View Full Version : Yaw Moment of Inertia

06-13-2003, 06:01 PM
If anyone has measured theirs and would be willing to share data, I would be interested in comparing. Even a realistic range to expect would be great. We are currently building a rig to test our 03 car (via a suspended platform and measuring the period of rotation), and I would like to have some numbers to compare against.


Travis Slagle
Kettering University FSAE

06-13-2003, 06:01 PM
If anyone has measured theirs and would be willing to share data, I would be interested in comparing. Even a realistic range to expect would be great. We are currently building a rig to test our 03 car (via a suspended platform and measuring the period of rotation), and I would like to have some numbers to compare against.


Travis Slagle
Kettering University FSAE

06-14-2003, 11:02 AM
i would be extremely interested to here any experimental results.....

i doubt anyone at my uni would bother doing it

(personally i think it another impossible to verify figure, that you try and impress design judges with... although i don't doubt it's significance, but the photos alone would be enough)

we CAD model a heck of a lot of our car, and were quite diligent about it last year, we modelled 80% of the car's mass

and we reckon, with driver, the radius of gyration is close to 750mm (30 inches)

perhaps Wollongong would be a help...

i remember carol smith rambling on about it

my $0.02

06-15-2003, 05:07 AM
Claude Rouelle will be one of the judges this year at the Aus comp, and if you can't answer those sort of questions, he seriously would not consider you to have an understanding of your car. Questions like- where is your
roll centre
pitch centre
moment of inertia in roll
moment of interia of the suspended mass, I'm sure you get my drift. So I suggest you find someone to bother about measuring this stuff.

my $0.01, my opinion counts for shit!

Scott Wordley
06-15-2003, 07:37 PM
Sadly, to my knowledge Claude won't be a judge this year. You may remember him saying that he can't make the 1st week of December due to other commitments.

I told Erin that she had to move it forward a week but apparently its too late to change now due to the volunteers etc. What a shame we really need someone like Claude who knows their stuff.

By the way we will also be building a rig to test this stuff. Disco perhaps we can coordinate with the Melbourne teams and anyone else who is interested to build one rig and all use it? Seems a waste of time for us all to build one.

Scott Wordley & Roan Lyddy Meaney
Monash FSAE Wingmen

06-16-2003, 05:34 PM
Sounds like a good idea scott (or roan). I'll have a talk to geoff and get back to you. Geoff did tell me just yesterday that Calude could not make it. My apologise for the incorrect statement, must have been day dreaming when he said that one.