View Full Version : brake pressure sensors ..

10-22-2003, 01:02 PM
hey all .. anyone have a cheaper alternative to bosch, honeywell etc 300 dollar 2000 psi fluid pressure sensors or had any problems when integrating them into a brake system - ie bleeding. Any ideas on making simple static brake pressure readings for setting up bias?


10-22-2003, 01:02 PM
hey all .. anyone have a cheaper alternative to bosch, honeywell etc 300 dollar 2000 psi fluid pressure sensors or had any problems when integrating them into a brake system - ie bleeding. Any ideas on making simple static brake pressure readings for setting up bias?


B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
10-22-2003, 08:18 PM

See if the University has any load cells laying around. As long as you are just doing static setup, a simple fixture can be made to use these.

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"

10-24-2003, 02:02 AM
We built our own. If you have access to a good supply of strain gauges and can hold your tolerances, a transducer can be created that outputs a linear strain vs. internal (hoop) stress for a thin-walled cylinder.

B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
10-24-2003, 04:54 AM
You don't even need to be that close with the tolerances as long as you calibrate the bridge once you are finished. There are several simple laydowns that would do the job for a 1-D steady state transducer. Contact me offline if you need a couple of suggestions (brian@pe-ltd.com).

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"