Kanishka Panda
01-18-2018, 06:25 AM
Hello & Greetings from the IIT Bombay Racing Team!
We have been facing problems with our motors and motor controllers since last few weeks. We tried a lot to diagnose the issue and finally succeeded in moving the motor axle by a few degrees. However, the problem is not yet sorted and the drive system isn't functioning as it is supposed to be. The motors and the motor controllers have currently been sent to their OEM. However, we aren't sure if at all they will be repaired successfully. We have our competition coming up in 5 months (the rest of the car has already been designed and partially manufactured) and so as a backup option, we are looking for motors and motor controllers which we could procure to Mumbai, India in a short duration of time (1-2 months). We are looking if anyone could provide us some useful information on this. We would also be really grateful if we could borrow or buy the motors and motor controllers that any team may have with them and are currently not being used.
Following are the specs of each of our current motors-
Type - Brushless DC Motors
Nominal Voltage – 360 V
Peak Power – 40 kW
Max Torque – 80 Nm
Max RPM – 10,000
Desired motor specs should preferably be close to the above ones or as following -
Type - Any (for now)
Nominal Voltage - 300-400 V
Peak Power - 30-40 kW
Max Torque - 50-90 Nm
Max RPM - 6000- 10,000
We will be really thankful for any kind of support!
Thanks & Regards,
Kanishka Panda
Chief Mechanical Officer
IIT Bombay Racing
We have been facing problems with our motors and motor controllers since last few weeks. We tried a lot to diagnose the issue and finally succeeded in moving the motor axle by a few degrees. However, the problem is not yet sorted and the drive system isn't functioning as it is supposed to be. The motors and the motor controllers have currently been sent to their OEM. However, we aren't sure if at all they will be repaired successfully. We have our competition coming up in 5 months (the rest of the car has already been designed and partially manufactured) and so as a backup option, we are looking for motors and motor controllers which we could procure to Mumbai, India in a short duration of time (1-2 months). We are looking if anyone could provide us some useful information on this. We would also be really grateful if we could borrow or buy the motors and motor controllers that any team may have with them and are currently not being used.
Following are the specs of each of our current motors-
Type - Brushless DC Motors
Nominal Voltage – 360 V
Peak Power – 40 kW
Max Torque – 80 Nm
Max RPM – 10,000
Desired motor specs should preferably be close to the above ones or as following -
Type - Any (for now)
Nominal Voltage - 300-400 V
Peak Power - 30-40 kW
Max Torque - 50-90 Nm
Max RPM - 6000- 10,000
We will be really thankful for any kind of support!
Thanks & Regards,
Kanishka Panda
Chief Mechanical Officer
IIT Bombay Racing