View Full Version : hall effect sensor and Sequential

Mr. Peepers
12-15-2003, 08:42 PM
How do you run the hall effect sensor with for Sequential injection?

Last year we ran batch fire injection and ignition. Now that we have the new Haltech E6X we can run sequential injection and batch ignition. Last year we used the hall effect sensor to off a wheel on the crank with two different magnets. Yet, that won't work this year for sequential because the Haltech does not know if it is time to squirt 1 or 4. We need to run 4 magnets off the cam, but the cam is steel, so that will not work.

What do you do?

B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
12-15-2003, 09:45 PM
Hello Mr. Peepers,

For sequential operation and the Haltech, you will need to set up the "Trigger" and "Home" inputs. If the E6X is like the E6K you can use a Hall effect sensor or VR sensor on either of these. The Trigger signal will come from the crank and the Home signal will come from the cam.

If you are having problems with being able to mount the magnets for the Hall effect sensor to the cam, you can always use a Hall effect sensor that is already magnetically biased like the GT101. This just needs a tooth in front of it rather than a magnet. We have a datasheet for this sensor on our website at Support at Performance Electronics, Ltd. (http://www.pe-ltd.com/support.htm) under "Standard Crank Pickup Sensor". You can get these at Newark Electronics.

If you need more help, or this doesn't answer you question feel free to contact me offline at brian@pe-ltd.com.

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"

12-15-2003, 10:45 PM
Mr Peepers,
The ECU now needs a tooth pattern based on 720 degrees rather than 360deg. You batch fired setup would have had two trigger points on the crank. In the four stroke cycle the ECU sees each of these twice, therfore four triggers per 720deg one for each cylinder, you probably had to set these trigger points/magnets at specific angles BTDC?

If you have a single trigger on the cam shaft it will only come around once for every two revolutions of the crank, 720deg. Now of those two trigger points on the crank only once in 720 degrees will you get a tooth following the cam sensor...understand? On our ECUs you use the cam sensor as an 'Arm' point to take the next crank tooth as a reference point, in the software the user sets how far away from TDC number one on the compression stroke. I would suspect the Haltech will do essentially the same thing. Four teeth evenly spaced on the cam will not give you the necessary reference point, think about it, what will the ECU see differently from two on the crank and four on the cam, it still sees four even teeth in 720 degrees with no reference to which one is cylinder number one.

Mark McCoy/Donna Arbuckle

Mr. Peepers
12-17-2003, 10:18 AM
I now realize what I have to do in order to make the Haltech run sequential. The E6X only has one hall senor input, so I have to put all your magnets in one basket (home and trigger). I have to space 4 magnets 90 degrees apart in an aluminum wheel attached to one cam gear. Three of the magnets will be oriented so that they provide a trigger signal (I think south, but I am not sure on this) and the forth magnet is oriented for a home signal (possibly oriented north).

Please correct me if this is crazy talk.

B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
12-17-2003, 02:20 PM
Hey Mr. Peepers,

The E6X actually has 2 Hall effect inputs, Home and Trigger. You need to have the crank sensor on the Trigger input and the Cam sensor on the Home input. Both of these inputs are in the "Trigger Input" connector of the harness. Give me a call if you still have any questions. My phone number is (513) 777-5233. Just out of curiosity, how is Haltech's customer support these days?

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"