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Dominic Venieri
11-25-2002, 02:26 PM
Drivers' Leg & Foot Protection
It has come to the attention of the Rules Committee that some of the cars in this year's competitions have not been in compliance with the intent of the rules relative to the protection of the driver's feet and legs.

The specific observation is that the structure supporting the front bulkhead that is specified in Rule, is less than optimum in terms of bracing and triangulation, and/or that it does not meet the intent of the rules in terms of tubing size.

The Rules Committee now recognizes that the wording of the rules on this topic is less than precise, and will attempt to clarify it for the 2004 Competition.

However, the teams need to be aware that the Rules Committee has requested the Chief Design Judge to instruct his Design Judges that adequate design of the support structure of the front bulkhead should be one of the criteria for selecting cars for the Design Event Semi-Finals.

Michael Royce,
Rules Committee,

www.formularpi.com (http://www.formularpi.com)

Dominic Venieri
11-25-2002, 02:26 PM
Drivers' Leg & Foot Protection
It has come to the attention of the Rules Committee that some of the cars in this year's competitions have not been in compliance with the intent of the rules relative to the protection of the driver's feet and legs.

The specific observation is that the structure supporting the front bulkhead that is specified in Rule, is less than optimum in terms of bracing and triangulation, and/or that it does not meet the intent of the rules in terms of tubing size.

The Rules Committee now recognizes that the wording of the rules on this topic is less than precise, and will attempt to clarify it for the 2004 Competition.

However, the teams need to be aware that the Rules Committee has requested the Chief Design Judge to instruct his Design Judges that adequate design of the support structure of the front bulkhead should be one of the criteria for selecting cars for the Design Event Semi-Finals.

Michael Royce,
Rules Committee,

www.formularpi.com (http://www.formularpi.com)