View Full Version : Formula Student Entries Interesting
02-07-2003, 10:25 PM
Cut and paste from a post in a different thread. Interesting that not many other American and Canadian teams making the trek to the UK. What does everyone else think?
University of Toronto Canada
Helsinki Polytechnic* Finland
Ecole des Mines de Douai France
Technical University of Brunswick Germany
University of Patras Greece
Delft University Holland
University College Dublin Ireland
Politecnico di Milano Italy
Universita degli Studi di Ferrara Italy
UniversitÃ* di Firenze Italy
UniversitÃ* di Padova Italy
Universidade Independente Portugal
University of Maribor Slovenia
University of Witwatersrand South Africa
Lulea University of Technology Sweden
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA
Chalmers University Sweden
UK Entries
Aston University
Bath University*
Bell College
Brunel University
Cardiff University
Coventry University
Coventry University*
Imperial College of S, T & M
Leeds University
Leeds University *
Loughborough University
Oxford Brookes University
Sheffield Hallam University
Swansea Institute
University of Applied Sciences
University of Bath
University of Central Lancashire
University of Hertfordshire *
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Lancaster
University of Manchester
University of Sussex
University of Warwick
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
02-07-2003, 10:25 PM
Cut and paste from a post in a different thread. Interesting that not many other American and Canadian teams making the trek to the UK. What does everyone else think?
University of Toronto Canada
Helsinki Polytechnic* Finland
Ecole des Mines de Douai France
Technical University of Brunswick Germany
University of Patras Greece
Delft University Holland
University College Dublin Ireland
Politecnico di Milano Italy
Universita degli Studi di Ferrara Italy
UniversitÃ* di Firenze Italy
UniversitÃ* di Padova Italy
Universidade Independente Portugal
University of Maribor Slovenia
University of Witwatersrand South Africa
Lulea University of Technology Sweden
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA
Chalmers University Sweden
UK Entries
Aston University
Bath University*
Bell College
Brunel University
Cardiff University
Coventry University
Coventry University*
Imperial College of S, T & M
Leeds University
Leeds University *
Loughborough University
Oxford Brookes University
Sheffield Hallam University
Swansea Institute
University of Applied Sciences
University of Bath
University of Central Lancashire
University of Hertfordshire *
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Lancaster
University of Manchester
University of Sussex
University of Warwick
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
i know this is s fairly obvious costs alot. our team is a good example. a few years ago (before i was around), our team went to FSAE student, i herd it cost something like 10,000 to pull it off. this year, the budget for our whole car is like 10,000. and detriot is (relativley) free. we have our own truck and that stuff. i hope this clears up the mistery...
James Waltman
02-08-2003, 01:44 PM
Yes, money is the reason we won't be going. Jack, I wish our budget were that much. Actually our budget is less than half that in cash, including what team members pay for out of their own pockets (I know because I'm the treasurer). Combined cash and materials/parts donations will be substantially less than $10,000. The only way we are able to build a car is our shop. It is absolutely amazing thanks to Dr. Seal, the VRI's founder and director. I am a little jealous of the teams with big budgets but I wouldn't trade for our shop. Stop in and check it out in if you are in the area.
Back to the thread
Why are some teams listed twice? What are the different classes (mentioned in the other thread)?
James Waltman
Formula SAE
Vehicle Research Institute at
Western Washington University
Dominic Venieri
02-08-2003, 01:51 PM
In England, they still let teams enter a 2nd year car. So when you see Leeds with 2 cars, its their 2002 and 2003 cars.
Class 1 cars are what we would see in Michigan, a complete, ready to race, prepared car and team.
A Class 2 car is a car that is designed and has been built partway. It comes and gets judged and the team participates in all the static events, but not the dynamic events.
A Class 3 car is a car that is just a design. They judge them in the static events only as well.
I think I have that all right - someone correct me if I'm wrong. (
02-08-2003, 04:19 PM
Not quite, The teams listed are all class one teams. The reason for the duplications is that here in the UK teams are allowed to bring back a previous car as a second year entry.
For instance, in 2002, Hertfordshire brought a new car, and their older 2000 spaceframe car, suitably modified. Their nice monocoque 2001 car stayed back at base. I think some teams use the old car to train the new teams.
Even Leeds are taking advantage of those rules this year.
Slan Leat
02-09-2003, 07:46 AM
Too bad our crate doesn't fit both our 02 and 03 cars.....
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
Michael Jones
02-09-2003, 09:19 AM
How do you guys deal with the static event deadlines for FStudent? They're about a week after FSAE - and I know that we're both too tired and too drunk at that time, given that that's the week before commencement. :-) I supposed you could just hand in the same design brief and cost report, etc. but I'd also bet that feedback you get from FSAE would make the FStudent submsissions stronger.
Just curious...
Cornell Racing
V2 - Italy
02-10-2003, 12:22 AM
The official entries are:
University of Manchester
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Queen Mary University
University College London
Bath University
Delf University of Technology
Leeds University
Graz University of Technology
University of Applied Sciences, Graz
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
University of Sunderland
If I remember well, if the entries number exceed 48, the second year car will not run.
All entries listed here:
Firenze Race Team V2
DUCATI POWER at the UniversitÃ* di Firenze
02-10-2003, 11:27 AM
I'm impressed with the Italian contingent this year!!
Leeds has a Class 3 team?
Mike, we submit the same design review for Fstudent, but the cost report gets and update, and the presentations and such get a touch makeover to cater to the hillclimb'n judges!
Can someone from UTA on the board confirm their attendance?
Vinh Pham
University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team (
Yeah, accually after i wrote that, i figured $10,000 is way more than we have this year...
it would be cool of we could get more credit for the fact that we kinda half to make everything, instead of just going out and buying stuff. i guess it helps for the engineering aspect, but all the cnc time kills the cost report...
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