View Full Version : Would you leave your girlfriend???
01-28-2003, 02:25 PM
If your significant other would make you choose either building a racecar or being with her, what would you do?
I know my relationship has been less than ideal ever since I got hooked. Anyone get dumped cause they spent to much time working and not enough with her?
Any good stories?
I have already said I was sick/tired and couldn't do anything and then head down to lab.
01-28-2003, 02:25 PM
If your significant other would make you choose either building a racecar or being with her, what would you do?
I know my relationship has been less than ideal ever since I got hooked. Anyone get dumped cause they spent to much time working and not enough with her?
Any good stories?
I have already said I was sick/tired and couldn't do anything and then head down to lab.
01-28-2003, 03:37 PM
My ex's final words were:
"I just can't handle the Formula thing."
Dominic Venieri
01-28-2003, 04:13 PM
This is my 3rd year on the team, and I've had a girlfriend for over a year. She's very supportive of both my work with the car and in school. I have no idea how I've managed it, so don't ask for tips She comes with us to all the autocrosses we go to, and loves watching us the car drive. I couldn't ask for a better woman. She's the best. (
Michael Jones
01-29-2003, 04:50 PM
The girlfriends of FSAE folk are special folk. Usually helps if they're as deranged in their own peculiar way. And then of course there's the actual and rumored intrateam romances. They're usually just strange.
Cornell Racing
01-30-2003, 12:30 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Jones:
and rumored intrateam romances <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
It's not a Formula SAE team without the intrateam romances. That's the one thing that is preventing us from being a real Formula SAE team this year.
Dominic Venieri
01-30-2003, 03:58 PM
So that's what's been holding us back! Man, we really need to recruit some girls then I guess. Oh, but yeah, we need to get some more at our school first (
01-30-2003, 05:39 PM
Yeah we just need girls in engineering. After freshmen year its just a sausage fest.
01-30-2003, 09:20 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dominic Venieri:
Man, we really need to recruit some girls then I guess. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Let me tell ya 'bout girl from Santa Barabra that was trying to start a FSAE team there. I was about to transfer!
Michael Jones
01-31-2003, 09:42 AM
Ah, just take more humanities electives. :-) In Communication here, the gender ratio's pretty well the inverse of the engineering school.
Of course, since I'm a TA, they're all verboten. (Well, technically, they aren't - but I'm not all that keen on being the one responsible for such a rule being implemented. :-)
Cornell Racing
Nam Tran
02-03-2003, 02:49 PM
Do you have any more info on a possible UCSB team? Contacts? I've been working a little bit with the up and coming UC Berekeley Team. They're even registered for 2003.
It's nice to finally see more California schools getting into this thing.
Nam Tran, Team Leader
University of California Irvine
02-04-2003, 12:12 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nam Tran:
Do you have any more info on a possible UCSB team? Contacts? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Contact? You think if I had a contact I'd be wasting my time building Davis' '03 car? =]
02-04-2003, 08:58 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stscxr:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dominic Venieri:
Man, we really need to recruit some girls then I guess. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Let me tell ya 'bout girl from Santa Barabra that was trying to start a FSAE team there. I was about to transfer!
I think a female team leader would do a good job. I mean most girls in engineering are organized and they don't get caught up in the whole ego thing. I think those are two important characteristics of a good team leader and if they happen to be attractive, just more "eye candy" for the team. And what could be better a hot girl that loves racing as much as you do.
I mean you California teams should be able to pull in some hotties.....Formula Baywatch right.
David Money
02-04-2003, 09:53 AM
Almost had to choose between my wife of 3 years and the team. I finally got her to come around and not be so jealous!! I think it is still a problem with the new team leaders though.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
I think a female team leader would do a good job. I mean most girls in engineering are organized and they don't get caught up in the whole ego thing. I think those are two important characteristics of a good team leader and if they happen to be attractive, just more "eye candy" for the team. And what could be better a hot girl that loves racing as much as you do.
Agreed. We have a female team leader and she fits that bill. We also have a technical director who isn't designing one part of the car - discuss.
02-04-2003, 03:10 PM
How do intrateam romances work, I do not think anyone on the team likes thier own gender . We had about ten girls come to the first couple meetings, but like everyone else they all never came back. Our school as a whole is over 60% female and even as an engineer I take alot of classes outside of the college of engineering.
I have had a girlfriend for over a year. Even during my blur days last years (more like three months), so I did not see her for over a month. The key I think was that it is a long distance relationship that she did not expect to see me at all. The real key I think is that she is not an engineer (or anything even close) and she has a very high self esteem. She will never think I hold the car higher than her, because how could anything be better than her (she is right though, it is not her ego).
Michael Jones
02-04-2003, 06:02 PM
We've had female team leaders - technical and non-technical - over the course of the last three years. Gender has nothing to do with skill in the end - our 2001 engine team leader could school anyone, as could our 2002 business leader.
That said, both them and other female members have noted to me the pervasive sexism that exists in both team culture and engineering in general. A quick glance through a few Carroll Smith books outlines that perfectly - sexist comments abound, none of which are really relevant to the practice of engineering at all.
It's a problem that extends elsewhere too - difference is noted and becomes a discriminant. How this is dealt with depends on the context. I'm quite different on a range of socioeconomic variables, but my presence is not only tolerated but appreciated. This is partially due to an easy-going attitude that takes jokes in stride, partially due to my social capital in the organization that affords me some latitude, and partially since I threaten to maim anyone who even thinks of dissing me. Works well overall.
Cornell Racing
Nam Tran
02-04-2003, 11:30 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Contact? You think if I had a contact I'd be wasting my time building Davis' '03 car? =]
I don't know. I was just being hopeful even though the Gauchos beat us in basketball.
I'll try contacting their SAE Advisor...that's how I reached Berkeley.
By the way, How's UCD's car coming along?
Nam Tran, Team Leader
University of California Irvine
08-20-2003, 02:33 AM
Should people in the engineering industry go out with other people from engineering??? I've never been out with an engineering person, so I wouldn't know... what I need is someone who holds the same crazy ambitions that I do for motorsport, is willing to make the 4 in the morning wakeup to drive out to a decent track and won't whinge that its too hot/sunny/wet/windy/cold/boring. Anything of the sort and they are out on their butt.
09-06-2003, 12:56 PM
Totally agree with that - ditched my last 2 blokes cos they couldn't cope with me globe trotting with a race car ;-p Or maybe they were scared by a girl who knew more about cars in her little finger than they ever would?
09-08-2003, 07:03 PM
Hey. Am Malikaloo's sister...
I was the one that has been making all his comments on this post, so don't get freaked when I ask... Are there gunna be ANY hot guys come competition time??? Dead set, we need some top quality Aussie beef come december! I have been hanging out to meet Mr Perfect, my chances and hopes hang on One week in South Oz whilist trying to wade past all the loosers from UNSW... hehehe... (all for my Bro's benefit... no offence...)
Mr Perfect must be over 5 foot 11, Be strong, nice, cute as, into cars (Dah...), not intimidated by Car-chicks and willing to go the extra mile... All potential Mr Perfects... APPLY HERE!
09-19-2003, 07:04 PM
I wouldn't leave her, but she left me. In fact, she went to a truck show out of state the weekend of the competition just to spite me. I wish I could have found a woman from another team... lord knows I could have used someone to cuddle with that cold weekend in 2002!
2002 LTU FSAE Co-Leader
2002 LTU FSAE Brake System Engineer
Inaugural 2002 Road and Track FSAE Triathalon Champions!
09-22-2003, 11:35 AM
Wow, shout out to Malikaloo's sister, I feel like a just read the bio on some hot chick in FHM or something..... post a pic to complete the fantasy if you would!!
Just Kidding, I was just overwhelmed with the visual...tight race suit, aussie accent, likes to get dirty (take that how you like)
I must have riffled through 4 girlfriends the year I was team leader, that's the irony of it, you are so busy on the car that you are seen as unavailable, thus wildly attractive to the ladies!!! Then subsequently dumped because they couldn't compete with the car and school...Boy did it such...but in a good way
Funny thing is, the "car chicks" I've dated were great till I realized I had been converted from driver to pit crew, spending all my time wrenching on her car...but I sure love to watch you ladies get loose on course :^b
But intimidation was NEVER an issue...nothing's more attractive than a lady wrenchin on a car with you...
I've been to Detroit 3 times and just for the record I think Cornell and Carolina usually carried the best eye candy....
How about a Miss FSAE contest since by the time the competition hits, most of us are single anyway......or pit girls like F1.....
09-22-2003, 06:29 PM
I suddenly feel really inadequate after reading Malikaloo's sisters post. Do girls really expect that much?
Kirk Veitch
Swinburne University of Technology
oi wollymoof, shhhhhhhh! keep it quite! all australian men are supposed to be big hunky strong sex gods. its that stereotype that we all rely on to pull when we go overseas. dont let on to the americans that we arent!
and Malikaloo's sister, are you seriously a female studying engineering who is having trouble finding a guy? thats amazing! the average girl in engineering has 20 guys drooling over her in adelaide. of course, the average male engineer is too hairy, talks in grunts, and uses engine oil as deoderant. the two girls in our team are on this forum, Deb and kk, youll have to ask them if any of us are alright.
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.
09-23-2003, 06:59 PM
YOu guys all think its great to have a girl support you in being on the team but My now ex (broke up for different reasons other than cars.) basically TOLD me to buy my now second car!!! I am an avid autoXer now with that car and I love it. Part of the reason I joined formula this year.
Try to go faster!!
Brent Howard
09-23-2003, 10:25 PM
What Rhett? Your ex is bad because she told you to buy a second car? I can't understand your post. (
09-24-2003, 08:12 AM
I second wingmans motion....I think I speak for the male FSAE population when I say we could definitely use some more females in the FSAE competitions...need to level the playing field a bit!
Car chicks are the best....and I agree that they would make great team leaders...technical or not!
Kelsey Gier
University of Calgary - Dino's Motorsports
2003 Powertrain Leader (
09-24-2003, 10:33 AM
NO I'm saying it was really cool to have her tell me to buy it. The guys that were talking to me when the car was offered to me almost lost their jaws when she was the one that said thats a good deal you should do it. So it was a GOOD thing she told me and it made a lot of my friends really jealous that my gf would let me do such a thing let alone tell me to do it.
Try to go faster!!
Brent Howard
09-24-2003, 10:36 AM
Sorry Rhett, just a few too many now's in the first post....I got happens alot.
Brent (
09-24-2003, 10:49 AM
No worries it happens to the best of us
Try to go faster!!
09-24-2003, 11:28 AM
hmmm... would I leave my girlfriend... :-P
As a member in good standing of this wildly appealing group (the awe-inspiring sirens commonly referred to as "The Female Race", "Chicks", "Birds", "Her", "Woman", "Spanky"), I might have a bit of insider insight on this ever-so-delicate subject.
I think it'd be great if more girls were interested in being on FSAE teams -- and sticking with it. In my experience, a girl leaves the team either bec her boyfriend can't handle her being around so many sexy, sexy men -- or -- because she gets involved with one of those sexy, sexy men and the involvement takes a hairpin turn with a little too much gas....
As far as formula guys go, keep in mind that song 'Girls don't like boys girls like cars and money / boys will laugh at girls when they're not funny...' that's why she's with you, it's her own little power trip... so don't take "you never spend any time with me" as an excuse -- trust me, fsae is one of the reasons she's with you and if she can't handle the web she weaves it's entirely her fault. If she's really so worried about not spending enough time together, she can join the team and level the playing field.... Everyone knows that girls like to be the center of attention. Obviously, building a race car is a heck of a lot more interesting than listening to some chick gab about her hair appointments; there's no contest. If it weren't for the number one power girls hold over guys (we all know what you're really after... why you actually sit through all of the mindless gab and laugh at our jokes...), "Would you leave your girlfriend??" wouldn't exist as a topic of discussion -- OF COURSE you would leave her!
My thoughts on the matter -- forget about this whole "dating" thing and just have fun... that's what it's all about (life... formula...). AND! it's more fun having the option of flirtation (with anyone and everyone) than restricting yourself with something so heavy (ah, the shackles and chains that accompany dating...) It makes toying around with metal and energy more enjoyable when everyone's having a blast!
BTW. I completely agree with whoever it was who said (more or less) that seeing a chick behind the wheel is the world's 8th greatest wonder.... If only more chicks would realize that appeal... I think each team's m:f ratios would be golden (theoretically wonderful recruitment tactics). Don't underestimate the power of Lure... in fact, milk it for what it's worth!!!
So the next time she starts complaining, tell her "Take it or leave it, bi+ch... I've got a car to build."
+ Junior in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, with a minor in Physics
+ UB FSAE member (Feb03)
+ UB SAE Treasurer
+ Attended May03 US FSAE Competition
wingman, i think we have found the new FHM chick.
kateebug8, i think you need to go out and teach your secrets to other women. instead of spending thousands of hours on choosing clothes and thousands of dollars on clothes and makeup, they should use this time and money to build a car. then they will instantly be transformed into something much more attractive than any supermodel.
and i think i need you to become the rolemodel for my girlfriend. either that, or i ditch her and you move to adelaide!
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.
09-25-2003, 07:10 AM
Amen to that!!
kateebug8, does that mean there are 7 more like you?? Dare to dream!!
09-25-2003, 09:51 PM
Gugga Boo,
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> instead of spending thousands of hours on choosing clothes and thousands of dollars on clothes and makeup, they should use this time and money to build a car. then they will instantly be transformed into something much more attractive than any supermodel.
Mmmmm -- absolutely my point (esp emboldened part)!!! These girls place all of this attention of those sorts of things bec they think it's enhancing their individuality... when in fact, it's only making them more run-of-the-mill!!! They want to stand out? They should do something out of the ordinary... something that actually takes talent, skill, effort.... Of course, this is not really the way to approach the matter... and I *do* realize that I'm preaching to the choir, so to speak, (I gather this isn't reaching many girl's eyes...).
I don't think I'd make a great rolemodel for your girlfriend, though -- she'd most likely end up ditching you for a slip of sleep and the chance to catch a thermal or two
If push came to shove, I have to argue that you'd be the one carting yourself up to "the city of good neighbors that history forgot" -- we can use all of the extra hands we can get up here
PS. I hope you don't mind, I'm pirating your signature -- that's awesome!
I'm SO happy I found Aerospace Engineering!!! It's particularly awesome to take advantage of the "It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to...." phrase (EX.1.1) "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to build a race car... but it helps" ...but enough talk, now all I have to do is prove it!
09-26-2003, 08:45 AM
A chick that used "thermal" in a sentence!! Hubba Hubba!!
Back at school in the Aero department, my friend Kim had a red CRX with a license plate boarder that read
"...and yes, I am a rocket scientist!"
She OWNED that place!!
So, will there be a winged car in Buffalo?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kateebug8:
Gugga Boo,
my knees are shaking...
you can pirate my signature all day long.
it applies to so many aspects of life too...
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.
09-26-2003, 10:05 AM
Hmmm... winged car in buffalo... that might be classified information... No, no winged car in Buffalo this year.
My particular opinion abt putting wings on the fsae car (-- and I say this all with a great deal of trepidation bec I'm NOT an expert, it's just my thoughts on the matter):
The design calls for us to assume that our sales market is the nonprofessional autocross racer. Generally speaking, there are more times than not where the vehicle isn't in the (rule of thumb) +60mph range where aerodynamics come into effect. And once they *do* come into effect, it's usually for short periods of time (comparatively) -- I'm not entirely convinced that the magnitude of the down force a wing could afford you in that time is enough of a gain to outweigh the negative effects that all of that extra weight puts onto the car for the rest of the course. In other words, does it make sense to hurt the car for, say, 93% of the 'cross with the extra weight -- only reaping the benefits for that 7% ??? I could be wrong... I've never done any testing on it specifically... but I don't think that it's worth it.
My experience with aerodynamics is purely from my flying experience and knowledge, and what I have on my transcript so far (I haven't yet taken flight dynamics) -- an airplane and a racecar are VERY similar, however as far as speeds go, most SEL Gen Av wings don't "take off" until abt 70mph ... of course ground effects are a tinch different... those are just a few key factors.
At any rate, our car for May 2004 doesn't have a wing, and our plans for our May 2005 car don't include one either. Hopefully revealing these facts doesn't get me booted off the team -- haha -- although, I highly doubt it's information that couldn't be inferred.
I can definitely see how a person could park illegally w/ a bumpersticker like that... I might have to keep my eye out for it our school is so big and so green-conscious, parking on campus is HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UTA racer rikki
10-09-2003, 09:40 PM
Okay okay, this conversation took an interesting turn, and to think, I originally started looking at this posting because it was about gf's in FSAE. Which I will get to later. Wings not helping in an Autocross....
My first question has to be,
How many autocrosses do you go to (outside of FSAE which is an order of magnitude slower than any weekend autocross that I have been to)????
Second, (and I would have a little bias here since we've been using wings now for the past 3 years)
Do you think its possible to find a wing that works at the speeds of FSAE?
And the third thing I would have to say is that wings work, and they work well. We just returned from SCCA Nationals from last month and achieved pulling 2+ g's in more than 7% of the track. Yes speeds were higher, but still, isn't that what these cars are built for... Autocrossing. And I don't know if anyone missed the 2002 autocross. A little blue winged devil of a car danced its way to 2.5 seconds faster than any other car at competition. Granted, it takes a good driver to do that as well, but I can honestly say it wasn't all driver!
Now, about that gf thing. Our team doesn't permit the inter-team romances that plague the important thing of designing and building a Formula SAE car. That could be positive, and more often than not seems negative, but to be honest, it doesn't complicate things when you have a job to do. After all, this is about professional development in the end is it not? If you mix romance with a job, things could get messy, depending on the individuals.
Having said that, I have heard of aweful things coming from attempting to maintain relationships with such a strong commitment to Formula SAE. If a gf ever gave me the ultimatum, I would definitely have to say, "See ya later." If she can't see what Formula SAE is about and how much I don't want to let my fellow team mates down, then she is going to be blind to other things later on in life.
My two cents...
- Erick
FSAE ('99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '??)
geeze, the american culture must be a bit different to the australian. if you tried to tell our team "no relationships with other team members" the management would be laughed at and told to piss off!
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.
10-10-2003, 08:23 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by UTA racer rikki:
And I don't know if anyone missed the 2002 autocross. A little blue winged devil of a car danced its way to 2.5 seconds faster than any other car at competition. Granted, it takes a good driver to do that as well, but I can honestly say it wasn't all driver!
Indeed, I remember that Autocross as well. It was around 35-40 degrees outside, so tire temp was a huge issue. UTA's 2nd driver kept catching the car in front, and ended up with four back-to-back runs, getting faster each time. It was an unquestionable advantage to get those runs, not just because of driver practice but they probably actually got the tires up to temp.
I remember it very well, because my 1 lap I got was faster than UTA's first driver and so I was paying a lot of attention. Thier first driver was something like 13 seconds off the pace vs. the 2nd though.
So it wasn't all driver, and it was a fast car, and I would definitely admit that the car was capable of winning Auto-x no matter what. But that margin is very deceiving.
As for wings, in SCCA auto-x events thier benefit is pretty obvious-they work.
-Charlie Ping
Auburn University FSAE (
5th Overall Detroit 2003
? Overall Aussie 2003.
10-10-2003, 11:08 AM
Hey guys (and gals) lets keep on topic here... I apologize for bringing up wings in the non tech section....
UTA was Lucky Cal Poly Pomona didn't show up at the Nationals this year anyway. poke poke jab jab
They need to remember that it took getting TROUNSED by Cal Poly in Pontiac and Topeka for several years before they woke up and felt the downforce.....
I'll give em this, once they did, their implementation was IMPRESSIVE but their 2002 Car didn't beat the old worn out Cal Poly 2000 car by that much last year at Nationals.... and Ken should have been paid to drive for them..the guy RIPS!!
I'm now ducking before I get hit by return fire!!
BRING IT!! but in the competitions forum!!
Let's Get Back To JUSY gossip stories and chick FSAE posts teasing all the rest of us!!
UTA racer rikki
10-10-2003, 12:25 PM
First I'll reply to Charlie, then I'll get to wingman... then of course, I'll return to the original topic!! (And remember all, it's all in good fun!)
Charlie, no doubt that our first driver was way off the pace of the autocross. This is due in large part because of his many other duties on the team. The guy was a workhorse, and still the second best driver we had. The problem was, by the time we got to competition, he had very little seat time and was so worn out that he was practically sleep walking. Driving, in my humble opinion, is 90% mental, 5% ability, and 5% car. I've found that if I can't prepare for an event menatally, then I won't finish first.
Now onto wingman,
It's easy to talk when you don't show up. What happened to you guys, why weren't you at Nationals this year? (post in the nationals topic) As for the choice to go with wings. It was more than Dr. Woods getting trounced by your '00 car that did it. Finding a wing profile with a lift coefficient greater than 3 is pretty appealing if you ask me! As for the 2002 car, we got the wheel lifting problem fixed and have equated that to almost 6 full seconds (3 seconds per track) at Nationals! And as I recall, that '02 car was good enough to finish 1-2 in the fsae group. The '03 car was that much faster also. I don't know if you read about the results wingman, but we had the fourth fastest car at Nationals this year!
Okay okay, back to the gf thing... gug, we don't say you can't be friends with everyone on the team. We want that. It's just that our past history has shown that if it goes in to on team romance, then there could be trouble. Things get messy when Harry, your lead designer, doesn't want to come in because Sally, your team manager, might be there. (Names were changed to protect the....).
- Erick
FSAE ('99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '??)
10-13-2003, 06:02 PM
I thought I would add my two cents since I started the whole thing.
Well since my original post my relationship is still going strong but it hasen't come easy. I can tell you there have been many times I have show up to dates late with grease under my fingernails and metal chips in my hair.
But it looks like this post has gone the full spectrum from Aussie match making to a debate on aero.
Well lets just keep this off topic on topic. Would love to hear nominations for teams with the lovely ladies. I know I meet one at Detroit that could talk your eye off about suspension and was a babe to boot. Can't remember her name or team, probably to busy drooling.
Scott Wordley
10-14-2003, 08:51 PM
My vote.... curtesy of the UMR Webcam
Scott Wordley
[This message was edited by Scott Wordley on October 15, 2003 at 12:06 AM.]
Scott Wordley
10-14-2003, 09:13 PM
And before you ask gug, yes... apparently she does have a boyfriend.
Scott Wordley
damn. oh well, maybe when our car flies past them over in detroit (cause we are going to win fsae-a and get an invite, an old lady with a crystal ball told me )she will jump ship. c'mon darling, you have to experience aussie lovin' at least once!
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.
UTA racer rikki
10-15-2003, 12:19 PM
She's already in Australia by the looks of it!
- Erick
FSAE ('99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '??)
no, im preeeeety sure she isnt. if monash had her hidden over there, then
<UL TYPE=SQUARE> <LI> a) my radar would have gone off by now (its a talent i was born with) <LI> b) she would be dead by now, having frozen in the melbourne weather. you see, melbourne is the coldest and wettest place in australia. apparently (i dont believe this) it got realllllly cold over in melbourne one winter and actually snowed over there! can you believe that? [/list]
my favourite pictures from the umr webcam (exluding the ones of the girls of course!):
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.
Wow, I didn't know our webcam was this popular. We definitely have fun with it. We just installed a new one yesterday- now it has live video feed. Our website has been redone as well. (
10-16-2003, 09:18 AM
I'm happy to see our website provides so much entertainment. The UMR FSAE shop is blessed with many lovely people and things.
CF (
10-16-2003, 12:30 PM
I think we should post more pics of hot chicks with power tools so we can beat the "So what do you drive" post (in # of views) C'mon!!! Spread the word!!!
University at Buffalo (SUNY)
+AE, +ME, -PHY
UB SAE Treasurer
UB SAE Formula Member
GA Pvt Pilot
i try to laugh
at whatever life brings
cuz when i look down
i just miss all the good stuff
an' when i look up
i just trip over things
Brent Howard
10-16-2003, 05:44 PM (
V2 - Italy
10-16-2003, 11:47 PM
great video.
Thank you Brent
Firenze Race Team V2
DUCATI POWER at the UniversitÃ* di Firenze
10-17-2003, 04:17 AM
Wowies... Though it has been a while since anyone said anything about what little old me had to say, I have to say that as Malikaloo's siter, I was stoked at the response to the whole Aussie Car Chick in search of a guy thing...
Before December I want to know what the guys out there are looking for in a relationship with a car girl if they alllllll want one...?
It seems that there are only 2 kinds of car girls in this world. The ones with the big tits who stand in front of the car and can tell you whats under the bonnet, how it works and why she designed it with what she did how and what she would like to do with your car (Take that how you like...
Then there is the 2nd kind of "Car Girl" who I happened to encounter at the Sydney International motorshow this weekend (Check UOW's site in the future, I saw them there...) . Whilist standing in front of the Ford site at the show and awaiting Marcos "What a hottie from Tassie" Ambrose to sign my shirt (Guess where...), I was promptly asked by the girl in all the ford gear at the counter who the guy "Signing with the big Ford hat thingy" was. I just stared at her... "Okay..." I'm thinking. So she isn't a V8 Suporter... But come on!!! THIS IS AUSTRLAIA! What SMART, Hot blooded Australian woman DONT know who he is??? (Next thing I was waiting her to ask was "whos that Michael Schumacher guy?")
That wasn't all. When I told her that he drove a V8 Supercar she went "V8???? Sup-erb-ka??? Whats that? Whats a V8?" It got quite terrifying really quickly. Needless to say I ran for my life in case I like started thinking like her like... Though the guys I was with told me she "wasn't bad" and that she was only one light switch away from intelligence...
So guys, which would you preffer???
As for my guy situation, I am putting money on SA and WA having the hottest guys in the comp! hehehe... Any objections, offers or suggestions???
10-17-2003, 04:26 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gug:
oi wollymoof, shhhhhhhh! keep it quite! all australian men are supposed to be big hunky strong sex gods. its that stereotype that we all rely on to pull when we go overseas. dont let on to the americans that we arent!
and Malikaloo's sister, are you seriously a female studying engineering who is having trouble finding a guy? thats amazing! the average girl in engineering has 20 guys drooling over her in adelaide. of course, the average male engineer is too hairy, talks in grunts, and uses engine oil as deoderant. the two girls in our team are on this forum, Deb and kk, youll have to ask them if any of us are alright.
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Ya... I am seriously a Female studying Engineering and am finding it hard to catch a guy... The thing about 20 guys per girl sounds good in theory but maybe it is different in SA to NSW... I think a transfer maybe in order to SA for next year if that is the truth though...
It seems the blokes around here, though nice enough... sometimes... just don't seem to go for the spanner wielding,dirty, oily, greased up woman on a mission. hehehe... Come on guys! Where are you???
[This message was edited by Malikaloo on October 17, 2003 at 07:36 AM.]
V2 - Italy
10-17-2003, 06:47 AM
Hey Malikaloo,
visit our website, we have no girls but a unique Ducati powered car. If you want to come and meet us, you know where we are.
Firenze Race Team V2
DUCATI POWER at the UniversitÃ* di Firenze
oi! none of that v2! youre not allowed to steal our women! especially not "the spanner wielding,dirty, oily, greased up woman on a mission" type!
actually it wouldnt surprise me if she did come and see you, ducatis are sexxxxxy.
hmmm, i would like to share with you all a song by kevin bloody wilson (an australian "artist") called "she's the sort of sheila for me", but i cant find the lyrics on the net!
here is a 30 second sound byte from it though: .ram file (
anyway, basic jist is that kevin has an exceptional ugly girlfriend:
"if you had a dog like that, you would shave its arse and teach it to walk backwards",
exceptionaly stupid "she'd make two short planks look like a computer"
he goes on to insult her about almost every aspect of her life.
but "she's deaf and dumb, and her old man dropped dead and left her a pub; now im not as fucking stupid as you thought i was; she's the sort of sheila for me."
there are many things that men find attractive. a very good quality is being mute. another is owning a pub. and so is being a "spanner wielding,dirty, oily, greased up woman on a mission".
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.
10-18-2003, 07:13 AM
So, what kinda car chick would I want (and every one of my buddies)...put simply, if she has any interest in cars she has a good chance, if she can tell me the make, model, and year of a car and what size of engine it has...she's pretty much gold in my books...anything more than that is amazing...nothing is sexier than a chick that can rebuild an engine! Hood Ornaments, such as Miss Ford chick you mentioned, are nothing more than decoration...they probably don't even appreciate cars; once in a while they rattle off something intellegent...but they probably read it out of the same brochure you just did!
Thats my opinion...
Kelsey Gier
University of Calgary - Dino's Motorsports
2003 Powertrain Leader
UofC Motorsports (
Denny Trimble
10-18-2003, 09:43 AM
Something like this?
University of Washington Formula SAE ('98, '99, '03, '04)
10-19-2003, 07:10 PM
I'm with Maki's sister here... Bring on Adelaide... We want FRESH interstate blood! Not that there is anything wrong with NSWelshy boys... its just they've all made their bed with the hood-ornament variety and now they are quite happy to lie in it. So let em... Lets just hope that these SA guys play as well on their own state's turf as they say they do...
*Cos shes going the distance... shes going for speeeeeeed......*
10-19-2003, 10:57 PM
It may be like wherever the hell that place is (And believe me, I am pretty sure it is that bad...), but there is SURE to be some poor desperate fool begging for it... hehehe... And that way it is kinda good cos then if Mr Right is out there in the desert, he might wanna leave and come to NSW and not whinge about having to move away from his mates, crap beer and lack of sheilas back home... (Wait. Change "Not whinging" to boasting...)
Mmmmmmmm... Can't wait till December... Grubby, sweaty little boys in the desert... Mmmmmm... Hehehehe... I think the Yanks will have to pull something special out of the hat in December if they are coming over... Along the lines of Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom maybe, if they wanna compete in the sexy guy ranks...
What about you Gug??? hehehe...
*Cos shes going the distance... shes going for speeeeeeed......*
10-20-2003, 02:54 AM
Something exactly like that Denny!
Kelsey Gier
University of Calgary - Dino's Motorsports
2003 Powertrain Leader
UofC Motorsports (
10-20-2003, 05:37 AM
Perhaps gug will post a pic of himself if you girls do the same.
oi! i dont see you offering to post a pic of yourself Mike! sacrificing the attractive one's privacy just so you can check out some babes...
ahhh, youre just afraid if they see a picture of you then they wont post up their own pictures. whereas if they see a picture of me then there will be all sorts of nude photos going up.
- if it isnt coming, you need a bigger tool.
10-20-2003, 03:44 PM
We want Nudey Men pics...!
Come-on Gug... show the rest of the world how the SA blokes do it, eh... Maybe then those hots Itallians will stop stealing your sheilas!!!
10-20-2003, 04:47 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Malikaloo:
We want Nudey Men pics...!
Come-on Gug... show the rest of the world how the SA blokes do it, eh... Maybe then those hots Itallians will stop stealing your sheilas!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I hope this is STILL Malikaloo's sister...
-Charlie Ping
Auburn University FSAE (
5th Overall Detroit 2003
? Overall Aussie 2003.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Charlie:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Malikaloo:
We want Nudey Men pics...!
Come-on Gug... show the rest of the world how the SA blokes do it, eh... Maybe then those hots Itallians will stop stealing your sheilas!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I hope this is STILL Malikaloo's sister...
-Charlie Ping
5th Overall Detroit 2003
? Overall Aussie 2003.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
you hope? think about how im feeling!!!!!!
- the problem with the world is stupidity. i'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
10-21-2003, 04:22 PM
Shame Shame Shame... My brother... Little Mr Engineer, is computer stopified since I changed his FSAE passwords, so pretty much, Malikaloo is now Me... his sister... Yay! Hope that puts all your Homophobic fears to be bed boys...
Oh and Gug, just out if intrest, what were you feeling?
well, the night i made that post i had been to my girlfriends netball (not mixed netball) game. had some old woman bend over infront of me wearing a skirt, and i actually am pretty sure it turned out to be a he.
so what was i feeling? fear...
and if you are being a smartass and talking about what i was touching, then you have a very dirty mind and i am impressed!
we should probably have some pictures up on the net of our car launch pretty soon, so you can look through and take the pick of our team. although, you will probably think im about 10 times uglier than i am, due to me looking like a zombie cause im sick.
- the problem with the world is stupidity. i'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety lables off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
10-22-2003, 04:45 PM
Problems with Gug's last post:
1. Was not actually thinking dirty like you Gug. Honestly had to think for a sec there what you were talking about... so be all un-impressed if you wish as I don't care anymore cos:
2. YOU HAVE A GF????!!! UGh! Thought there were no women in SA... Hang on... think you actually just confirmed that with last post... So am v.happy actually. hehehehe...
Okay. Gotta stop tyring to pick up now. Have decided will hunt down and marry very own Pommy/Yank... prefferably not STD riddled back-packer, but v.nice looking boy that is not gay or taken, as seems to be no.1 problem with Aussie boys (Okay, will be fair... usually only the latter is the problem...)...
So where pray-tel are these fantastic sex God Austrlaian men? Gay, married, otherwise taken or generally not interested??? If for any other reason un-interested but for SAE am not impressed at all...
gotta admit, i think you are asking in the wrong place for guys who are good in bed. since there are about 5 girls on this forum, and about 100 guys.
youre either going to get guys talking about how brilliant they are in bed, which you cant really trust cause they just want sex.
then you get the other type, guys who say "steve over there is good in bed, very skilled with his mouth".
but then you get the odd one out, me! im great in bed, but im very humble about it.
- the problem with the world is stupidity. i'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety lables off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Malikaloo:
2. YOU HAVE A GF????!!! UGh! Thought there were no women in SA... Hang on... think you actually just confirmed that with last post... So am v.happy actually. hehehehe... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
oi! im not gay!
- the problem with the world is stupidity. i'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety lables off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
10-22-2003, 07:32 PM
Sure ya ain't
Just keep telling yourself that... maybe someone will start believing it... Sooner or latter. But I will continue thinking along those lines since I didn't say you were gay yet you automatically implied it by fervently denying your gay-ness...
Hmmm... Am kinda glad that live far away from SA as guys there are illiterate as well as gay. Did I not specify main problem with males in AUS is that they are Gay or taken but usually the later??? Hmmm... Looks like will be an interesting and intellectually (And hopefully visually!) stimulating FSAEA...
11-09-2003, 02:35 PM
Mmmmm... Harsh sister... Harsh...
He is from SA... let it drop. Let it drop.
Its about time for this question to be revived.
Over the holidays break while I was helping to build this year's car in addition to helping out with the last 2 cars I offically got told off by my now ex-girlfriend.
Wondering if anyone else has had this sort of trouble this year or not.
Note: The guy who started this posting is getting married last time I heard, what a putz..
B Hise
12-31-2004, 12:42 PM
Last year at Maryland we named our car the homewrecker. One car, 5 relationships gone, mine included. If a girl cant support your racing habit she shouldnt be your girl in the first place. Now I can work on the car as much as I want. Thats how I see it.
01-02-2005, 03:21 AM
Oh Phuleese.
Introduce me to a guy who would ACTUALLY want a girl to support him in his racing habbit. The way I see it, you guys actually want to not have a chick to support you. It gives you an excuse. A speedy escape from something you didn't want to spend that much time on anyways.
On the opposite side of the coin...
I am yet to meet a guy who is fully ready to support me in my racing habbit. So come on... where are all these guys then???
For the record, I have either lost or given up for lost 2 sparkys for the cause.
01-02-2005, 01:57 PM
whats the spline count on that piece of steel, not sure if its compatable ??
kidding, but ya, engineering is a tough place to meet girls, the 3 or 4 decent girls I have met in my 1.5 years of college are all taken. Hopefully some general education classes will bring some hope.
One idea I did have would be to start an album of all the hotties on ppls teams and at competition, I know there were many, and I'm sure theres pictures hiding out there!!!
01-02-2005, 10:34 PM
Funny you should mention the hottie album idea, it has been done in the past, but will remain anonymous to protect the guilty
there are several schools that are known for cute ladies in their midst, but again, I won't mention any names...
Greg H
01-04-2005, 12:27 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by drivetrainUW-Platt:
engineering is a tough place to meet girls, the 3 or 4 decent girls I have met in my 1.5 years of college are all taken. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That's why you've got to be one of the takers.
02-04-2005, 03:10 AM
Hey Guys,
I have a girlfriend that pushed me into FSAE! I don't know exactly why...
Maybe she got another boyfriend??
No, seriously: She supported me every day I was involved in that time eating thing called Formula SAE.
That must be love...
That girl that can live with your dreams is the girl you will marry!
Believe it or not!
That's my expierience.
University of Stralsund
02-04-2005, 12:44 PM
Two years since my first post and all the racing I have done she has still stuck with me. Hell, I was doing testing last year on Valentines Day... all day. Then instead of taking her out to eat later that night I just crashed at her place from being up for 20 hours.
It is difficult to have/keep a relationship while doing SAE but its also a good thing to have some balance in your life.
Good luck to all the FSAE guys/girls who are currently in a relationship. Its a struggle, but worth it in the end.
02-22-2005, 12:28 PM
maybe the real question is: would you leave your girlfriend for the attractive team leader from another school, who only wants to talk to you for your fsae secrets?
02-22-2005, 08:09 PM
That would depend on whether or not you claim to have a girlfriend at the time.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">bbcb750 </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Definatly not, though I might try to pawn off some bad ideas as "secrets" and see how that goes...
02-23-2005, 07:46 PM
imo, a relationship that survives fsae, should survive marriage
04-30-2006, 10:25 PM
to the top
04-30-2006, 11:00 PM
My girlfriend came to a meeting once. She paid attention for about 5 minutes, then promptly zoned out while reading on her couch. Oh well. At least she's cool with the whole deal.
05-01-2006, 01:47 AM
am i the only one who finds himself coming home from the lab at 4 in the morning, kissing his girl "good night" and then "goodbye" again at 7.30 in the morning?
there the only words ive said to her in weeks
this week she's busy trying to question my sexuality with "the amount of time you spend with those FS boys, you must be gay" comments
05-01-2006, 11:21 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Psychosis:
this week she's busy trying to question my sexuality with "the amount of time you spend with those FS boys, you must be gay" comments </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
ha, awsome, where are these naked women on your website.....
05-01-2006, 01:52 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by drivetrainUW-Platt:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Psychosis:
this week she's busy trying to question my sexuality with "the amount of time you spend with those FS boys, you must be gay" comments </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
ha, awsome, where are these naked women on your website..... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
It's all just a big ploy to ge people on the site (works not managed to convince my girl to do any bikini poses by the car quite yet...
these were the words my ex told when was leaving me for good." Ill never date a guy whos into racing or other stuff related to this".
kenny boon
05-21-2006, 09:05 AM
Last year my gf gave me the choice, her or the car.
Needless to say i made the correct choice, my formula student hat has pride of place on my desk, next to my team photo to this day.
Matt OBU 2005
Malibu Megan
06-09-2006, 09:16 AM
Last year was my first year on the team...I pretty much gave up a bf for the car around October. Started dating my group leader a few days before comeptition. He asked me out, by 11 that same night we were in the shop for a series of all nighters to get ready for competition. This year I was in charge of body and he was in charge of cooling...seemed to worry our leader a little bit, having a new couple working so closely togehter. For our one year anniversary we were in the shop all night until 11am, went to sleep, woke up around 8 and ate a little dinner. But if you consider your quality time spent doing things like holding a radiator while he welds're set.
Dr Claw
06-21-2006, 01:36 PM
^ all i have to say is conga rats. FSAE doesnt ruin ALL sometimes helps them!
I would like to note that the sour puss of the a man who started this thread a few years back is actually going to tie the knot with his lucky lady this coming weekend. I wish him and other FSAE addicts the best of luck with their significant others.
06-28-2006, 02:56 PM
im one of those lucky guys who has avoided relationships throughout college, so ive never had to worry about that.
06-28-2006, 07:19 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by -:
I would like to note that the sour puss of the a man who started this thread a few years back is actually going to tie the knot with his lucky lady this coming weekend. I wish him and other FSAE addicts the best of luck with their significant others. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Well done.
For what it's worth, I met my wife in 1983, we were married in 1985, and she has only attended one road race and 2 autocrosses. She just lets me go and play with my little friends.
hope & hopeless
07-11-2006, 09:23 PM
My girlfriend is feel proud because i am building the race car.
08-16-2006, 06:08 PM
My Fiance - Soon to be husband Is nuts about the fact that I am into racing, he'll be coming to Melbourne for FSAE-Australasia in December to support us.
He was a little worried about me sharing a room with one of the guys for last Claude Rouelle (Is that the right spelling) Seminar in Melbourne, but he got over it. "How am I going to get a good job when I graduate and buy you a fast car if I can't learn about vehicle dynamics from a Racing God!"
As for chicks Managing FSAE teams, You need to be really careful not to become Team Mother insted of Manager. I sware I get a half a dozen phone calls a week "Where is the...?" I'm gonna get a sign made up and put it over the workshop "Look with your eyes and not with your mouth" - Maybe that should be my new signature. lol
Arturo Mendieta J
08-17-2006, 10:41 PM
last time I that I spoke with my girlfriend (we share 4 years) about FSAE stuff she left me... she never understood about engineering stuff and race cars, she asked me to leave her life forever ever! I have not seen her since september 05', now I decided that my girlfriend for the next 10 moths shuold be tha car, women: don`t try to undestand them, LOVE them!... FSAE team member's friendship is stronger than any couple relationship, I think time has the last word.
Saludos desde México
08-19-2006, 06:57 PM
I must be lucky or something. My girlfriend loves racing, loves cars, and loves working on cars. She is thinking about joining our FSAE team just to be around me when i am working on it. She understands my commitment to the team and my love for all things racing.
Her family takes me to las vegas for the nascar race (sorry not F-1) and we stay in their motorhome in the infield. She takes me to pit road and makes me talk to the pit crews, drivers, owners, and engineers.
Her favorite car is....67 Shelby Mustang GT 500
But get this....she wants to restore it her self.
So i guess to answer the origional post:
She wouldnt make me choose, she would join if she felt i was spending too much time on the car and not with her.
Odds are good she ll go to Fonatana next summer
Jersey Tom
08-25-2006, 06:58 PM
Times like these I am glad I'm single. Can actually get some work done and chill with some decent people.
Immature/crazy/make-no-sense girls.. god damn..
Bill Kunst
08-25-2006, 10:09 PM
I, personally, am appalled at the animal slaughters that all of you cause. Its no wonder everytime I visit a college that I see missing cat posters everywhere.
Anyone considered kitten killing for a fundraiser?
09-04-2006, 05:48 PM
Speaking of good looking Formula-ites(?), anyone remember the Dartmouth team?? 6 words...
Baby You Can Drive my Hybrid
Er Cuyaco
11-12-2006, 10:47 AM
Well I happen to be an ex-sae member because I decided to leave the team instead of my girlfriend. She liked the idea that I was with the team but one time I forgot her birthday and I spent the day in the garage with the car, and well, you know... Doom.
I was forgiven this time but I rather not to let it happen again. That's why I left the team. Several times she told me not to but I don't want to take chances. Sure, fsae is fun, and cool, but, if you are already in a advanced stage of a relationship, would you break up? I mean, a car is an object, but you cannot have sex with it.
You may pick up girls with it, have sex in it, but in the end, I rather see my classmates have fun from the public's view; and well, cheer them, that's the real team.
Besides, FSAe is about having fun doing a race car, you don't actually compete against 20 or 30 cars at the same time, on a track, you are mostly competing against time and publicity. So, why not having fun and balacing the relationship? that's better.
Anyways, cheers.
11-12-2006, 11:21 AM
That's disappointing that you couldn't better manage your time in FSAE. Full time or no time are not the only options. Of course once you put yourself in that position with her, you may have limited your options.
11-12-2006, 06:11 PM
Hey each to his own, its nice that you feel strongly enough about someone to suspend your other passions.
Haven't met anybody worth doing that for, myself. Don't think I ever will.
11-13-2006, 02:36 AM
My mrs wants to start the FSAE wives and girlfriends (FWAGS) to pool resources and think of nifty ways to sabotage SAE and stop me from spending all my time either on this forum or at work building the car. She actually kicked me off and wanted to read this whole thread for ideas. I'm just lucky she has had it worse when I had to live at uni and not with her so she can't complain. It's pretty good though because she has given the approval to hold team parties at our house next year when I am the captain.
Bill Kunst
11-13-2006, 10:21 AM
In the words of Chaz, "What an idiot!! Well, more for you and me, brother, more for you and me. MOM, MEATLOAF, FUCK!!! What does she do in there?"
11-13-2006, 11:44 PM
It's been said by people whose opinions mean more to me.
J. Vinella
11-14-2006, 11:52 PM
When people ask if I have a girlfriend I always reply with:
Yup, she's running a bit rich down in the basement of the ME building.
11-15-2006, 09:56 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by J. Vinella:
When people ask if I have a girlfriend I always reply with:
Yup, she's running a bit rich down in the basement of the ME building. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
In the words of south park,
Nice... at the last sentense of you sig. Nice...
11-15-2006, 04:49 PM
this is a girlfriend forum absolute, its off limites for ppl that dont like girls.
also, you are president of sae, shit will hit the fan now! where was my ballott bitches?
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