View Full Version : exhaust gas temperature and pressure (GSXR or others)

A Reinke
10-20-2003, 11:55 AM
i'm not sure we can measure these anytime soon with our engine, but i'm looking to find the exhaust gas temperature range and the pressure for our 2001 Suzuki GSXR 600.

i'm assuming the temmperature range is within the normal range for an engine, but does anyone have actual numbers? could anyone give me this range?

also...the pressure created by the exhaust is what i'm looking for. either at each port (x4) or the collector.



A Reinke
10-20-2003, 11:55 AM
i'm not sure we can measure these anytime soon with our engine, but i'm looking to find the exhaust gas temperature range and the pressure for our 2001 Suzuki GSXR 600.

i'm assuming the temmperature range is within the normal range for an engine, but does anyone have actual numbers? could anyone give me this range?

also...the pressure created by the exhaust is what i'm looking for. either at each port (x4) or the collector.



B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
10-20-2003, 07:31 PM
Hi Adam,

Under what conditions do you want the exhaust temperatures? These can vary wildy from several hundred degrees at idle to well over 1000 deg F at WOT.

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"

A Reinke
10-20-2003, 09:29 PM
Brian, yes i need that range. from maybe 'warm idle' to WOT.

can you please help?

do you have any knowledge on exhaust pressure?


B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
10-21-2003, 09:55 PM
Hi Adam,

I'll see if I can dig up some data.

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"

A Reinke
10-22-2003, 05:32 AM
thanks Brian. i was able to have a fitting made to screw into the oxygen sensor bung we have in the exhaust. this will hopefully let us get an idea of the exhaust pressure we are making.

we're just not sure the pressure gauge can handle the high temps...

A Reinke
10-22-2003, 09:37 PM
were you able to find anything on the temperature range Brian?

thanks in advance,


B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
10-22-2003, 10:04 PM
Hi Adam,

This pertains to a 600cc Yamaha engine, on the dyno at wot. I want to say we were seeing EGT in the 1300-1400 deg F range just outside of the ports. I am still looking for some data to verify that. Damn computers!

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"

A Reinke
10-23-2003, 01:54 PM
restricted intake? how many RPMS are you turning?


B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
10-23-2003, 04:05 PM
Restricted: Yes
WOT at max HP, 12,500 RPM

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"

10-23-2003, 06:00 PM
Does anyone have numbers to go behind an ethanol fueled car? We wanted to run the variable vane turbo from garret, but weren't sure about running into temp problems.

10-23-2003, 06:07 PM
Just to give you another bit of data, we regulary saw between 800-870 degrees Celsius at WOT, and lambda=.90, steady state on the dyno. This was typical for a wide range of rpm (at WOT) on an FSAE set up Yamaha R6. Temperature was measured with thin film platinum RTD's fed into a MoTeC ADL. The measurement was taken about 2" from the head/exhaust header mating surface. We never did any real calibration on the sensors, but the accuracy should be good.

At idle, we could see around high 300's to mid 400's.

We also did some measurement before the muffler. At WOT, this was usually in the mid 500's. Distance from main sensors to this sensor was about 30" or so.

What are you looking to do with the EGT's and more importantly, averaged pressure data? For muffler or header design?

B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
10-23-2003, 09:28 PM
Hi Adam,

I found some real nice temp vs RPM at wide open throttle plots for a restricted engine. Let me know off line if you would like a copy (513) 777-5233 or brian@pe-ltd.com.

Brian Lewis
Performance Electronics, Ltd.
www.pe-ltd.com (http://www.pe-ltd.com)
"Complete Engine Management Systems for $798"

A Reinke
10-23-2003, 09:30 PM
its for finding the right turbocharger.

pressure and temp range help dial in the perfect turbo setup.

12-06-2005, 02:36 PM
Hey Brian,

Do you still have the temp vs RPM at wide open throttle plots for a restricted engine? We're running a 2003 GSX-R600 and investigating to go turbo for 2007.


Mike Claffey
12-06-2005, 05:54 PM
at WOT we see approx 700-850 degC depending on where we are on the rev range. Also we often run hotter at idle due to leaning it out. (F4i)

Kirk Feldkamp
12-07-2005, 08:04 AM
We were seeing between 700c-800C on our 2001 GSXR600 with the turbo. Turbine inlet pressure you can figure out from the turbine map.

Let's be realistic however. You've got 3, maybe 4, choices in the turbos that will work for this application and are regular production items. If you do a basic match, you're going to get pretty close with any of those choices. Without good data for some of the choices, you're best off getting them all and testing each of them. I know Cornell did that, and that's why they ran the turbo they ran in 2005. Like I said, they will all get you close on the first shot.


B Lewis @ PE Engine Management
12-07-2005, 08:38 AM
Yes I still have the plots. Send me an email at brian@pe-ltd.com and I will send them out.

07-10-2006, 07:29 PM
Kirk (or anyone else), how exactly do you figure turbine inlet pressure based on egt?

Kirk Feldkamp
07-10-2006, 09:05 PM
You don't. They are two separate measurements.
