View Full Version : Designing brake (disks), looking for advice and/or good books

12-31-2008, 09:57 AM
Hello, I'm new around here so forgive me if this is in the wrong section.

I'm designing the brakes (disks are priority, as the rest of the brakes are probably being carried over) on this year's car; this is my first time designing something at this level and the most in depth work with cars that I have ever done. I could use a good deal of advice on where to begin and what to look for. I would also really like to find a good book with detailed but simple explanations of the subject.

Right now, I'm performing FEA and thermal analysis of the disks, I've found some very basic info online, but I will need more details to make progress. Thank you.

12-31-2008, 10:54 AM
Typing "Disk Brake" into the handy little "Find" feature at the top of the page returned 29 results dealing with brake design, including (but not limited to) thermal analysis, force analysis, pros/cons to slotting and/or cross drilling.

Then, looking at the front page of the "Open FSAE Discussion" forum I saw a link (stickied at the top, no less) labeled "BOOK LIST to reference for car design". It has four books on brakes listed.

Have you tried looking through these links yet?

In general, asking a basic question on the forums (i.e. I will need more details to make progress) will return basic answers (i.e. Go read a book). You will find people much more willing to help you if you can first prove that you've done a large amount of research yourself (purchasing books, referencing sites, talking to professors, etc) and then provide as much detail as possible of your design. In order to really receive help, it would be good to list your assumptions and results of work you've already performed. Pictures of your work are particularly helpful if you've already drawn something up in CAD.

In short - show us your research, show us the work you've already done, and ask specific questions. You'll find us to be a helpful bunch if you do.

12-31-2008, 02:32 PM
Thanks for the reply, and sorry for my poor choice of actions. I only did a quick search here, and decided to try asking. I'll go back to doing solo research before I post again.

12-31-2008, 02:50 PM
No problem at all, mate. Looking forward to some good brakes discussion when you return http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Grant Mahler
12-31-2008, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Exorcet:
Hello, I'm new around here so forgive me if this is in the wrong section.

I'm designing the brakes (disks are priority, as the rest of the brakes are probably being carried over) on this year's car; this is my first time designing something at this level and the most in depth work with cars that I have ever done. I could use a good deal of advice on where to begin and what to look for. I would also really like to find a good book with detailed but simple explanations of the subject.

Right now, I'm performing FEA and thermal analysis of the disks, I've found some very basic info online, but I will need more details to make progress. Thank you.

That's actually a phenomenally competent first post for this forum.

Like Hector said, good questions will get good discussions, and you can decide where to go from there.

Nearly every question you could possibly ask has already been discussed (probably many times actually) in the years this forum has been around. The discussions are a phenomenal source of information, if you know what you are looking for!

I don't know what team you are on either, but be aware of the advice of Pat Clarke, GTS, and others regarding overdesigning parts. A part that does something on time is worth so much more than a part that works a little bit better that is months late. FEA and thermal analysis are good - if that is where your team is at. They are unnecessary for most first year teams.