View Full Version : Ricardo wave fsae grant

01-21-2017, 07:37 AM
Hi everyone, I am Swapnil from team Spitfire of India, which is anew team.We are applying for ricardo wave as FSAE grant,but I am not able to understand the process of obtaining and using the licence keys such as 'whether the software needs to be operated online and whether all the licences can be operated in seperate laptops without connecting them through common interface. Also Hostid of which connection should I provide-my personal one or an official one.

01-21-2017, 09:33 AM
If you want more than one person to be able to use it then you need to install the license key on a server that the others can connect to so they can validate their license. Otherwise they will not be able to use it. They give you 5 licenses so up to 5 people can use it simultaneously. If you're planning to have only one person use it then just give them to info for that computer and install the license admin utility and the program on that computer and you're good to go.

You can do server 2 ways.... all machines can be on same physical network(i.e. like at school where all computers are on same network) or if you want to connect to server from a computer that's not on the same physical network you will have to set up a VPN(virtual private network). We have a guy that works in IT on our team so he set up a VPN on a computer at his house that we could login to so we wouldn't have to deal w/ school.

It's kind of pain. It would be a lot nicer/easier if we could just install licenses directly as we don't even have 5 ppl using it. It's the same situation w/ Ansys as well in case you are looking into that.

01-22-2017, 06:15 AM
Thanks dude..