View Full Version : Formula SAE-A 2023

Rex Chan
12-18-2023, 07:39 PM
Hi all, its been a while, and these forums seem a bit dead.

But I thought I'd post some links to photos I took at Calder Park this year.

BTW does anyone know if Z went to comp? I miss his reports.

(Also I can't believe I remembered my password from 10yrs ago...)

Car 7 Edith Cowan Uni (ECU) https://www.facebook.com/rex.chan/posts/pfbid0f7aSc9CP1S71RZo2rgVPKF4jrxZnCxJtAAZN5oMeDRwk Y3b64nu9RWqvaGd48qp6l

E13 Uni of Canterbury (UC) https://www.facebook.com/rex.chan/posts/pfbid02zU9Uz9DcHdGPpMrGTXaZdkaPnBqdYe6dtrPiHFLNnMo 4wN1kq7E15L4NyLz79FXUl

A65 Monash Uni (MMS) https://www.facebook.com/rex.chan/posts/pfbid0NVuajoR55FiHJiY1aDwwQXYYpEydDRpnC6GHALcTjCVu SQ3kaq8onGKte8VZ7gBEl

E111 Griffith Uni (GRT) https://www.facebook.com/rex.chan/posts/pfbid02pmH61bKBUENJstPzNVzrXGkqUgneeKdJjdNhAgbjgqc VFJtGh5enQrzigDdhJAsal

E46 & A86 Queensland Uni of Technology (QUT) https://www.facebook.com/rex.chan/posts/pfbid0cXCF3qHcoPVqiUPugA2guDEbhW4Vu6qJH6jjraS6TQTo nobU6YPmvDNcRzoYEjmml

12-19-2023, 12:02 PM
Nice to see I'm not the only one posting here (sporadically).
Any chance you could post your pics on an open site? I'm not a FB user and don't intend to be...
-- Doug

Rex Chan
12-20-2023, 08:36 PM
Hi Doug,

I've uploaded all the photos to my Google Drive, hopefully you can access (I've changed access to anyone with a link).


I've been away for so long, so wasn't looking for anything specific in these photos. Just some pretty pics :)

12-21-2023, 07:37 PM
Hi Rex,

Thanks, a nice set of pics!
No problem viewing in Firefox -- double click on the name of the U to open each folder, then right click on any file and open in "Preview".

Lots of interesting details, and mostly very clean looking cars with some big aero parts.

For what it's worth, I also looked for Calspan logos, to see who is paying attention to the TTC license. The cars from Wollongong, QUT, Griffin, Edith Cowan and Auckland all had the logo--kudos to them. Sorry if I missed any...

Happy Holidays! -- Doug

Kevin Hayward
10-13-2024, 12:25 AM

A late response bu disappointed I didn't get a chance to catch up with you at the comp. Next time we are there (not this year) please feel free to consider the ECU garage a welcome home for you. Unfortunately the forums are a bit dead, I came back to have another reread of a couple of posts so am chucking in some overdue replies.


Can confirm the Calspan logo from Edith Cowan University. Our tech director for the latest car absolutely loves trawling through the tire testing data, its what he was drawn to from the very start of his involvement in the team. There was no way he would have let the team not have the sticker on the car even if we wanted to leave it off.


10-13-2024, 04:56 PM
Girls in your city (https://matchnow.info)

10-14-2024, 07:17 PM
Can confirm the Calspan logo from Edith Cowan University.

Good news, I'll pass along to Dr. Kasprzak and also the Calspan team (I'll be there testing in a few weeks).

Separate issue -- do you know the owners of this forum? It would be helpful if they removed < singh_robbie >, the user who has been spamming in recent months. My first guess is that this person had their password compromised...and hasn't been back recently to see the damage and change their password.

-- Doug

Kevin Hayward
10-18-2024, 09:53 AM
Unfortunately I do not know the owners of the forum. I definitely agree that singh_robbie needs to be removed. As a married man who is into cars I have neither the desire nor time to find "Girls in my city". Knowing students within FSAE teams I would also doubt that they have the time.


10-24-2024, 09:49 PM
Pretty Womans from your town (https://datingnow.site)