View Full Version : Crush zones dimension??

01-06-2003, 08:39 PM
The rules 2003 say in section, that the crush zone has to be defined by two separated planes forward of the
main chassis structure. The front plane, which has predefined dimensions (rectangle of 100 mm (3.9inch)
height and 200 mm (7.8 inch) width), and the Rear Plane which has be the front plane of the Bulkhead. THERE IS NO LIMITATION ANYWHERE IN THE RULES, which says that the bulkhead has a minimum requiered size.

In our case, for the 2003 car, the bulkhead is less than 200 mm in width. This will make our crusch zone have an inverse pyramid form. This would still follow the rules, right??

What if the crash zone is a rectangle of 200 mm (3.9inch)
height and 100 mm (7.8 inch) width, instead of a rectangle of 100 mm (3.9inch) height and 200 mm (7.8 inch) width. Would it not be the same protection, in case of a front impact??

Thank you very much....

Andoni Mazeika
2002-2003 Team Leader
Equipo F-SAE USB
www.formulasaeusb.com (http://www.formulasaeusb.com)
Universidad Simon Bolivar

01-06-2003, 08:39 PM
The rules 2003 say in section, that the crush zone has to be defined by two separated planes forward of the
main chassis structure. The front plane, which has predefined dimensions (rectangle of 100 mm (3.9inch)
height and 200 mm (7.8 inch) width), and the Rear Plane which has be the front plane of the Bulkhead. THERE IS NO LIMITATION ANYWHERE IN THE RULES, which says that the bulkhead has a minimum requiered size.

In our case, for the 2003 car, the bulkhead is less than 200 mm in width. This will make our crusch zone have an inverse pyramid form. This would still follow the rules, right??

What if the crash zone is a rectangle of 200 mm (3.9inch)
height and 100 mm (7.8 inch) width, instead of a rectangle of 100 mm (3.9inch) height and 200 mm (7.8 inch) width. Would it not be the same protection, in case of a front impact??

Thank you very much....

Andoni Mazeika
2002-2003 Team Leader
Equipo F-SAE USB
www.formulasaeusb.com (http://www.formulasaeusb.com)
Universidad Simon Bolivar

Dominic Venieri
01-06-2003, 11:26 PM
not to promote the other forums, but I would suggest posting on the "official" SAE forums where a rules official can reply. they seem to be replying to rules inquiries faster there than by email, but you should try that as well.

www.formularpi.com (http://www.formularpi.com)

01-07-2003, 10:58 AM

tried that as well

Andoni Mazeika
2002-2003 Team Leader
Equipo F-SAE USB
www.formulasaeusb.com (http://www.formulasaeusb.com)
Universidad Simon Bolivar

Michael Jones
01-26-2003, 03:16 PM
...what you describe makes sense to me, save for the bulkhead being less than 8" wide. Just measured the width of my feet...about 8" assuming racing shoes. I suppose the foot bay is larger and the bulkhead tapers down from that?

Cornell Racing

01-26-2003, 04:27 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dominic Venieri:
not to promote the other forums, but I would suggest posting on the "official" SAE forums where a rules official can reply. they seem to be replying to rules inquiries faster there than by email, but you should try that as well.


I haven't seen them reply to a rules question in over a month now.