03-14-2009, 09:10 AM
Looking for an old set of 13" FSAE sized tires. Our rims are all 13x8 so anything that fits that is great. Do not need to be in great shape or same width front to rear (a pair of 7's and a pair of 8's is fine), they can be past the wear indicators etc. We're just looking for an old set of rubber for our initial roll out to save our competition tires. If you have an old set taking up space in your shop you were thinking of tossing in the trash, ship them to me instead!
Ideally the freest tires are preferred, however if you have a good used set at a decent price those are fine too.
N.B.: If shipping is required it will be covered by us.
PM is key, or mtamas[/at]lakeheadu[/dot]ca
Ideally the freest tires are preferred, however if you have a good used set at a decent price those are fine too.
N.B.: If shipping is required it will be covered by us.
PM is key, or mtamas[/at]lakeheadu[/dot]ca