View Full Version : Penske (Kaz) 7800 springs

01-29-2017, 10:04 PM
Seems that after the discontinuation of the Penske 7800 shocks, springs are getting harder to find.
I am looking for 2x2.25 200lb/in springs, and funny enough they have just one left in stock, with no further plans as far as I know.
I have spent a decent amount of time searching google, with no real results. Closest I could find were the Kaz supplied Quarter midget springs, but their ID is too big.
Do the Ohilns ones fit? theres no specs for them on there.
Is there a good alternative spring source? or perhaps if any of you are interested in getting rid of a pair, I'd be happy to buy.

01-30-2017, 08:00 AM
What length do you need?

Did you check with Hyperco, Swift, Draco, or Eibach? AFAIK, all of them will make you custom springs for quite reasonable cost. I just took a quick look and Hyperco stocks 200# springs with 2.25"ID x 6" free length (~$90/ea). They make springs down to 4" free length so I wouldn't be surprised if they would make shorter ones if you need them.

Composites Guy
01-30-2017, 03:48 PM
Got mine custom made from Pohl Spring Works

02-02-2017, 04:13 PM
If you change the spring seat on the shock or make an adapter, you can use other diameter springs on the shocks. quarter midget shocks typically use 1 7/8" ID springs but 2" and even 2 1/8" can work just fine for you. If you check out Eibach and others catalogs you can get springs that are from 100 to 1000+ lb/in for those sizes as well.

Ohlins springs don't fit unless you raise the spring up above where the shock diameter starts to get large. If you mount it up near where the shock body stops, they fit.

Happy hunting.

02-06-2017, 07:12 AM
Thanks for the replies, I will look through those