View Full Version : Critque team website

Anvit Garg
11-27-2008, 01:22 PM
www.uh.edu/~uhfsae (http://www.uh.edu/%7Euhfsae)

How about that for the artistically challenged?

Anvit Garg
11-27-2008, 01:22 PM
www.uh.edu/~uhfsae (http://www.uh.edu/%7Euhfsae)

How about that for the artistically challenged?

11-27-2008, 04:29 PM
As the mastermind behind our team's website ( fsae.spsu.edu (http://fsae.spsu.edu)) and a few others I will give my opinions.

Overall the layout is good. The navigation is simple and understandable. The placement and color of the navigation buttons is good but they need more emphasis. It took me a second glance to realize where the were.

The one thing i notice immediately is a lack of pictures. There is not a single picture of your team or car or anything for that matter. It looks like you are a first effort team so i guess you don't any pics of a car. Put up pics of the team or sketches of ideas, your shop, yourselves, things you are buying, etc. Surely your team is full of activity. This should be reflected in the website. CONTENT IS EVERYTHING. Your layout is good. The only things i might change in the layout would be to put more emphasis on the nav buttons. Perhaps you could make them look like buttons, underline them or make the font bigger. I might also add some graphics of to the FORMULA SAE at the University of Houston banner.

The links page either needs links or doesn't need to be there

If you have a generic sponsorship packet which you should, i would put that on the sponsors page.

On the team page, the pane scrolls for no apparent reason.

I really wish that more teams put more effort into a presence on the web

Anvit Garg
11-27-2008, 05:43 PM
I dont know crap about CSS coding, so I will get that scrolling to stop for the team section (need to make that container larger).

I am working on the other parts (sponsor packets, links)

As for pictures, we have none. Dont really have a shop and the only two things that we have purchased are tire data and kinematics software.

Thank you for the input (and keep it coming)! I will give it more effort after finals.

Jersey Tom
12-02-2008, 05:43 AM
Simple and clean, the way I like it. I'd make the logo at the top a little more exciting. Something that pops. Maybe even an intro splash page.

And other than that, yea, needs to be fleshed out with some pictures and assorted content.

01-02-2009, 04:21 PM
My comments echo those above.
A clean and easy to read site but maybe a few pics / CAD drawings or more details and a pic of the main players would add some extra graphic interest.

Definitely look at having the UH logo there somewhere. Next to the header name perhaps?

Good to see the sponsor's logo's so prominent.
A nice touch to let them know they are valued.

Good luck with it all.

Cheers , Pete.

01-03-2009, 11:57 PM
content, content, content, ...!!!

Inetusers wants to read something about your team! They want to know what you are doing. At least 1 article a week for minimum. You can do this like a blog write all your team does.

This beginns while looking for new teammember, creating flyers, sponsoring-presentaions, visits of experts Formula SAE Teams + competitions, teammeetings, teamplaning, timeschedules, decisions, ...

Offer an rss or newsletter for all interests.

You have got no impressum with your contactdetails like name, adress, e-mail, phone, ...

Use your car category and write as much as possible about your car and your experience as first year team.

Write something(goal, disciplines, history, ...) about the Formula SAE. If I`m a user who didn`t know the competion I don`t know what your are doing!

Look at good fsae teampages like TU Graz(Austria).

Create a sitemap and place it at google webmastertools. Register your page at msn and other search engines.