View Full Version : Any Aussies want to grab a pint

10-09-2009, 05:37 AM
Hi everyone

A bit random but I will be in Australia from Oct 12 until sometime in November... plan to be in Sydney and Melbourne and Taz but will probably make it out to the left coast too. If any alum want to talk motorsport or FSAE that would be cool. If any current members want to let me check out their shop I'm up for that too.

I am already on the road with limited internet access but I can check email easily; so if you want to hear back from me sooner please email me



10-09-2009, 05:37 AM
Hi everyone

A bit random but I will be in Australia from Oct 12 until sometime in November... plan to be in Sydney and Melbourne and Taz but will probably make it out to the left coast too. If any alum want to talk motorsport or FSAE that would be cool. If any current members want to let me check out their shop I'm up for that too.

I am already on the road with limited internet access but I can check email easily; so if you want to hear back from me sooner please email me



Pete Marsh
10-09-2009, 07:57 PM
I'm not sure if Kev H. is still checking the forums, but I reckon you would be welcome to check out his efforts as factulty adviser at ECU in W.A. You would also be welcome to visit UWA Motorsport to of course.
