View Full Version : Who's running a Kawasaki for 2004? 13 tooth front sprocket order?

10-07-2003, 07:19 PM
Sprocket Specialists will make 12 or 13 tooth front sprocket for the ZX-6R, but require a minimum order of 6, and they take 2 MONTHS TO MAKE!!!

So, I was just wondering if there were other teams that wanted to purchase sprockets from our order?

Or, maybe purchase some for last year's car for testing?

So, what would you like, 12 or 13 tooth front?

Cyclone Racing
www.cyclone-racing.com/fhome.htm (http://www.cyclone-racing.com/fhome.htm)
Iowa State University
Project Director

10-07-2003, 07:19 PM
Sprocket Specialists will make 12 or 13 tooth front sprocket for the ZX-6R, but require a minimum order of 6, and they take 2 MONTHS TO MAKE!!!

So, I was just wondering if there were other teams that wanted to purchase sprockets from our order?

Or, maybe purchase some for last year's car for testing?

So, what would you like, 12 or 13 tooth front?

Cyclone Racing
www.cyclone-racing.com/fhome.htm (http://www.cyclone-racing.com/fhome.htm)
Iowa State University
Project Director

10-07-2003, 07:42 PM
We don't run a Kawasaki, but I am interested in the pricing they quoted you. We've been making our own 12s, and they wear out quickly because we can't heat treat them to the proper hardness.

-Charlie Ping
Auburn University FSAE (http://eng.auburn.edu/organizations/SAE/AUFSAE)
5th Overall Detroit 2003
? Overall Aussie 2003. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

10-08-2003, 05:45 AM
Last year I was quoted about $280 for 8 12 teeth. The ZX-6R is using the same splines as an R6, correct? If so I'd be in for a couple of 12 teeth. Let me know if you decide to order.

Tennessee Tech
Golden Eagle Motorsports

11-09-2003, 04:11 PM

Kawasaki teams, speak up, and we'll get a group order placed with Sprocket Specialists for either 12 or 13 tooth front sprockets for ZX-6R.

Cyclone Racing
www.cyclone-racing.com/fhome.htm (http://www.cyclone-racing.com/fhome.htm)
Iowa State University
Project Director

11-09-2003, 06:52 PM
I'm still in for two 12 tooth.

Tennessee Tech
Golden Eagle Motorsports

11-10-2003, 01:43 AM
If someone can confirm the sprocket splines for the said engines ie Yamaha and Kawasaki are the same, I will check our stocks , have had 12 and 13 tooth sprockets made by Chiaravalli of Italy for kawasakis before in 530 pitch, approx cost $15USD + freight etc I am not in the US if the ones are in stock shipment can be immediatly.

11-10-2003, 09:32 AM
The splines on our 99 ZX6R and 00 R6 are the same. Our 01 TT600 engine shares these splines as well. However I am looking for 520 rather than 530.

Tennessee Tech
Golden Eagle Motorsports

11-10-2003, 02:57 PM
Attn All Kawasaki/Yamaha users can do 12, 13, 14 tooth engine sprockets in 520, 525, 530 pitchs ex stock cost $20 NZD (approx $12usd) assuming the information that is posted previously is correct (? YamahaTT600) These sprockets are made by Chiaravalli of Italyand come heat treated etc, I have used 520 pitch sprockets with over 150 hp Kawasaki 900 with zero failures, these prices do not include freight from NZ but that should be approx $6nzd email graeme27@orcon.net.nz

11-10-2003, 06:46 PM
That was a Yamaha R6 and a Triumph TT600. I'm in for couple. Will email you shortly.

Tennessee Tech
Golden Eagle Motorsports

11-11-2003, 12:53 AM
Yes, we are planning to order 520 size sprockets.

Cyclone Racing
www.cyclone-racing.com/fhome.htm (http://www.cyclone-racing.com/fhome.htm)
Iowa State University
Project Director

11-18-2003, 11:04 AM
hey guys,
we are running a zx6r again and we ordered our sprockets from sprocket specialists. we got an 11-(530), 12-(530), 13-(520), and 14-(520). one of each. the 11 and 12 were only $8.80 a piece and the 13 and 14 were 21.08 a piece.
any questions, just ask

11-18-2003, 10:17 PM

Who specifically did you talk to at Sprocket Specialists? Did they require a minimum order? What length lead time did they give you? Could you get a 12 tooth in the 520 size? What size rear sprocket do you run?


Cyclone Racing
www.cyclone-racing.com (http://www.cyclone-racing.com)
Iowa State University
Project Director

11-19-2003, 11:20 AM
our contact with sprocket specialist is ms. Deebee. i dont recall them requiring a minimum order. they shiped our order the day after it was placed. we didnt get any custom sprockets. we ordered them all straight from the catalogue. we simply just shaved down the 530 11 and 12 on the lathe. we have done this in the past and have not had any problems. our rear is a 48 tooth 520 sprocket.

Matt Parker
University of Missouri - Columbia