (or just O2) powered car. Does there exist one? (Sure it does, but I can't find it)

2002/03 University of MARIBOR - Team Member

10-27-2003, 10:59 AM
The rules state that only 3 fuels are allowed - E85, 94 Octane, and 100 Octane, so thus NoS and O2 would not be allowed.

-Luke Thompson
Vandals Racing 2003-04
University of Idaho

David Kieke
10-27-2003, 11:00 AM
Rule 3.5.2 Page 37

"During all performance events, the cars must be operated with fuel provided by the organizer at the event. Nothing may be added to the provided fuels. This prohibition includes nitrous oxide or any other oxidizing agents"

10-27-2003, 11:08 AM
I know we have to use only one fuel. (For formula student) But NoS is more an air replacement not fuel. (And we can use air, right?)

Thanks David, I see it clearly now. (Dam, where was it before!?)

Would be nice drive an unrestricted car + turbo + Nos powered. (More Hp's than a Bmw M3 on a 250 kg racecar? Does F1 or indy has a better power/weight ratio? http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif )

2002/03 University of MARIBOR - Team Member

10-27-2003, 02:31 PM
A word to the wise, (from a Rules Committee member who isn't really supposed to be here)
Turn up at any FSAE event with a car fitted with a NO system on your car and your butts won't hit the ground all the way back to Slovenia ! Not only that, but the team might find it difficult to enter again for quite a while. Nitrous Oxide is spelled NO..What part of 'no' don't you understand.

The only oxygen permitted into the engine is that fraction of the air that passes through the restrictor in gasoline engines, and the additional small fraction carried in the M85 fuel (hence the smaller 18mm restrictor for that fuel).
Any oxygen introduced into the engine by any other means, either as a gas or a fuel additive is CHEATING.

Rudeness is a weak mans imitation of strength

10-27-2003, 02:46 PM
Oh God, .... it's a long way to Slovenia.

Sorry. It was a stupid question. I haven't seen the NoS part before. (Maybe because it would be very nice to use one,...)

I knew NoS is prohibited, (Or is there any other reason why other teams don't use it) but I was wondering if it is prohibited in chapter as an additive. Because it isn't realy an additive

And no, we'll not appear with Nos and are Not working on it. It's to dangerous for us to trawel 2 days by van, spending 90% of our budget in 4 days and coming back as cheaters not entering the competition.

2002/03 University of MARIBOR - Team Member

10-27-2003, 03:22 PM
What makes you think it's not an additive? What else would it be?


Kirk Veitch
Swinburne University of Technology 2004

James Waltman
10-27-2003, 05:19 PM
I hope that you meant E85 gets the 19mm restrictor. Is the M85 18mm allowed for UK and Australia? Am I missing something?

James Waltman
Vehicle Research Institute at
Western Washington University

10-27-2003, 09:11 PM
Sorry James, a typo. 19mm is correct as is E85 (wrong alcohol) =]
M85 or E85 is not used at either the FS or FSAE-A events.
In those events the only fuel permitted is the supplied control gasoline. In the Australian event this will be a premium Unleaded petrol, with an octane number around 98.

Rudeness is a weak mans imitation of strength