View Full Version : M.Sc in Automotive Engineering

05-24-2017, 04:08 PM
Hello everyone,

I have just graduated my B.Sc in mechanical engineering, specialize in automotive engineering.

I want to apply for a master's degree in automotive engineering (2018), and as a part
of the research I'm doing online, I thought that it might be helpful to open this thread.

At first, I was thinking that USA and Canada are good options for me, and it looked like
the university of Michigan is a great option.


Unfortunately, I have found that the fees are really high (for overseas students) and it might be
better to study about automotive... in Germany or UK.

As for now I found two options that I liked:

1) M.Sc in Automotive Engineering - RWTH Aachen University, Germany (taught in English).


2) M.Sc Advanced Motorsport Engineering - Cranfield University, UK.


They do have a master's degree in automotive engineering as well:


Some other options:

1) M.Sc Motorsport Engineering - Oxford Brookes University, UK.


And M.Sc in automotive engineering:


2) M.Sc in Automotive and Motorsport Engineering - Brunel University, UK.


3) M.Sc Automotive Engineering - Coventry University - UK.


I've been searching for quite time now, and I would say that as for now I really liked the degrees
in RWTH Aachen and Cranfield.

Considering these two options, it's seems like the syllabus in Advanced Motorsport Engineering is more suitable
for what I want to study. I am aware that one might think that it can be a bad idea to do a master's degree
in a specific field instead of a master's degree in mechanical engineering, I am just checking my options.

I've been looking for some reviews and alumni who have experience with a master's degree in automotive
engineering. I would love to hear from someone who have graduated one of the courses above or
might have some good/bad experience with one of the universities.
Considering our forum's community, I thought that I might find someone here that was in this situation before.

I would like to hear suggestions and any additional information about these courses/universities or any other
courses/universities that might be suitable.

Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help,
Kind Regards.

06-14-2017, 03:21 AM
Hi I noticed no one had posted so I thought I might give some indication as to the standing of these universities.

For the UK universities, Cranfield is far and away the best choice from the ones you have listed.

From a mechanical engineering perspective in terms of the reputations of the universities among automotive companies companies my list would be:

Oxford Brookes

There is probably a fair distance between the first two and the last two though, for example Oxford Brookes has a much better formula student team. Cranfield is known as THE school to go to for postgrad, especially when already in industry so your class
may include students who already work in industry which is fantastic for networking.

07-04-2017, 03:20 PM
Dear Joshua,

Thank you very much!

Kind Regards.