03-09-2004, 07:36 AM
It exam time here in Oxford and my revision has led my brain to wander from the joys of dynamics, combustion and stress analysis and has come up with a mysterious world which i shall now attempt to explain.
In the quarrys of Unobtania we find the mines and refineries producing the sheets of unobtanium, that mysterious and rare metal with all the perfect material requirements that we need.
The crappy bits that get left over are thrown to one side and trashed, this then becomes known as EN-SH-1-T.
On the plains of Unobtania we find the cat herders, desperately trying to keep their flocks under control.
In the industrial heart of Unobtania we find the Blue smoke factories which puts blue smoke into micro chips for when they over heat and explode.
At the port of Unobtania we find the red herring fisheries.
Other factories include the sky hook plant.
There are also the norga and denim ranches. Here the hides of such animals are used for the textiles industry for products such as Jeans, trainers and fake leather bags.
Oh it is a wonderful and mysterious place. Dogs and cats live together and men understand women!!
Word to ya moms but i came to drop bombs!!!!!
In the quarrys of Unobtania we find the mines and refineries producing the sheets of unobtanium, that mysterious and rare metal with all the perfect material requirements that we need.
The crappy bits that get left over are thrown to one side and trashed, this then becomes known as EN-SH-1-T.
On the plains of Unobtania we find the cat herders, desperately trying to keep their flocks under control.
In the industrial heart of Unobtania we find the Blue smoke factories which puts blue smoke into micro chips for when they over heat and explode.
At the port of Unobtania we find the red herring fisheries.
Other factories include the sky hook plant.
There are also the norga and denim ranches. Here the hides of such animals are used for the textiles industry for products such as Jeans, trainers and fake leather bags.
Oh it is a wonderful and mysterious place. Dogs and cats live together and men understand women!!
Word to ya moms but i came to drop bombs!!!!!