View Full Version : GSXR 600 Not Starting

11-06-2009, 11:04 AM
I have been assigned the task of wiring up a 03 GSXR 600 motor in an almost FSAE legal vehicle and cannot get it to start.

I believe I have correctly bypassed or implemented all the ridiculous amount of required sensors (Tip Over (22 K Ohm), Ignition (100Ohm), side stand, neutral, Gear Position) and even have gone as far to give it fuel pump on and starter on signals. All the sensors are getting the 5 volts, fuel pump primes, and I get spark on all 4 cylinders but only cylinder #1 is getting fuel. I have tried a known to be good ECU and it has the same results. I am curious if anyone had an idea on what would cause this? My first hunch is that either the cam or crank sensor is not working correctly, but the crank sensors resistance is in spec and since #1 is the only one working I think that the cam sensor is fine.

Was wondering if anyone had any ideas or could defiantly say it is the crank sensor, I don’t want to lug an oscilloscope all the way over there if there is a simple solution.

Chris Allbee
11-06-2009, 11:58 AM
Is all the hardware good? The injectors and connective bits? The injector sub-loom in good shape?

If you're getting spark then i wouldn't think the crank sensor is the issue. You might want to double check your assumption that the cam sensor is OK before lugging the oscilloscope in.

In my experience (with screwing these things up), "electrical" issues are usually just poor connections and broken wires. Followed closely by the new guy not soldering things...

Corey H
11-07-2009, 07:02 AM
I am remembering off of the top of my head, but the 22k ohm in the tip over switch sounds too small. I THINK that when I did ours a year ago I had to use something like 60k ohm. Again this is me trying to remember but it might be worth a shot, unless you're sure that it should be 22k ohm.

11-07-2009, 09:09 AM
check if fuel pump is giving sufficient amount of pressure for fuel or not

11-10-2009, 08:14 AM
Sorry about the slowness.

I am not 100% sure the injectors are good I checked the resistance across them all and they were in spec, but i got lazy and didn't check all the pins to ground, perhaps I should do that :-).

My thoughts on the TO sensor resistance are if it was not in spec the fuel pump wouldn't prime or the sensors wouldn't get power because these are the first things it is designed to stop.

The fuel pump is actually giving over the stock pressure, by about +20 PSI, but the first injector seems to be able to open and shoot gas just fine every revolution not sure why fuel pressure would effect the other three. Unless there is something in the actual fuel rail stopping gas from going to the other injectors... perhaps I will check this too.

Thanks for the ideas so far I will try the physical components and if they check out I will probably be lugging a scope out there.

And LOL Chris I just noticed that was you that replied, still hanging out on the forums huh?

11-12-2009, 01:18 PM
Figured it out, was 3 frozen injectors (what are the odds!), starts up and runs fine now. Thanks for the ideas guys.

Chris Allbee
11-12-2009, 06:35 PM
Sweet! Knew it would be something silly. So...what exactly is this going into?

11-23-2009, 02:27 PM
The Monster Cart, (sponsored by Pole Position and monster people) for possible use by Travis Pastrana in the next nitro circus video. It could be the most dangerous thing I have run across to date, way more dangerous than the bar stool racer which is not winning any safety prizes.