View Full Version : SES questsion(s)

02-24-2017, 12:50 PM
Hello, i am Stefanos Stamoulis from TEIWM Racing. We plan to participate in FSAE Italy this July building our first ever complete vehicle.

I have difficulties filling the SES, as the rules do not clarify what and where to fill in some cases of the sheet.

1) In the sheet where we insert the images with the colored tubes, when we have only 2 different diameter tubes throught the chassis, we only register in 2 types in the sheet?
2) Since we have regular tubular spaceframe, the Material Data Sheet needs to be erased since it only refers to monocoque/composite materials?
4) What exactly are the alternative joints? Does it refer to mechanicaly attached tubes?
5) What info is needed for the Welded Steering Collar tube?
6) Can we erase in the SES template everything which does not include tube sections?

Any kind of help is highly appreciated

02-28-2017, 07:26 AM
Hey Stefanos,

1)Wich tab do you mean? Chassis Pics? Those tabs have names, ist easier to find them when you call them by name
2)No, this is the tab, where all calculations pull their material values from. Besides, if your design considers a aluminium AIP the material data of your chosen aluminium has to be noted here.
3)Refer to T3.6 FSAE Rules
4)I'm not absolutely sure, because we don't need this tab, but generally all yellow boxes are the ones you have to put your information in.
5)Because there are many links between the tabs, i would never erease something. Tip:never alter the form of the document. If you want to copy any Tabs, copy the tab as a whole and not just the content.

02-28-2017, 01:17 PM
i am talking about the Chassis Pics tab. We only have 2 types of tubes (only 2 different OD and wall thickness). so we only register them with two colors i guess...Also
about tabbing the diameter of all the tubes, is it really necessary to write them all down? because as i said above, they are only 2 kinds of tubes in our chassis.0

03-01-2017, 01:39 AM
If you have two different sizes of tubing, choose two different colors for your image of your frame and expain the colors in a key