View Full Version : Book: Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics by Simone Mola

08-28-2017, 10:34 PM
I am looking to purchase a copy of "Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics" by Simone Mola published by General Motors Institute in 1969. Last printing was 1986.

Recently was able to obtain a copy through intra library loan for a quick read and would like to add a copy to my library.

This is a tough find as I believe only about 1200 copies were printed for GMI students only.

Any help would be appreciated.


Ralph Stevens

08-29-2017, 09:29 AM
It's been years since I looked at Mola. My memory (could be very wrong) is that these class notes are similar to Gillespie's book of the same title (published by SAE). Were you able to compare the two books?

08-29-2017, 12:32 PM
It's been years since I looked at Mola. My memory (could be very wrong) is that these class notes are similar to Gillespie's book of the same title (published by SAE). Were you able to compare the two books?

Mr. Milliken,

Yes, I have had a copy of Gillespie for years. Mola is much narrower in scope, but each equation, in each section, is derived from the ground up from either Newton's laws or d'Alemberts principle. All variables are clearly defined and there are many line drawings of the FBD's used in the problem solution. Some very nice mechanically drawn graphic solutions to certain force vector problems as well.

It is old, it is specific to GM and their cars of that era, the book is nicely bound, but is really just a copy of typewriter classroom handouts I think. The value for me lies in the clear 'from the ground up' presentation of each topic covered.

You might call it a 'boot camp' book for young engineers at GMI heading for the design group.

There is nothing 'new' in Mola's book, I just liked it. It would be worth an unedited reprint as just what it claims to be, and introduction to the fundamentals of vehicle dynamics.

Ralph Stevens

08-29-2017, 01:35 PM
Thanks for the comparison.

Going back further, Maurice Olley lectured at GMI in the early 1960s. We have one photo from that period, in "Chassis Design", p.27, also mentioned in this slide show linked from http://www.millikenresearch.com/olley.html Direct link: http://www.millikenresearch.com/MauriceOlleybyWFMilliken.pdf

I've often wondered if Olley's monographs were used by Mola when writing his class notes, but don't know either way.
There are plenty of derivations in "Chassis Design" -- some were incomplete in Olley's monographs and we did our best to fill in the missing steps.

08-29-2017, 01:46 PM
Thanks for the comparison.

Going back further, Maurice Olley lectured at GMI in the early 1960s. We have one photo from that period, in "Chassis Design", p.27, also mentioned in this slide show linked from http://www.millikenresearch.com/olley.html Direct link: http://www.millikenresearch.com/MauriceOlleybyWFMilliken.pdf

I've often wondered if Olley's monographs were used by Mola when writing his class notes, but don't know either way.
There are plenty of derivations in "Chassis Design" -- some were incomplete in Olley's monographs and we did our best to fill in the missing steps.

Mola gives immediate mention of the internal work and papers of M. Olley and J. Bidwell in the preface to his book. So I would say it is a pretty sure bet that he used Olley's materials.

I own copies of both "Chassis Design" and "Race Car Vehicle Dynamics" both still the go to references for just about everyone I think.

08-29-2017, 05:38 PM
Would second that, especially Chassis Design. Nevertheless, I would be very interested to take a look at the Mola book, just for the sheer pleasure of reading something "new"