View Full Version : 2017 Formula Student Austria

07-31-2017, 06:17 AM
Since it is the 31st and nobody posted yet:

FS Austria 2017, 31st of July until 3rd of August:

Schedule (https://fsaustria.at/wp-content/uploads/Schedule-Zeitplan-2017.pdf)
Rules (https://fsaustria.at/fsa-2017/rules/)
Teams (https://fsaustria.at/fsa-2017/registered-teams/)
Last year's timekeeping site (https://timekeeping.fsaustria.at/) -- Has some load problems. Everyone apparently dos'd it.
Livestream Wednesday (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X_Fh3zvaRc)

08-03-2017, 09:45 AM
Looks like a tight race between Karlsruhe and Zurich for the E-Class win, I think Zurich should have the edge after a faster 2nd stint in Endurance but Design results are still open and potentially there are some cones in AutoX.
Greenteam Stuttgart was very fast but had a super slow first lap and lost nearly 2 minutes so should be out of the overall victory and probably will settle for 3rd.

Stuttgart should easily pick up the C-Class win. Impressive performance once again.

TU Fast was once again the fastest car out there but struggeled (once again) with reliability issues. Should be fun to watch at FSG though.

08-06-2017, 04:31 PM
What happened in Austria? Only 5 of 19 electric teams finished endurance and only 3 electric teams finished all dynamic disciplines?!

I just got back from FS Czech and there 9 out of 14 electric teams finished the endurance (though some quite slow). The Scrutineering there is not as strict as in Germany/Austria but it was also after FSG rules and they did the important checks.
We now head to FSG and I am pretty curious how the scrutineering will go this year.