View Full Version : Tire supplier

10-08-2003, 04:29 PM
Just wonder who other teams use for tire supplier and who has the best price usually. Our team is on a really tight budget, but so far we have good equipment for the new car.

Thanks in Advance

William Austin
ODU Motorsports

10-08-2003, 04:29 PM
Just wonder who other teams use for tire supplier and who has the best price usually. Our team is on a really tight budget, but so far we have good equipment for the new car.

Thanks in Advance

William Austin
ODU Motorsports

10-09-2003, 03:43 PM

Almost everyone I have seen uses Hoosier's or Goodyears. I believe some of the Aussie teams have used Dunlop's as well, but those are a bit harder to get for the US teams.
http://www.hoosiertire.com (under Road Racing/ Formula SAE)

They are probably going to be one of your most expensive parts. You also will need wets for the competition, which are even more expensive. Not to mention Rims too, which ain't cheap.

No matter who you get your tires from you are looking at spending at least $900 (4 slicks/4wets). If you do a lot of practicing, you will probably need 8 slicks... bringing it up to over $1200.

Sorry I can't paint a rosier picture for you

Washington State U/FSAE

10-09-2003, 08:36 PM
Thanks Brian for the info. I already got our wheels, we purchased some 13 X 7 direct mounts from Keizer. We were just looking for the best deal on tires and i thought i would ask around.

Thanks again

William Austin
ODU Motorsports

10-09-2003, 08:39 PM

If you want some practice tires, find a Formula Ford or Formula Mazda event, they will usually give you slightly used tires free. Not the same as the type you will probably run, but good for lots of practice runs (especially to work out the minor bugs and for driver training.

-Charlie Ping
Auburn University FSAE (http://eng.auburn.edu/organizations/SAE/AUFSAE)
5th Overall Detroit 2003
? Overall Aussie 2003. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Sam Zimmerman
10-10-2003, 09:37 PM
We tried to practice on a set of used R-33's so we would spend less on tires. We ended up just wasting our time. The tires were so bad that we couldn't tune the suspension or get any good driver training out of them. Just a warning, don't try to get too cheap with the tires or you end up wasting your time.

Sam Zimmerman
Vandals Racing (http://www.uidaho.edu/~racing)