View Full Version : can Jacking (Force) be understood as additional normal tire force?

04-12-2017, 09:18 AM
Hi everyone,
first of all I want to thank everyone in this forum for their posts. Most of it is very interesting. But sadly, I didn’t found the answer to my question.

From my understanding Jacking is a vertical force component which will occur because lateral tire force is feed into the suspension. This vertical force component can raise the vehicle body.
If this force can raise the body then there must be (actio= reactio) a vertical force due to Jacking in the tires.

So, when I want to calculate the normal tire load on each tire (steady state cornering) I must consider the total amount of lateral load transfer + the Jacking force (here I don't mean the higher LLT due to a higher C of G)! Is this correct?
Here I got confused because in the literature Jacking is not be considered in the total LLT.
I hope you can help me...
Cheers Jakob

04-12-2017, 03:35 PM
It's not an additional force over the load transfer but a component of it. It's the part of the load transfer coming fron the roll center and anti-pitch effects of the suspension.

There is a pretty epic thread on jacking here. I'm guessing you didn't do much searching before asking.

Pat Clarke
04-12-2017, 11:44 PM

It is god manners to introduce yourself before asking for information.

As Tim observed, you didn't look too hard to find an epic thread on jacking. It took me seconds to find it here...

Pat Clarke

04-13-2017, 07:06 AM
Hey Tim and Pat Clarke,
you two were right, I did not read carefully enough. I probably focused to hart on the writing and not on the pictures. 'Z's Free Body diagram (on page 4) helped me to understand the nature of jacking.

I am sorry, I didn’t introduce myself (not much to tell actually...)
My name is Jakob, way too old to tell here ;). I worked 7 years for a German FS team at the TU Ilmenau. Sadly, I am no longer around...

I feel honored that you two replied to me even though I didn’t read the forum carefully and therefore asked a stupid question.
So, thank you very much again!
Cheers Jakob