View Full Version : Who is going to Formula Student?
Dominic Venieri
12-03-2002, 08:59 PM
I was wondering which teams from the US and Canada are planning on going to Formula Student this year.
For those teams, what arrangements have you made for shipping of your car. We attended in 2000 and 2001. 2002 didn't happen due to a huge jump in the cost of shipping the car. Attempts at sponsorship have not been successful, and I was wondering how other schools are managing it. (
Dominic Venieri
12-03-2002, 08:59 PM
I was wondering which teams from the US and Canada are planning on going to Formula Student this year.
For those teams, what arrangements have you made for shipping of your car. We attended in 2000 and 2001. 2002 didn't happen due to a huge jump in the cost of shipping the car. Attempts at sponsorship have not been successful, and I was wondering how other schools are managing it. (
Dominic Venieri
12-16-2002, 08:10 AM
bump this back up for reply (
12-16-2002, 08:16 AM
University of Toronto FSAE's shipping costs are covered by one of our associate partners: Kuehne and Nagel.
Try looking for a shipping company that is capable. I'd like to see more North American teams at FStudent next year. I dunno about this registration fee though........ does anyone know if it is REALLY in the range of $1800 USD?
Last year it was McMaster and us from Canada and RIT, Kettering and GIT from US.
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
It's now up on the website. (
12-18-2002, 08:10 PM
Kettering will not be attending Formula Student in 2003. All resources are focused on FSAE-A a year from now. We may look at Formula Student again in 2004, the events in 2000 and 2002 were very enjoyable.
As far as shipping goes, we are lucky to have an excellent relationship with the company of the big brown vans (UPS). Maybe you guys would have some luck with a competitor???? I haven't seen any Airborne Express or FedEx stickers on FSAE cars yet.
Travis Slagle
Kettering University FSAE
Dominic Venieri
12-29-2002, 09:39 AM
The president of our university, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, sits on the Board of Directors of FedEx. They are looking to develop a relationship with our school, partly because of our president, and partly because of a new IT research center they are building here. The corporate relations development office suggested our project as a low cost way to get a relationship started (retail price ~$10k). Their reply was that due to their sponsor relationship with the Williams F1 team, and the fact that we would be taking away space from revenue generating customers, they will not be able to assist us, neither through discount or donation.
As for focusing on FSAE-A... may I ask why you choose that event? We had thought about it in the past. It falls right during final exams, is right in the middle of construction for the next year, and costs a lot more to get to AU than the UK.
This is the reason for my original post, to see what NA teams would be heading over to F-Student, to help determine which competitions to be of the most benefit. Its obvious that the level of competition from Australia has progressed much faster than anyone could have imagined.
Interested to hear other thoughts? (
12-29-2002, 02:27 PM
I want to know just due to the fact that the entry fee is ridiculous!!!
Who's going to FStudent? We're contemplating it at the moment, but the sticker price of the registration fee makes me wonder....
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
12-29-2002, 09:10 PM
-As for focusing on FSAE-A... may I ask why you choose that event? We had thought about it in the past. It falls right during final exams, is right in the middle of construction for the next year, and costs a lot more to get to AU than the UK.-
Well, there are several reasons for us focusing on FSAE-A. For one, we feel that for our schedule Australia will actually work out better. Attending Formula Student has always set us back slightly on design and test for the following year's car. Our hope is that design can be well underway before taking off in December. School will be an issue, but our finals are not until after the competition.
Also, we won't really know which is the better competition until we've been to both /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Argus Tuft
12-30-2002, 04:08 AM
Kettering will be made very welcome at FSAEA.
The event will be at Tailem Bend near Adelaide on the Mitsubishi proving ground.
Tentative plans are for the Army to provide tent accommodation for all, so it sounds a little like party central.
The quantity at FSAEA may not be a high as in Pontiac, about the same as the actual number of starters in Class 1 at Bruntingthorpe, however, I believe the average quality is now the best in the world. The best Aussie cars are as good as the best anywhere, but the worst cars are better than the worst at SAE or Student.
Add to that bright summer weather, the ability to run your 2003 car again incorporating all the fixes you learned from Pontiac, Us dollars that are worth almost 2 Aussie dollars (A buck buys what a buck buys anywhere in the world, so your costs in Aus are halved) and those tanned Aussie sheilas (and blokes) on the cleanest beaches in the world, and I cannot imagine why anyone wouldn't rather compete in Australia rather than on a cold bleak airstrip in the English Midlands.
Don't think you will have an easy job taking the trophies home though.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy !
Can't really fault the logic there, but we Midlanders are quite attached to our cold bleak airstrip:-)
What sort of total costs are people looking at for FSAE-A vs. FStudent?
Ben (
01-08-2003, 08:49 PM
All said and done how much does it usually cost an American team to do Forumla Student?
And how many people do you usually take?
"It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain..."
GTMS spends on the order of $25k to compete in England. We take roughly 12 students. Shipping and airfare are the two major costs.
Dr. Ken Cunefare
Faculty Advisor, GTMotorsports
01-09-2003, 04:48 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrC:
GTMS spends on the order of $25k to compete in England. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Do you have any idea what the breakdown is?
Price for shipping?
Price per person?
Who do you use to ship?
We were thinking about going but thinking 10K with shipping and 5-6 people.
"It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain..."
Dominic Venieri
01-09-2003, 05:40 PM
RPI spends about 18-19k US to get to Formula Student. Airfare is about $800 a ticket from Newark, NJ to London. We take 6-8 people. Shipping is about $7500, air over, boat back. The rest is lodging, about $40 per person per night and train tix from London to Birmingham.
Those prices were for the event at the NEC. We didn't go to Bruntingthorpe last year because we couldn't get enough money to get the car over. Shipping quotes air and back were around $10k (we wanted the car back sooner). (
01-09-2003, 06:37 PM
Can I get a tally of WHO is going to FStudent this year........ is it just me who thinks the registration fee is RIDICULOUS???
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
01-10-2003, 11:22 AM
NO.......and by no i mean yes!!
"It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain..."
Dominic Venieri
01-22-2003, 01:43 PM
With the rgistration deadline of Jan 31 coming up for F Student, which team's are registered? We're thinking about registering late, because the $1890 registration fee is a lot to cough up if we can't be 100% certain that we're going. (
V2 - Italy
02-03-2003, 11:37 PM
We'd like to create a list with all the Universities entries at FS2003.
Who is coming from USA, Canada etc?
Actually I know that 3 teams from Italy had completed the subscription:
UniversitÃ* di Firenze
UniversitÃ* di Padova
UniversitÃ* di Ferrara
See you in UK
Firenze Race Team V2
DUCATI POWER at the UniversitÃ* di Firenze
02-05-2003, 05:21 AM
Toronto has entered.
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
02-07-2003, 07:51 PM
Of interest is that Rensselaer is the only US team entered and Toronto the only Canadian team.
Where is UTA ? Dr. Woods stated on here that they had entered. There is no sign of the Australian teams and no sign of Formula Student regulars Stralsund. Still, nearly 40 entries is not bad considering the predictions of gloom following the announcement of the increased entry fee.
International entries are listed first, and then the domestic teams. an asterisk denotes a second year entry
Slan Leat
University of Toronto Canada
Helsinki Polytechnic* Finland
Ecole des Mines de Douai France
Technical University of Brunswick Germany
University of Patras Greece
Delft University Holland
University College Dublin Ireland
Politecnico di Milano Italy
Universita degli Studi di Ferrara Italy
UniversitÃ* di Firenze Italy
UniversitÃ* di Padova Italy
Universidade Independente Portugal
University of Maribor Slovenia
University of Witwatersrand South Africa
Lulea University of Technology Sweden
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA
Chalmers University Sweden
UK Entries
Aston University
Bath University*
Bell College
Brunel University
Cardiff University
Coventry University
Coventry University*
Imperial College of S, T & M
Leeds University
Leeds University *
Loughborough University
Oxford Brookes University
Sheffield Hallam University
Swansea Institute
University of Applied Sciences
University of Bath
University of Central Lancashire
University of Hertfordshire *
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Lancaster
University of Manchester
University of Sussex
University of Warwick
02-07-2003, 10:24 PM
That post is MUCH appreciated.
But where's UTA???
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
Dominic Venieri
02-08-2003, 12:01 AM
Maybe they missed the entry deadline?
Are all those teams listed Class 1 teams? I can't recall if the cap was set at 40 teams or 48 teams this year? If 48, then perhaps they are going to register late, after all, whats another $75 on top of an already $1900 entry fee. (
02-08-2003, 12:09 AM
Yes, those are the Class 1 entries. There are very few in Class 2 and 3, perhaps less than 5 in each, so I would think they will be dropped in future events.
Slan Leat
Dominic Venieri
02-08-2003, 06:11 AM
There are 48 Class 1 slots, and only 41 teams registered - maybe my late registration theory is correct for UTA?
So with them, it will be only 3 North American teams. (
02-08-2003, 08:39 AM
Queens from Kingston Ontario Canada may also be registering for Formula Student.
Dom, I saw your email, just havent gotten a chance to reply. Very soon.
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
Phil O'Dendron
02-20-2003, 04:33 AM
I was told today that then entry of the UTA was regected by formula student because some of the drivers wernt eligable and so were regected.
I think they were Damien Hill and Nigel Mansell and Micheal Shumacher LOL
No relation to Rhode O'Dendron
02-25-2003, 04:53 AM
Here is the up to date entry for Formula Student 2003.
Cars with numbers 200 and up are second year cars and cars with a (2) appended are second entries in the '200' class.
Still no entry for UTA, the rumour is there has been an entry placed, however there is some dispute over the nominated drivers (Ken Hassler and rule 2.1.1 ???) Hardly Michael Schumacher as suggested in another post.
Slan Leat
UK Teams
4 Brunel Uni. UK
5 Leeds Uni. UK
11 Bath Uni. UK
13 Oxford Brookes Uni. UK
14 Hertfordshire Uni. UK
17 Birmingham Uni. UK
21 Coventry Uni. UK
22 Lancaster Uni. UK
24 Huddersfield Uni. UK
27 Warwick Uni. UK
31 Strathclyde Uni UK
32 Swansea Inst. UK
34 Uni. of Wales Swansea UK
36 Aston Uni. UK
38 Sheffield Hallam Uni. UK
39 City Uni. London UK
40 Imperial College UK
41 Cardiff Uni. UK
43 Loughborough Uni. UK
49 Cent. Lancashire Uni. UK
50 Manchester Uni. UK
52 Sussex Uni. UK
215 Hertfordshire Uni (2) UK
219 Coventry Uni (2) UK
235 Bath Uni. (2) UK
237 Leeds Uni (2) UK
International Teams
2 Uni. of Toronto Canada
9 Uni. of App. Sciences Germany
12 Uni. of Maribor Slovenia
16 Delft Uni. Holland
18 Tech. Uni. of Brunswick Germany
23 Uni. degli Studi di Ferrara Italy
26 Bell College Canada
28 Uni. College Dublin Eire
33 Lulea Uni. of Tech. Sweden
35 Chalmers Uni. Sweden
42 Ecole des Mines de Douai France
44 Politec. di Milano Italy
45 Rensselaer Polytech. Inst. USA
46 Uni. Independente Portugal
47 Uni. di Firenze Italy
48 UniversitÃ* di Padova Italy
51 Uni. of Patras Greece
53 Uni. of Witwatersrand South Africa
54 Uni. of Delhi India
236 Helsinki Polytech. Finland
02-25-2003, 06:36 PM
hahahahhah!!!!!!!! Ken!!!!
I still hope he can drive though.....that guy i hear is so fast.
I don't think Bell College is in Canada though.....
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
02-26-2003, 03:30 AM
Och aye laddie,
Ye'r reet, Bell College is in Glasgey in Sco'land.
Ay, I belong tee Glasgey, dear ole Glaskey toon,
There's sumthin' the matter wi' the forum, 'cause it's gooin' roon and roon.
I'd better lay off that single malt scotch
Slan leat
02-26-2003, 08:24 AM
Dominic Venieri
02-26-2003, 11:10 AM
well, the info i got was that they were planning on doing both. they've been both places before (they did all 3 in 2000 i believe? RIT followed that lead in 2001 and 2002?). (
03-01-2003, 11:28 PM
Hi all,
I notice UTA have been added to the entry for Formula Student.
Slan leat
Dominic Venieri
03-03-2003, 11:24 AM
I notice there are 55 Class 1 entries listed. What happened to having only 48 entries? Overbooking to raise some funds perhaps? (
03-03-2003, 09:32 PM
55????? I hope to get some of our registration fee money back then!!!
This year's FStudent fee was ridiculous.
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
03-04-2003, 04:08 AM
HI again,
There are 48 entries in all at FS, 43 new cars and 5 second year cars. For reasons best known to the IMechE, not all numbers are used.
Slan Leat
Dominic Venieri
03-04-2003, 06:15 AM
well that's just dumb (
I think the reason for this is reserving numbers. GT aren't racing so no one will wear number 1 for example.
There was no #17 until we at Birmingham got entered (finally - don't ask :-) )
I think it is a little silly to reserve numbers outside the top 10 though.
V2 - Italy
05-10-2003, 02:35 PM
(09-05-2003updated )
2 University of Toronto
4 Brunel University
5 Leeds University
9 University of Applied Sciences, Stralsund
11 University of Bath
12 University of Maribor
13 Oxford Brookes University
14 University of Hertfordshire
16 Delft University
17 University of Birmingham
18 Technical University of Brunswick
21 Coventry University
22 University of Lancaster
23 Universita degli Studi di Ferrara
24 University of Huddersfield
26 Bell College
27 University of Warwick
28 University College Dublin
31 University of Strathclyde
32 Swansea Institute
33 Lulea University of Technology
34 University of Wales Swansea
35 Chalmers University
36 Aston University
37 University of Ulster
38 Sheffield Hallam University
39 City University, London
40 Imperial College of S, T & M
41 Cardiff University
42 Ecole des Mines de Douai
43 Loughborough University
44 Universidade Independente
45 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
46 UniversitÃ* di Firenze
47 UniversitÃ* di Padova
49 University of Central Lancashire
50 University of Manchester
51 University of Patras
52 University of Sussex
53 University of Witwatersrand
54 University of Delhi
55 University of Texas at Arlington
56 University of Southampton
57 Ohio State University
206 Helsinki Polytechnic
219 Coventry University
215 University of Hertfordshire
235 Bath University
237 Leeds University
University of Manchester
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Queen Mary University
University College London
Bath University
Delft University of Technology
Leeds University
Graz University of Technology
Politecnico di Milano
University of Applied Sciences, Graz
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
University of Sunderland
University of Strathclyde
University of Wales Swansea
Firenze Race Team V2
DUCATI POWER at the UniversitÃ* di Firenze
05-11-2003, 10:14 AM
57 schools??!!! WOW
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
05-29-2003, 01:03 PM
Just hoping the hike in entry fees is going to give us a better run, safer event - though given that the site plan shows the welder and the fuel area next to each other I'm not optimistic....
Given the choice I'd do the US and Australian competitions - they're better organised and have much better prize money....
05-29-2003, 01:35 PM
This doesn't represent my team's views in any way, but Auburn would have probably been at Formula Student if it weren't for the very unfriendly organizers.
I emailed the given address on the website inquiring about registry. I recieved a very rude email back, basically telling me they don't have time to answer emails, and they weren't answering mine. If I wanted them to help, my advisor would have to call.
I was very dissapointed, and given the giant entry fee, I decided to pass, and go to the Australian competition instead. (Everyone there was extremely cordial).
It does say something when the overall winner doesn't return either.
-Charlie Ping
Auburn University FSAE
5th Overall Detroit 2003
Frank "Ruska"
06-01-2003, 05:02 AM
The Stralsund Team going to GB this year again. But this extremly high entrence fee is poison for this competition. For all how going to Australia - fantastic event with fantastic organisation. We were there the last 2 years. Erin thanks for the help last year.
We try to go to US next year with our new UK car!
Frank Röske
Student Racing Team
University of Applied Sciences Stralsund/Germany (
06-30-2003, 03:59 AM
Hi all,
Just a message of good luck for all teams competing at Bruntingthorpe this year. Unfortunately, work committments prevent my attendance this year, but I will closely monitor what is happening.
Again, best wishes to all teams, and never forget that what is the best practical learning experience in the world, is also fun.
Maybe I will catch you all next year.
Pat Clarke
FSAE-A Tech Advisor
Rudeness is a weak mans imitation of strength
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