View Full Version : Some Solidworks Questions

02-23-2010, 06:16 AM
Hey All,

Running SW Pro x64 SP5.1 at work and experiencing a few problems I haven't come across before when using SW. The first problem is with my dimensioning in sketches, the dimensional lines and leaders show up in the sketch, but the values are just missing. Also while in the sketches, once I start dimensioning I am having a lot of trouble selecting any other line/point/dimension other than the very last dimension I have added to the sketch. Third, if I click the "View All" icon, it zooms me out into nowhere, and this is even on fresh sketches with no mysterious points floating out in space. When I first start a sketch and it shows the three orthogonal planes to choose where I want to start on, its missing the labels in the display! I could really use some suggestions as to what I have clicked off and where, not a novice user so I should be able to follow along pretty well. Thanks for the help, hopefully this is in the right forum...


02-23-2010, 06:16 AM
Hey All,

Running SW Pro x64 SP5.1 at work and experiencing a few problems I haven't come across before when using SW. The first problem is with my dimensioning in sketches, the dimensional lines and leaders show up in the sketch, but the values are just missing. Also while in the sketches, once I start dimensioning I am having a lot of trouble selecting any other line/point/dimension other than the very last dimension I have added to the sketch. Third, if I click the "View All" icon, it zooms me out into nowhere, and this is even on fresh sketches with no mysterious points floating out in space. When I first start a sketch and it shows the three orthogonal planes to choose where I want to start on, its missing the labels in the display! I could really use some suggestions as to what I have clicked off and where, not a novice user so I should be able to follow along pretty well. Thanks for the help, hopefully this is in the right forum...


Solidworks FSAE Tutorials
02-28-2010, 07:52 PM
Hi Radii,

Hmm, that is quite the list of problems. My guess would be that somehow you have changed or altered the default part template for your SolidWorks install. Is it possible for you to reinstall SolidWorks? If you can do that, make sure to manually delete all of the program files after you uninstall and before you reinstall.

As for labels and dimensions not showing up, have you checked the colors options? Maybe they got changed. Go to Tools->Options and colors is under the document properties tab.

Could you send me a screenshot of the problem issues?

My first recommendation would be to reinstall if you can. It shouldn't hurt anything and might fix your issues.

If you want you can reply here or email me at sfaulkner (at) solidworks.com

03-02-2010, 09:26 PM

Thanks for trying, but I just reinstalled it and now everything is working fine. Great tutorials by the way, I'm sure they are much appreciated by newer users around here.
