View Full Version : Ohlins ST44 for sale

11-09-2009, 12:55 PM
Lund University Sweden has a set of (4) Ohlin ST44 dampers with 8 coils for the price of $1600 OBO. They are in great shape and have been used less than 30 miles. They are off our '07 car which we are parting to fund our '10.
You can find photos of the same dampers at
http://fsae.com/eve/forums/a/t...10303531#15510303531 (http://fsae.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/412600868/m/15510303531?r=15510303531#15510303531)

Product Code for the dampers: ST44 239,5/70 44HRCW
Product Codes for the coils:
4 with 01093-01/34 L405
2 with 01093-05/42 L134
2 with 01093-06/44 L117

We have CAD files somewhere (searching).
Email me Krister.Olsson (at) energy.lth.se if you are interested

11-09-2009, 12:55 PM
Lund University Sweden has a set of (4) Ohlin ST44 dampers with 8 coils for the price of $1600 OBO. They are in great shape and have been used less than 30 miles. They are off our '07 car which we are parting to fund our '10.
You can find photos of the same dampers at
http://fsae.com/eve/forums/a/t...10303531#15510303531 (http://fsae.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/412600868/m/15510303531?r=15510303531#15510303531)

Product Code for the dampers: ST44 239,5/70 44HRCW
Product Codes for the coils:
4 with 01093-01/34 L405
2 with 01093-05/42 L134
2 with 01093-06/44 L117

We have CAD files somewhere (searching).
Email me Krister.Olsson (at) energy.lth.se if you are interested

12-19-2009, 12:54 PM
The dampers have been sold.
