View Full Version : Self-Contained Turbo Oiling

09-04-2003, 01:49 PM
We have been considering designing a self-contained oiling system for our turbo.

The system would include an oil reservoir, pump, heat exchanger, plumbing and of course the turbo.

These are the +'s and -'s so far

+More freedom with mounting location of turbo
+Use of Synthetic Motor Oil for the turbo instead of Motorcycle Motor oil
+More accurate temperature control of the turbo to avoid over heating and breaking down the oil.
+Make it possible to circulate oil when the engine is off for startup and cool down if necessary.
+No tapping into the factory oiling system (hole in pan, pressure feed source, pump workload)

Some drawbacks:
- Have to provide enough power to run another external pump.
- More complicated (anti-KISS)
- Added weight
- Added cost

We are wondering if anyone has tried this before or seen it done before, and experienced any problems. Any other thoughts?


09-04-2003, 01:49 PM
We have been considering designing a self-contained oiling system for our turbo.

The system would include an oil reservoir, pump, heat exchanger, plumbing and of course the turbo.

These are the +'s and -'s so far

+More freedom with mounting location of turbo
+Use of Synthetic Motor Oil for the turbo instead of Motorcycle Motor oil
+More accurate temperature control of the turbo to avoid over heating and breaking down the oil.
+Make it possible to circulate oil when the engine is off for startup and cool down if necessary.
+No tapping into the factory oiling system (hole in pan, pressure feed source, pump workload)

Some drawbacks:
- Have to provide enough power to run another external pump.
- More complicated (anti-KISS)
- Added weight
- Added cost

We are wondering if anyone has tried this before or seen it done before, and experienced any problems. Any other thoughts?


09-04-2003, 02:35 PM
Haven't tried it Dave, but there are synthetic bike oils on the market. also oil thermostats are available to control oil temps.

Sam Graham
Engine Group Leader 2003
UQ Racing

Hoosier Daddy
09-06-2003, 12:26 PM
Look into the Aerodyne Aerocharger turbo (53000 model). It is a self-contained oil lubricated unit.

Variable geometry and ceramic bearings don't hurt either!

R~c0mPs p0w3N!