View Full Version : 600RR Knock Sensor Info

02-12-2010, 09:06 AM
Hi guys,

Just registered for your forum. I was telling a good friend of mine (Scotty at Talyor Engineering) I was having issues locating some information on a Honda knock sensor. He suggested that I post here seeing that some of you guys are running the 07-newer 600rr.

I'm working with a Pectel SQ-6 and wanting to use the Honda piece mainly for packaging reasons; the system is actually going on a GSXR. The knock sensor has 3 pins so I'm guessing - power, ground, signal. I was hoping someone here could provide a wire diagram or specific page out of the service manual that shows the pinout of the knock sensor.

I would really appreciate any help you can offer.


02-12-2010, 11:27 AM
Are you running boost? These engines are really hard to get to detonate.

I'm rather interested in the details of the project.

Who was your supplier for the SQ-6?

Not a Honda part, but Bosch knock sensors are popular and readily available at Autozone.

02-12-2010, 11:59 AM
Not at the moment but it's on the table. Playing with bottle... Agreed, I think the only reason why Honda has it is to help protect the engines from bad gas or something.

I want to get this running so we can start getting an idea of how it reacts, it could prove to be a useful tool. The thing I like about the Honda part is it was specifically spec'd for such an application as apposed to a knock sensor coming off a car; these are sure to have different characterization behavior.

Apex Speed Tech sourced the SQ6. The best part about this unit is its flexibility and ruggedness. I'm using ALL the stock GSXR sensors.

02-12-2010, 02:44 PM
BTW -here are some details on the NTK sensor Honda's using. But sadly no spec sheet.

http://www.ngkntk.co.jp/englis.../others/eras-kn.html (http://www.ngkntk.co.jp/english/product/sensors/others/eras-kn.html)

Kirk Feldkamp
02-12-2010, 03:13 PM
Sweet. Ron Ayers sells those puppies for $38. That's a damn cheap knock sensor if you can figure out how to use it!

ApexSpeed sourced the ECU, but didn't tell you how to use it with the knock sensor? That seems odd. I'll check with my buddy over at Honda and see if he can look it up in the service manual.


02-12-2010, 04:04 PM
Thanks Kirk, I would appreciate that. I just need to know which ones 5V (12V?), GND, and Signal. All I have is the sensor so I’m not even sure what they consider pin 1.

Try this link - http://www.ngkntk.co.jp/englis.../others/eras-kn.html (http://www.ngkntk.co.jp/english/product/sensors/others/eras-kn.html)

Sadly no spec...

I know how to use the ECU that's not the problem. I just don't know the pinout of the sensor.

Thanks again

02-12-2010, 04:09 PM
We did sell the ECU to Josh and in all the previous applications of the ECU we use the standard Bosch knock sensor. We have never had any one use a different sensor and are not opposed to trying something new. I speak with Josh at least once a week and we are not at the point of setting up the knock control on the SQ6.

However, the SQ6 has one of the most advance knock control strategies on the market. It has to dedicated knock inputs and you have the ability to use these in conjunction or separately typical for a V8. Used together you can set one sensor to listen for one frequency and the other sensor can listen for a higher or lower frequency. You can then apply filters for both amplitude and frequency to cancel noise out of the first sensor and accurately detect knock noise.
The SQ6 will then allow you dictate how many knock counts to allow before retarding timing on the offending cylinder and also how many knock free cycles before adding timing back at a user defined rate.
It is these features and many more that make the SQ6 one of the most powerful and flexible ECUs on the market.

02-12-2010, 06:44 PM
My post didn't make it. I think because I had a link included... I would appreciate that Kirk!

Alex beat me to the punch. Their giving great support it’s just something that hasn't been used before; I'm just the first knuckle-head...

I would like to echo Alex's remarks about the SQ6. It’s a very powerful tool, the more I learn about it the more it blows me away!


Kirk Feldkamp
02-15-2010, 11:36 AM
Ok. Looking into the *sensor* with the clip bump on top, the leftmost pin is sensor, the middle pin is +5V (+-.25V), and the rightmost pin is ground. Be aware that the sensor wire on the harness side is supposed to be shielded, and the shielding must be grounded to the same ground as the rightmost pin. If you message me with your email address, I can send you all the pertinent pages out of the manual.
