View Full Version : Design Error OVERLOAD

10-02-2009, 03:32 PM
Well, you get the idea.

ENJOY (http://weldingweb.com/showthread.php?t=26069&page=2)

Mikey Antonakakis
10-03-2009, 02:04 PM
oh wow

10-03-2009, 04:11 PM

10-03-2009, 04:59 PM
In the defense of the Miata, that was done for a 24hrs of Lemons race, and went on to win. It was done by a shop that specializes in Elise and Exage spec racing.

Big Mo
10-04-2009, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by coastertrav:
In the defense of the Miata, that was done for a 24hrs of Lemons race, and went on to win. It was done by a shop that specializes in Elise and Exage spec racing.

It's actually a genius usage of the stock exhaust manifold...besides, that's less abuse than it would see in a Spec Miata race anyway. They call is "SM" for a reason....

10-05-2009, 11:32 AM

Hate to see some of those off-road type vehicles in action! Reminds me a lot of this '85 S-10 I used to see around when I was in the Army:

<LI>'85 2wd S-10, 2.5L 4 cyl
<LI>"double body lift" comprised of 2 sets of 3" lift blocks; bolts were obviously too short, so they were replaced with sections of all-thread Eek
<LI>35" Super Swampers (I'm sure the ol' 4-popper had a lot of trouble with those...especially with stock gearing!)
<LI>Obviously the frame rails were horribly exposed with the 6" body lift, so he dressed them up with some trucker clearance lights and some sort of cheesy redneck expression (don't remember now what it was)
<LI>Grill guard made of 3/4" PVC pipe (complete with elbow joints and tees), spray painted black
<LI>4x4 shift console hap-hazardly attached to the floor to give it that 4x4 look

I wish I had some pictures of that thing, it was a real embarrassment on wheels! He drove it every day though, and was really proud of it.

10-16-2009, 07:01 AM
wow... wish i had some good pics of the botched IFS conversion that i had to fix... guy stick welded a nova front clip to the outside of the stock 38 chevy framerails... then proceeded to attach the steering rack by welding 2 1" sockets to the frame and tapping the smaller diameter... wow was it bad...

Big Mo
12-26-2009, 01:58 AM

Its a game! How many things are wrong here?

First thing I noticed was the cheapo ASTM square tubing that we use for welding practice.

12-26-2009, 02:37 PM
The shocks need to be turned 90 degrees?

12-26-2009, 03:13 PM
They used a miata diff, so the car is going to turn out to be homosexual.

12-26-2009, 06:08 PM
It looks like that diff is mounted onto an unsupported plate and in single shear.

the load paths are all over the place.

the shocks are mounted in the wrong orientation and in the middle of the lower a-arms.